Dowry Square Åfter

The same view these days is a lot less romantic, especially with the temporary crate from some roadworks sitting at the corner of the square.

I don't blame anyone who lives this close to the Hotwell Road (and can't get double glazing fitted because it wouldn't be in keeping with the character) for wanting a lot of trees and bushes in between them and the roar of the traffic, but I think it's objectively a lot less appealing to the eye with so much shrubbery in the way. Probably good for the local wildlife, though.

It's less obstructive in winter, as you can see from this earlier photo taken from the back of the square looking back toward me.

Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Robert Southey both spent time in the garden of the square, apparently—I wonder what they'd make of it today?

From wander: Dowry Square, a Wander Through a Norman Arch, and a Martian House
Taken: Sun 24 July 2022 12:00
Rating: ★★

GPS Coordinates: 51.45053, -2.62074
Location: Hotwells

Dowry Square Åfter
The same view these days is a lot less romantic, especially with the temporary crate from some roadworks sitting at the corner of the square.

I do...