Nipping Up the Zig Zag to the Shops

                                The Short Way Down

                                                                    From near the top of the Zig Zag you can look down a couple of levels and see how vertiginous it is.

It's been a long while since I did one of these walks.

I'm thinking of finishing up the project by walking one or two last bits of road, thus being able to declare with all honesty that I've done my best to walk every public road within my mile (and quite a few alleyways besides.) As a prelude, and just because I felt like it, I decided to drag out the camera and GPS on this little wander to the local shops.

Sat 19 August 2023, 11:05 to 11:58
Sector:  NW
Images: 12
Distance: 2.26km
Duration: 0h 53m 0s
Total Elevation Gain: 266m
500 m
1000 ft
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