I started this wander with my "support bubble" Sarah and Vik, after Sarah texted me to say "SNOW!" We parted ways on the towpath and I headed up into the bit of Leigh Woods that's not actually the woods—the village-like part in between Leigh Woods and Ashton Court, where I'd noticed on a map a church I'd not seen before. I found St Mary the Virgin and quite a few other things I'd never experienced, despite having walked nearby them many, many times over many years, including a castellated Victorian water tower that's been turned into a house...
It's a lychgate and a war memorial. I read all the names, but the photos I took didn't really do them justice. Being there and reading them felt important, though, perhaps because in the book I'm reading, EH Young's Chatterton Square, the Second World War is about to start. The novel is set in a fictional Bristol and was written (I think) and published just post-war, in 1947, and she managed to give a very looming feeling to the upcoming conflict.
This memorial, though, is to the dead of the First World War. It's even possible that EH Young herself stood here and read it at some point. She describes at least one walk on this side of the bridge in Chatterton Square, and she lived in Bristol for quite some time.