Shiver Me Timbers

I only found out from a recent Times crossword that "shivers" are splinters.

GPS Coordinates: 51.44669, -2.61812
Location: Cumberland Basin

Shiver Me Timbers
I only found out from a recent Times crossword that "shivers" are splinters.

Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom Hotwells Underfall Yard Spike Island Docks Heritage Weekend

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Text Recognition Tags: SLIPWAY RESTORATION TIMBERS There has been a slipway at Underfall Yard since at least the 1850s and records show that the wooden cradle has been renewed every thirty to forty years. It was last restored by Underfall Yard Trust in the 1990s and after accommodating a variety of vessels weighing up to 150 tons, it is now in need of repair. This challenging project is being completed by Underfall Yard's boatbuilders. Parts of the cradle will be rebuilt using a hardwood called Greenheart The density, hardness and stiffness of Greenheart make it ideal for use in marine environments where strength and durability are paramount. Greenheart is also rot-resistant and can last for many years even when fully submerged which means the end of the cradle nearest to the harbour can remain underwater. GREENHEART n so bevSETHAT THONE OFTHE EW TSOr WOOD THAT DORINT OATHE sornst WOO0INTHEWORLD BALSA WHCH HASA DEND TY OF 1KG R CUBIC ETRL CABINHEART HASA DNSITY OF ID40 KG PE CUBICHETR THE SZFANDwtICHT OFTHETHIEEMA THISA CHA vON HOECY THE TOUHES OF TH WOOD ALO HAEESIT DCAT TO WOM WITH UNDERFALL YARD SLIPWAY RESTORATION TIMBERS There has been a slipway at Underfall Yard since at least the 1850s and records show that the wooden cradle has been renewed every thirty to forty years. It was last restored by Underfall Yard Trust in the 1990s and after accommodating a variety of vessels weighing up to 150 tons, it is now in need of repair. This challenging project is being completed by Underfall Yard's boatbuilders. Parts of the cradle will be rebuilt using a hardwood called Greenheart The density, hardness and stiffness of Greenheart make it ideal for use in marine environments where strength and durability are paramount. Greenheart is also rot-resistant and can last for many years even when fully submerged which means the end of the cradle nearest to the harbour can remain underwater. GREENHEART n so bevSETHAT THONE OFTHE EW TSOr WOOD THAT DORINT OATHE sornst WOO0INTHEWORLD BALSA WHCH HASA DEND TY OF 1KG R CUBIC ETRL CABINHEART HASA DNSITY OF ID40 KG PE CUBICHETR THE SZFANDwtICHT OFTHETHIEEMA THISA CHA vON HOECY THE TOUHES OF TH WOOD ALO HAEESIT DCAT TO WOM WITH UNDERFALL YARD