Picture Postcards, Bikers and Wild Food

                                Picture Postcard

                                                                    Straight from the camera, this is a very traditional picture-postcard view of Bristol, I feel. This came out at 1/175 at ISO 200 after I'd set the...

I almost didn't bother bringing out my GPS today, but as it turned out I may have knocked off a tiny bit of Baltic Wharf, having been diverted through there on my way back from Imagine That café by finding Cumberland Road closed. Not sure whether it was just some kind of delivery to the roadworks there or if they're surfacing the increasingly-dodgy looking bit of the one lane that's left open...

I also snapped a picturesque view of Cliftonwood, hung out with a biker gang, and found a little something to nibble on growing on the Hotwell Road.

Thu 25 February 2021, 12:36 to 13:34
Sector:  SE
Images: 10
Distance: 3.54km
Duration: 0h 57m 32s
Total Elevation Gain: 190m
500 m
1000 ft
Leaflet Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Mapbox