Hotwells and Clifton/Clifton Village

                                Cobblestone Mews

                                                                    I find the cobblestones hard to resist, so I've probably taken a snap of this mews pretty much every time I've passed it.

A local walk with my friend Lisa in tow, including a coffee from the cafe in the Clifton Observatory, where I have fond memories of experiencing my first camera obscura, and cake from Twelve in Clifton Village, one of my favourite recent finds for both food and flat whites.

Sat 14 November 2020, 11:31 to 13:37
Sector:  N
Images: 40
Distance: 6.01km
Duration: 2h 6m 20s
Total Elevation Gain: 445m
500 m
1000 ft
Leaflet Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Mapbox