Leftovers with Lisa

                                Kindness Rocks Bristol 2

I didn't get to all the little leftover streets around the northeastern part of my area in today's wander, but I definitely knocked a few off the list, plus Lisa and I enjoyed the walk, and didn't get rained on too badly. We spotted the hotting-up of Wisteria season, checked out Birdcage Walk (both old and new), ventured onto the wrong side of the tracks1 and generally enjoyed the architecture.

1 Well, technically we probably shouldn't have been on the grounds of those retirement flats, but nobody started chasing us around the garden with a Zimmer frame

Sat 1 May 2021, 13:32 to 16:46
Sector:  NE
Images: 79
Distance: 8.54km
Duration: 3h 13m 26s
Total Elevation Gain: 736m
500 m
1000 ft
Leaflet Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Mapbox