Flight Club

Okay, so given that the library won't be open until 1pm I need to kill some time. I decided to have a mooch around the "old city" area.

Here I noticed a newish specialist darts club, apparently. Can't for the life of me remember what was at 41 Corn Street before this appeared.

My boss plays darts, but given how accident-prone she is it would take some convincing for me to enter a room where she was both drinking and in charge of throwable pointy objects.

From wander: Dowry Square, a Wander Through a Norman Arch, and a Martian House
Taken: Sun 24 July 2022 12:37
Rating: ★★

GPS Coordinates: 51.45417, -2.59482
Location: Old City

Flight Club
Okay, so given that the library won't be open until 1pm I need to kill some time. I decided to have a mooch around the "old city" area.

Here I not...