I needed to buy new walking shoes—my old ones were squeaking and it was driving me up the wall—so I ordered some for collection from Taunton Leisure on East Street in Bedminster, and decided to make picking them up an official wander.
I didn't cover any new ground within my mile, but I did take advantage of the trip to take in a few interesting things just outside my normal radius, mostly New Gaol-related. Along the way there are a couple of sanitation-related diversions, including a visit to a rare manhole cover. You can hardly wait, I can tell!
These are the beers I picked up at the taproom.
I don't know what БПАВК (B.P.A.V.K.) means, despite some poking about on the internet. It did strike me that perhaps a beer with a Russian name might not be the most well-considered purchase given the ongoing Ukrainian invasion, but Three Hills are apparently a little independent brewery in Northamptonshire, so at least none of my money is likely to go to plutocrats or oligarchs... Just as well, as it was my favourite beer of the three.
As for the others, Goblin Cleaver simply sounded interesting, and a crossword fan could hardly be expected to resist an Inspector Morse reference...
(This photo was taken in my kitchen; I took a liberty with the capture time and geolocation data to put it in context!)