At the end of July I went to have a look around some of the private gardens opened up by the annual Green Squares and Secret Gardens event. Sadly it was compressed into a single day this year, for various Covid-related reasons, it seems, so I didn't get to poke around too many places. I went to:
And snapped a few things in between, too. It was a lovely day—a bit too hot, if anything—and it was interesting to get into a few places I'd only ever seen from the outside, especially The Paragon and Cornwallis gardens, which are the least visible to passing strangers of all of them.
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom Clifton Village Clifton Cornwallis Crescent Garden Clifton Open Garden Squares Green Squares and Secret Gardens open day Cornwallis Crescent garden
Auto-Tags: Font Grass Wood Terrestrial plant Groundcover Grass family Plant Paper Commemorative plaque Rectangle Landscape Paper product Document Publication History
Text Recognition Tags: Cornwallis Crescent (West) G5SG - 31.07.2021 Welome-ease teel tree to wander round the garden and woodland Comwal Crescnta home to wel er 150 u. ng in 85 h holds cangng fromente huse to mesty sin oor tats-a larcry fron the originaly olanned 31 households Itnot at the demugraphi prute whch has changed, there na cane forsuggesting that the Crescent sureetly enjoyru a perod efunerecedemad ke, cae and attention fm the pret generation of reutents, Read o. The ongnal plan pronatly by AIta Pay as tor a mplete shullew cresmtol 4hes Work begat a1791, buc akeady the gret spetidative bukdng boo of the perkidwas beginnirg e colapie resaurs become scar, lons had to ome by as finwnciers and buiders were edered boninatnd the debide wan completed wiiti the decteration of war wth France in Bding work vtopped with i tal houne in vanous states of complenn The area inust have arpeaet etroordinary to ute hom this ommentaryof R07 1do noe ecalect mone melhoy oectace westem enros of ms citwamot avofuts are so none than a wok oea d dou t gh tre sent and folng nouses n andesd Theraher meal, with loass on unfinished hauses stit beng gramed an l The Cressent then proably enjoved a hart heydaythough Alan yder's briet testory shows that many f the houses had fong untannted periods dne thied of the houses in the wntern taif atood empty at the time of the I51 census for instance, and the stuation is itle better ty L89L with fiet of the twenty three houses untenarted ind a further thres inhabited only by cartaken The problem of coure was tht many of the buidings were owned hy sentee lindhordi-some of whom tad itle interest in mntaiing them let alone imeroving propress was pite them Nan goes on to show tw y the early twmtleth contury undatian hod beyan to rake to Ang with much of ctor the Cescnt was to beame by the middle of the cntury an anw d cheap maaned odgings reachng eadr in 136 tem he oty cdund proposed to demalah itin prer to bda block of huh-e Datir Comwalh Crescont survtaed-and gadualya nee gonration of residents mode the finsl uarter of the twentieth century perkod of rapid change and runewis for the Crescent. The widespread derekction so evident in the earker part of the oury was gradualy reversed an, house by house Hat ly fat the procs of restoration and renovation changed the Crescent boch inside and mut The Garden Hdden tehind the Crestent's buidings and thigh boundary wal, the gurden is aw a surpriee to wstars. it's the best part of an acre, faces dje south and is shettered from the north-making tideal for terder plants and sun warshippers alte It consists of three laur, two of witsch used to be terns courts and the woods whih slope steeply soun to the bundary wal on Polypon Lane. Our longmt-standing resident. Myrtle Way ememten ter beng played in the tne 1950, though less famaly, one imagines, than in 1906 when the Comwalts Tenni Clit wa fanned Cornwallis Crescent (West) G5SG - 31.07.2021 Welome-ease teel tree to wander round the garden and woodland Comwal Crescnta home to wel er 150 u. ng in 85 h holds cangng fromente huse to mesty sin oor tats-a larcry fron the originaly olanned 31 households Itnot at the demugraphi prute whch has changed, there na cane forsuggesting that the Crescent sureetly enjoyru a perod efunerecedemad ke, cae and attention fm the pret generation of reutents, Read o. The ongnal plan pronatly by AIta Pay as tor a mplete shullew cresmtol 4hes Work begat a1791, buc akeady the gret spetidative bukdng boo of the perkidwas beginnirg e colapie resaurs become scar, lons had to ome by as finwnciers and buiders were edered boninatnd the debide wan completed wiiti the decteration of war wth France in Bding work vtopped with i tal houne in vanous states of complenn The area inust have arpeaet etroordinary to ute hom this ommentaryof R07 1do noe ecalect mone melhoy oectace westem enros of ms citwamot avofuts are so none than a wok oea d dou t gh tre sent and folng nouses n andesd Theraher meal, with loass on unfinished hauses stit beng gramed an l The Cressent then proably enjoved a hart heydaythough Alan yder's briet testory shows that many f the houses had fong untannted periods dne thied of the houses in the wntern taif atood empty at the time of the I51 census for instance, and the stuation is itle better ty L89L with fiet of the twenty three houses untenarted ind a further thres inhabited only by cartaken The problem of coure was tht many of the buidings were owned hy sentee lindhordi-some of whom tad itle interest in mntaiing them let alone imeroving propress was pite them Nan goes on to show tw y the early twmtleth contury undatian hod beyan to rake to Ang with much of ctor the Cescnt was to beame by the middle of the cntury an anw d cheap maaned odgings reachng eadr in 136 tem he oty cdund proposed to demalah itin prer to bda block of huh-e Datir Comwalh Crescont survtaed-and gadualya nee gonration of residents mode the finsl uarter of the twentieth century perkod of rapid change and runewis for the Crescent. The widespread derekction so evident in the earker part of the oury was gradualy reversed an, house by house Hat ly fat the procs of restoration and renovation changed the Crescent boch inside and mut The Garden Hdden tehind the Crestent's buidings and thigh boundary wal, the gurden is aw a surpriee to wstars. it's the best part of an acre, faces dje south and is shettered from the north-making tideal for terder plants and sun warshippers alte It consists of three laur, two of witsch used to be terns courts and the woods whih slope steeply soun to the bundary wal on Polypon Lane. Our longmt-standing resident. Myrtle Way ememten ter beng played in the tne 1950, though less famaly, one imagines, than in 1906 when the Comwalts Tenni Clit wa fanned
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom Clifton Village Clifton Garden Clifton Open Garden Squares Green Squares and Secret Gardens open day The Polygon garden the polygon
Auto-Tags: Leaf Natural environment Plant Botany Vegetation Font Grass Terrestrial plant Wood Groundcover Landscape Signage Nature reserve Natural material Natural landscape
Text Recognition Tags: The Polygon communal garden- an update Welcome! Regular visitors and passers-by wili notice three big changes in the Polvgon communai garden this year. 1. The cherry tree at the west side has been felied (to give neighbours more light) and replaced with a slow growing Frosted Thorn. This should bear berries and provide good autumn colour. We have been busy planting perennials around the tree, although soil depth is stil limited by roots. To that end, we are mulching with compost and putting in smaller plants that we hope wil establish and grow well. 2. We are trying out a 'no mow policy in parts of the garden so we can see what plants arrive. You wil see that we have cut paths round the beds, and up to the sitting and compost areas for ease of access. So far, the most notable arrivals have been yamow, ragwort (which supports the cinnabar moth caterpiliar), red campion, yelow rattie, cranesbill and corn cockle. 3. We also took the plunge and established a pond where the oid firepit was situated up by the sitting area The pond has a population of frogs and water snails and we have spotted one dragon By so far but are hoping for more We have put in a solar powered aerator to keep the water ovygenated. Wildflower seeds around the pend took well and we have had a great crop of poppies. We weicome wildife: tawny owis, poistrelle bats, many butterflies, honey and bumble bees and a wide variety of birds goldfinch, dunnock, great spatted woodpecker. Plus foxes and the occasional badger. We hope you enjoy our garden. Apologies for the leck of refreshments, but many people are away so we are not up to speed. Next year, we hope to be back in full swing with refreshments, including Polvgon elderfiower cordial and home baked cakes. The Polygon communal garden- an update Welcome! Regular visitors and passers-by wili notice three big changes in the Polvgon communai garden this year. 1. The cherry tree at the west side has been felied (to give neighbours more light) and replaced with a slow growing Frosted Thorn. This should bear berries and provide good autumn colour. We have been busy planting perennials around the tree, although soil depth is stil limited by roots. To that end, we are mulching with compost and putting in smaller plants that we hope wil establish and grow well. 2. We are trying out a 'no mow policy in parts of the garden so we can see what plants arrive. You wil see that we have cut paths round the beds, and up to the sitting and compost areas for ease of access. So far, the most notable arrivals have been yamow, ragwort (which supports the cinnabar moth caterpiliar), red campion, yelow rattie, cranesbill and corn cockle. 3. We also took the plunge and established a pond where the oid firepit was situated up by the sitting area The pond has a population of frogs and water snails and we have spotted one dragon By so far but are hoping for more We have put in a solar powered aerator to keep the water ovygenated. Wildflower seeds around the pend took well and we have had a great crop of poppies. We weicome wildife: tawny owis, poistrelle bats, many butterflies, honey and bumble bees and a wide variety of birds goldfinch, dunnock, great spatted woodpecker. Plus foxes and the occasional badger. We hope you enjoy our garden. Apologies for the leck of refreshments, but many people are away so we are not up to speed. Next year, we hope to be back in full swing with refreshments, including Polvgon elderfiower cordial and home baked cakes.
I'm afraid that this is a bit of a badly-curated wander, where I mostly just popped out to find out a little of the history of Underfall Yard and poke around the various open workshops, and, in hindsight, really didn't take pictures in any kind of coherent order. So there's a lot of pictures, but they don't really tell the story that, in hindsight, I seem to have been trying to tell, of the unusual electrical substation in Avon Crescent, the Bristol Electricity that predates the National Grid but is still in use, the history of the hydraulic power house... It's a bit of a mess.
But I suppose sometimes these wanders—always chronologically presented in the order I walked and took photos—simply will sometimes be a bit of a mess. Let's hope you still get something out of it, anyway...
I only found out from a recent Times crossword that "shivers" are splinters.
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom Hotwells Underfall Yard Spike Island Docks Heritage Weekend
Auto-Tags: Motor vehicle Font Poster Signage Vehicle Advertising Landscape Soil Banner Recipe Sign Luxury vehicle Transport Aircraft Rock
Text Recognition Tags: SLIPWAY RESTORATION TIMBERS There has been a slipway at Underfall Yard since at least the 1850s and records show that the wooden cradle has been renewed every thirty to forty years. It was last restored by Underfall Yard Trust in the 1990s and after accommodating a variety of vessels weighing up to 150 tons, it is now in need of repair. This challenging project is being completed by Underfall Yard's boatbuilders. Parts of the cradle will be rebuilt using a hardwood called Greenheart The density, hardness and stiffness of Greenheart make it ideal for use in marine environments where strength and durability are paramount. Greenheart is also rot-resistant and can last for many years even when fully submerged which means the end of the cradle nearest to the harbour can remain underwater. GREENHEART n so bevSETHAT THONE OFTHE EW TSOr WOOD THAT DORINT OATHE sornst WOO0INTHEWORLD BALSA WHCH HASA DEND TY OF 1KG R CUBIC ETRL CABINHEART HASA DNSITY OF ID40 KG PE CUBICHETR THE SZFANDwtICHT OFTHETHIEEMA THISA CHA vON HOECY THE TOUHES OF TH WOOD ALO HAEESIT DCAT TO WOM WITH UNDERFALL YARD SLIPWAY RESTORATION TIMBERS There has been a slipway at Underfall Yard since at least the 1850s and records show that the wooden cradle has been renewed every thirty to forty years. It was last restored by Underfall Yard Trust in the 1990s and after accommodating a variety of vessels weighing up to 150 tons, it is now in need of repair. This challenging project is being completed by Underfall Yard's boatbuilders. Parts of the cradle will be rebuilt using a hardwood called Greenheart The density, hardness and stiffness of Greenheart make it ideal for use in marine environments where strength and durability are paramount. Greenheart is also rot-resistant and can last for many years even when fully submerged which means the end of the cradle nearest to the harbour can remain underwater. GREENHEART n so bevSETHAT THONE OFTHE EW TSOr WOOD THAT DORINT OATHE sornst WOO0INTHEWORLD BALSA WHCH HASA DEND TY OF 1KG R CUBIC ETRL CABINHEART HASA DNSITY OF ID40 KG PE CUBICHETR THE SZFANDwtICHT OFTHETHIEEMA THISA CHA vON HOECY THE TOUHES OF TH WOOD ALO HAEESIT DCAT TO WOM WITH UNDERFALL YARD
It's been a long while since I did one of these walks.
I'm thinking of finishing up the project by walking one or two last bits of road, thus being able to declare with all honesty that I've done my best to walk every public road within my mile (and quite a few alleyways besides.) As a prelude, and just because I felt like it, I decided to drag out the camera and GPS on this little wander to the local shops.
Also looking nice and fresh since my last wander is the pair of community noticeboards, with a plethora of local news.
I found out recently that I was a winnner of one of the Hotwells & Cliftonwood Community Association 500 club prizes, which, alongside my membership, is a fun way to give money to the local organisation that puts up these noticeboards and does so much else for the community.
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom Clifton Village Hotwells Clifton
Auto-Tags: Poster Font Advertising Picture frame Signage Display board Event Wood Facade Publication Transport Landscape Banner Art
Text Recognition Tags: Howells and Cliftonwood Community Association (ACCA) community cond Useful local information Cond Local Pang Vefa Avon and R Ay GTA abyQMalaw De Oy He PO De 30 G F PAD Lesson for t FRA Obag w BATANGA to your whatapang Var JOE MICKS GUITAR TEACHER BUTHORE.COM y Gramgenee07504 ty PO Box 200 Online Coaching and 61100 TW utrition Quidance Fra ersonal Training sessions LONDRE om prope tech y and get aang d 222000 Get Fit, Be Healthier, Be The Best Version Of You! be and reach SOF ing out to Our sto Quran We have ww Facebook Tutir @COtt G35 Top for my on or stop you A O 07564375433 @w tabourside and Satu Action Fraud ALERT AF Google .***. of St DAS y Th y AudionFraud SA 13304 W 15. Ch Lifeskitts LEARNING FOR LIVING Guing which includes working wilt amal and active safatyti Wysan bes the fe WELCOME SPACE at CLIFTON LIBRARY activitating January 2635 (10 ng WELCOME SPACE We are currently looking for people to help us deliver safety education to children via our enginteractive village based in central Bristol www50 Hotwells & Cliftonwood Community Association 500 CLUB RESULTS 2023 1 mn m Hot drinks Relax GAMES CRAFTING Films CHAT Wellbeing Newspapers Study KAPHY TABLE TENNIS Hasting which includes opening and sing talk with the c sporting teachers re The 100 Challe Join us for a tester heut Wednesday 12th April is the next scheduled taster hour please contact the email below for more information and to book your place OLLYW4 Hvat e ang pag Apt Now swight Robert C con Nowhe CIP ad NC Nowe Man No for 2 yr y dece ww OXO AUTY New THANK YOU TO ALL OF THE YOUR 300C SUCTIONS A HANG POSLE POES THAT HELPO THE LOCALE EVERY MONTH WE HAVE UNCLAIMED PRIZE HONEY THAT COULD YOUR CLUB FOR THE CHANCE TO BE YOU NAM NAD OF NO WINNER OWN AND SUPPORT THE WORK OF YOUR LOCAL COMMUNITY SCAN ME bile PR COURE Ap C Te qu 700 Emetas T Com You to t You fost d Shpaloaph we would love to make oef regularly vegade ba ne Beinart Art & Art haling p A you missing making an DEMENTIA SAFEGUARDING SCHEMEL www.beinartotive.c 4 Ben sad fin BEWARE PROSITY Criminals are adapting! there are many where you ca weket M -Tudo que fa thoshwade - pada poleg oniks and li MA ART whick - server creaty PCRIME and the deving the vers If you're not sure, research more! www Having a baby? - PRACTICAL and EMOTIONAL support is available for you in the cala in pomancy, birth and pomnically Sear Roma Helen Whit ANME PROCITY O Howells and Cliftonwood Community Association ( ACCA ) community cond Useful local information Cond Local Pang Vefa Avon and R Ay GTA abyQMalaw De Oy He PO De 30 G F PAD Lesson for t FRA Obag w BATANGA to your whatapang Var JOE MICKS GUITAR TEACHER BUTHORE.COM y Gramgenee07504 ty PO Box 200 Online Coaching and 61100 TW utrition Quidance Fra ersonal Training sessions LONDRE om prope tech y and get aang d 222000 Get Fit , Be Healthier , Be The Best Version Of You ! be and reach SOF ing out to Our sto Quran We have ww Facebook Tutir @COtt G35 Top for my on or stop you A O 07564375433 @w tabourside and Satu Action Fraud ALERT AF Google . *** . of St DAS y Th y AudionFraud SA 13304 W 15. Ch Lifeskitts LEARNING FOR LIVING Guing which includes working wilt amal and active safatyti Wysan bes the fe WELCOME SPACE at CLIFTON LIBRARY activitating January 2635 ( 10 ng WELCOME SPACE We are currently looking for people to help us deliver safety education to children via our enginteractive village based in central Bristol www50 Hotwells & Cliftonwood Community Association 500 CLUB RESULTS 2023 1 mn m Hot drinks Relax GAMES CRAFTING Films CHAT Wellbeing Newspapers Study KAPHY TABLE TENNIS Hasting which includes opening and sing talk with the c sporting teachers re The 100 Challe Join us for a tester heut Wednesday 12th April is the next scheduled taster hour please contact the email below for more information and to book your place OLLYW4 Hvat e ang pag Apt Now swight Robert C con Nowhe CIP ad NC Nowe Man No for 2 yr y dece ww OXO AUTY New THANK YOU TO ALL OF THE YOUR 300C SUCTIONS A HANG POSLE POES THAT HELPO THE LOCALE EVERY MONTH WE HAVE UNCLAIMED PRIZE HONEY THAT COULD YOUR CLUB FOR THE CHANCE TO BE YOU NAM NAD OF NO WINNER OWN AND SUPPORT THE WORK OF YOUR LOCAL COMMUNITY SCAN ME bile PR COURE Ap C Te qu 700 Emetas T Com You to t You fost d Shpaloaph we would love to make oef regularly vegade ba ne Beinart Art & Art haling p A you missing making an DEMENTIA SAFEGUARDING SCHEMEL www.beinartotive.c 4 Ben sad fin BEWARE PROSITY Criminals are adapting ! there are many where you ca weket M -Tudo que fa thoshwade - pada poleg oniks and li MA ART whick - server creaty PCRIME and the deving the vers If you're not sure , research more ! www Having a baby ? - PRACTICAL and EMOTIONAL support is available for you in the cala in pomancy , birth and pomnically Sear Roma Helen Whit ANME PROCITY O