Clifton Down Dash

                                One to Ten, and Eleven Windsor Terrace

                                                                    A bit of context.

A quick wander up to Clifton Village to wander down a path or two either around Observatory Road that I'd missed out previously. On the way around I took a moment to take in the incongruous 11 Windsor Terrace, smiled at a couple of mounted police, stopped to smell the crocuses, grabbed a coffee in Foliage and came home through the Polygon accompanied by the delightful Spring sound of a woodchipper running at full blast. Nice.

Tue 2 March 2021, 12:23 to 12:59
Sector:  N
Images: 8
Distance: 2.37km
Duration: 0h 36m 9s
Total Elevation Gain: 196m
500 m
1000 ft
Leaflet Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Mapbox