This may be the very first time I've gone for a One Mile Matt wander and not actually gone down any new roads, trod any new steps. I just wanted a coffee, frankly, so I went the same old way to Imagine That in the marina and back again.
This is the current plan to replace the caravan park
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom baltic wharf
Auto-Tags: Property Light World Architecture Font Line Sky Material property Natural landscape Publication Real estate Adaptation Landmark Landscape Travel
Text Recognition Tags: BALTIC WHARFI NEW HOMES FOR BALTIC WHARF Hew the propesed deveinpmemt cend oek frem the Flating Harter WHAT IS PROPOSEO FOR BALTIC WHARF? WHY DO WE NEED MORE NEW HOMES? Goram Homes, Bristol City Council's housing company, has partnered with Hil to propose transformational plans for Baltic Whart This would provide approsimately 165 new homes, including 406 affordable. It is widety acknowledged that the curent housing crisis has led to the under provision of housing and particularly atfordable housing within Bristol. Although much is being done in the City to address the crisis, there are key issues with affordability, rough sleeping, and lack of social housing Bristol currently has over 13,000 famlies on the affordable housing register and a further 710 people in temporary accommodation. The aim is to create a vibrant destination on the Floating Harbour with homes, retail, restaurants and commercial spece, one that is well connected to local walking and cycling routes, seamiessly integrates with the historic setting and capitalises on the waterfrort setting with expansive views across the lamous Bristol townscape. Comparing house prices in Bristol to those in other Core Cities in the decade between 2008 and 2018 indicated that Bristol had the highest average housing costs of all the Core Cities in this period, and also the highest percentage Increase - over S6, compared to a UK average increase in costs of just over 32 The site is the Boltik Wharf Carian Club, The site is owned by Bristol City Counci and as part of the overarching ambition to deliver high quality homes, this site has been identified as a site capable of providing bomes for Bristal. GORAM HOMES 出Hill Goram Homes was founded in 2018 as part ol an initiative from Bristol City Counci, wich the ambition to increase the provision of nea hemes in the city and to meet affordable housing requirements without compromising on build quality Goram Homes is a subsidary of Bristol Holding Ltd, HIl is an award-winning 5 star housebuilder, creating a range of beautiful and awardwinning new homes across the south of England. They are a leading partnership developer, delivering distinctive and award-winning new homes, having been named Housebuilder of the Year, medium and large, in 2018. which is wholly owned by Bristol City Council Goram is set up to deliver mised tenure housing on a joint ventune basis and our share of profit wil feed back into the funding of council servicel BALTIC WHARFI NEW HOMES FOR BALTIC WHARF Hew the propesed deveinpmemt cend oek frem the Flating Harter WHAT IS PROPOSEO FOR BALTIC WHARF? WHY DO WE NEED MORE NEW HOMES? Goram Homes, Bristol City Council's housing company, has partnered with Hil to propose transformational plans for Baltic Whart This would provide approsimately 165 new homes, including 406 affordable. It is widety acknowledged that the curent housing crisis has led to the under provision of housing and particularly atfordable housing within Bristol. Although much is being done in the City to address the crisis, there are key issues with affordability, rough sleeping, and lack of social housing Bristol currently has over 13,000 famlies on the affordable housing register and a further 710 people in temporary accommodation. The aim is to create a vibrant destination on the Floating Harbour with homes, retail, restaurants and commercial spece, one that is well connected to local walking and cycling routes, seamiessly integrates with the historic setting and capitalises on the waterfrort setting with expansive views across the lamous Bristol townscape. Comparing house prices in Bristol to those in other Core Cities in the decade between 2008 and 2018 indicated that Bristol had the highest average housing costs of all the Core Cities in this period, and also the highest percentage Increase - over S6, compared to a UK average increase in costs of just over 32 The site is the Boltik Wharf Carian Club, The site is owned by Bristol City Counci and as part of the overarching ambition to deliver high quality homes, this site has been identified as a site capable of providing bomes for Bristal. GORAM HOMES 出 Hill Goram Homes was founded in 2018 as part ol an initiative from Bristol City Counci, wich the ambition to increase the provision of nea hemes in the city and to meet affordable housing requirements without compromising on build quality Goram Homes is a subsidary of Bristol Holding Ltd, HIl is an award-winning 5 star housebuilder, creating a range of beautiful and awardwinning new homes across the south of England. They are a leading partnership developer, delivering distinctive and award-winning new homes, having been named Housebuilder of the Year, medium and large, in 2018. which is wholly owned by Bristol City Council Goram is set up to deliver mised tenure housing on a joint ventune basis and our share of profit wil feed back into the funding of council servicel
This is the current plan to replace the caravan park
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom baltic wharf
Auto-Tags: Property Architecture Font Line Urban design Real estate Landmark Screenshot Publication Facade Cloud Landscape Advertising City History
Text Recognition Tags: BALTIC WHARF WHAT ELSE IS PROPOSED OTHER THAN HOMES? Our aim is to create new public spaces, with a mix of uses, that encourage a sense of community and social inclusiveness, that are accessible to all, and which prioritise walking and cycling. social interaction and physical activity for a high quality of ife. The design of these public spaces wil draw heavily on the site's historical contet and harbournide setting, producing a unique space that acknowledges the area's history as a busy and dynamic working dockyard. This will be achieved with materials and public art that reference the site's heritage. The proposals will make the most of the waterfront location with seating steps and social spaces with striking views across the water for residents and locats. in contrast, private and semi-private amenity spaces on terraces and roof gardens will be calm and relasing with comfortable furniture and colourful and biodiverse planting. Ground floor commercial space is proposed on the harbour frontage, which could include a mix of places to eat and drink, in turn enhancing activity in this comer of the harbour and creating a new destination. The commercial space will complement rather than detract from The Cottage Inn and Underlall Yard, and could incorporate some local social enterprises, which will enhance footfal and promote social activity to further eniven the harbour setting Above: How theo cite cou lockhom Cumberlard Hoad HOW CAN I FIND OUT MORE? Goram Homes is keen to understand the views of local people and would like to encourage people to have their say. Given COMD restrictions, we have launched a dedicated website for the project, which provides more detail about what is proposed, whilst addressing some ef your questions and potential concems. The website also provides an opportunity to have your say on our plans before they are finalised and submitted in a planning application to Bristol City Councit Abover The proposals withintheir contot Belaw: The emergng site layout We have also organised an ontine presentabion for the wider community at Tpm on Thursday Bth October 2020 1o find out more, ask questions and give us their thoughts, Ifyou would like to attend, please visit this link to sign-up: If you are unable to visit either website, please give our Co Isultation team a call on 07342 039 444 (during office hours), who can book you in and make olternative amangements to get involved in the session, or provide all information in an alternative fomat appropriate for you BALTIC WHARF WHAT ELSE IS PROPOSED OTHER THAN HOMES? Our aim is to create new public spaces, with a mix of uses, that encourage a sense of community and social inclusiveness, that are accessible to all, and which prioritise walking and cycling. social interaction and physical activity for a high quality of ife. The design of these public spaces wil draw heavily on the site's historical contet and harbournide setting, producing a unique space that acknowledges the area's history as a busy and dynamic working dockyard. This will be achieved with materials and public art that reference the site's heritage. The proposals will make the most of the waterfront location with seating steps and social spaces with striking views across the water for residents and locats. in contrast, private and semi-private amenity spaces on terraces and roof gardens will be calm and relasing with comfortable furniture and colourful and biodiverse planting. Ground floor commercial space is proposed on the harbour frontage, which could include a mix of places to eat and drink, in turn enhancing activity in this comer of the harbour and creating a new destination. The commercial space will complement rather than detract from The Cottage Inn and Underlall Yard, and could incorporate some local social enterprises, which will enhance footfal and promote social activity to further eniven the harbour setting Above: How theo cite cou lockhom Cumberlard Hoad HOW CAN I FIND OUT MORE? Goram Homes is keen to understand the views of local people and would like to encourage people to have their say. Given COMD restrictions, we have launched a dedicated website for the project, which provides more detail about what is proposed, whilst addressing some ef your questions and potential concems. The website also provides an opportunity to have your say on our plans before they are finalised and submitted in a planning application to Bristol City Councit Abover The proposals withintheir contot Belaw: The emergng site layout We have also organised an ontine presentabion for the wider community at Tpm on Thursday Bth October 2020 1o find out more, ask questions and give us their thoughts, Ifyou would like to attend, please visit this link to sign-up: If you are unable to visit either website, please give our Co Isultation team a call on 07342 039 444 (during office hours), who can book you in and make olternative amangements to get involved in the session, or provide all information in an alternative fomat appropriate for you
I've just got to the bit in Fanny Burney's Evelina where our eponymous heroine visit a grand house on Clifton Hill during her stay in Hotwells. It was interesting to wonder if it could be any of the places I passed in my lunchtime jaunt, which took in both Clifton Hill and Lower Clifton Hill.
From Evelina (1778):
"Yes, Ma'am; his Lordship is coming with her. I have had certain information. They are to be at the Honourable Mrs. Beaumont's. She is a relation of my Lord's, and has a very fine house upon Clifton Hill."
Though from what I can tell, there's a more sizeable hospital around the back. Not ever gone down the driveway to the side of this building to see. It's on my "to do" list.
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom Clifton Village Clifton Hill
Auto-Tags: Plant Wheel Car Building Window Vehicle Sky Tire Infrastructure Neighbourhood Residential area Tree Facade City Road
Text Recognition Tags: CONTANTS PERMIT HOLoes ONLY further eto moth CONTANTS PERMIT HOLoes ONLY further eto moth
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom Clifton Village Clifton Hill
Auto-Tags: Building Daytime Window Property Plant Fixture Neighbourhood Residential area Font Line Wall Public space Real estate House Road surface
Text Recognition Tags: age in car park for further details Nuffield Health Vilia enpance Deliveries HSSU age in car park for further details Nuffield Health Vilia enpance Deliveries HSSU
I actually dashed up to Clifton to take a look at Arlington Villas, just around the back of St Paul's Road, one of those slightly odd little enclaves of overlooked housing that you know is there, but you never have a reason to visit or travel down. As it turned out, interesting though the (public) garden is, I actually took far more pictures of the now-completely-demolished site bounded by King's Road, Boyce's Avenue and Clifton Down Road where WH Smith and other places used to stand.
It's interesting to imagine how nice this little area would be if turned into a permanent public square, but of course the developers already have their planning permission to build it right back up again.
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom Clifton St Paul's Church
Auto-Tags: Property Font Window Tree Landmark Electric blue Signage Rectangle Building City Sign Engineering Public utility Street sign Advertising
Text Recognition Tags: D of Brol PAUL'S CHURCH Clifton Sunday 10.30am Eucharist sevice with music, at which bread and wine is blessed and shared See notices for further information Priest in Charge: The Revd David Stephenson Tel: 0117 973 3395 (office) Emait: D of Brol PAUL'S CHURCH Clifton Sunday 10.30am Eucharist sevice with music, at which bread and wine is blessed and shared See notices for further information Priest in Charge: The Revd David Stephenson Tel: 0117 973 3395 (office) Emait:
At the end of July I went to have a look around some of the private gardens opened up by the annual Green Squares and Secret Gardens event. Sadly it was compressed into a single day this year, for various Covid-related reasons, it seems, so I didn't get to poke around too many places. I went to:
And snapped a few things in between, too. It was a lovely day—a bit too hot, if anything—and it was interesting to get into a few places I'd only ever seen from the outside, especially The Paragon and Cornwallis gardens, which are the least visible to passing strangers of all of them.
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom Clifton Village Clifton Cornwallis Crescent Garden Clifton Open Garden Squares Green Squares and Secret Gardens open day Cornwallis Crescent garden
Auto-Tags: Font Grass Wood Terrestrial plant Groundcover Grass family Plant Paper Commemorative plaque Rectangle Landscape Paper product Document Publication History
Text Recognition Tags: Cornwallis Crescent (West) G5SG - 31.07.2021 Welome-ease teel tree to wander round the garden and woodland Comwal Crescnta home to wel er 150 u. ng in 85 h holds cangng fromente huse to mesty sin oor tats-a larcry fron the originaly olanned 31 households Itnot at the demugraphi prute whch has changed, there na cane forsuggesting that the Crescent sureetly enjoyru a perod efunerecedemad ke, cae and attention fm the pret generation of reutents, Read o. The ongnal plan pronatly by AIta Pay as tor a mplete shullew cresmtol 4hes Work begat a1791, buc akeady the gret spetidative bukdng boo of the perkidwas beginnirg e colapie resaurs become scar, lons had to ome by as finwnciers and buiders were edered boninatnd the debide wan completed wiiti the decteration of war wth France in Bding work vtopped with i tal houne in vanous states of complenn The area inust have arpeaet etroordinary to ute hom this ommentaryof R07 1do noe ecalect mone melhoy oectace westem enros of ms citwamot avofuts are so none than a wok oea d dou t gh tre sent and folng nouses n andesd Theraher meal, with loass on unfinished hauses stit beng gramed an l The Cressent then proably enjoved a hart heydaythough Alan yder's briet testory shows that many f the houses had fong untannted periods dne thied of the houses in the wntern taif atood empty at the time of the I51 census for instance, and the stuation is itle better ty L89L with fiet of the twenty three houses untenarted ind a further thres inhabited only by cartaken The problem of coure was tht many of the buidings were owned hy sentee lindhordi-some of whom tad itle interest in mntaiing them let alone imeroving propress was pite them Nan goes on to show tw y the early twmtleth contury undatian hod beyan to rake to Ang with much of ctor the Cescnt was to beame by the middle of the cntury an anw d cheap maaned odgings reachng eadr in 136 tem he oty cdund proposed to demalah itin prer to bda block of huh-e Datir Comwalh Crescont survtaed-and gadualya nee gonration of residents mode the finsl uarter of the twentieth century perkod of rapid change and runewis for the Crescent. The widespread derekction so evident in the earker part of the oury was gradualy reversed an, house by house Hat ly fat the procs of restoration and renovation changed the Crescent boch inside and mut The Garden Hdden tehind the Crestent's buidings and thigh boundary wal, the gurden is aw a surpriee to wstars. it's the best part of an acre, faces dje south and is shettered from the north-making tideal for terder plants and sun warshippers alte It consists of three laur, two of witsch used to be terns courts and the woods whih slope steeply soun to the bundary wal on Polypon Lane. Our longmt-standing resident. Myrtle Way ememten ter beng played in the tne 1950, though less famaly, one imagines, than in 1906 when the Comwalts Tenni Clit wa fanned Cornwallis Crescent (West) G5SG - 31.07.2021 Welome-ease teel tree to wander round the garden and woodland Comwal Crescnta home to wel er 150 u. ng in 85 h holds cangng fromente huse to mesty sin oor tats-a larcry fron the originaly olanned 31 households Itnot at the demugraphi prute whch has changed, there na cane forsuggesting that the Crescent sureetly enjoyru a perod efunerecedemad ke, cae and attention fm the pret generation of reutents, Read o. The ongnal plan pronatly by AIta Pay as tor a mplete shullew cresmtol 4hes Work begat a1791, buc akeady the gret spetidative bukdng boo of the perkidwas beginnirg e colapie resaurs become scar, lons had to ome by as finwnciers and buiders were edered boninatnd the debide wan completed wiiti the decteration of war wth France in Bding work vtopped with i tal houne in vanous states of complenn The area inust have arpeaet etroordinary to ute hom this ommentaryof R07 1do noe ecalect mone melhoy oectace westem enros of ms citwamot avofuts are so none than a wok oea d dou t gh tre sent and folng nouses n andesd Theraher meal, with loass on unfinished hauses stit beng gramed an l The Cressent then proably enjoved a hart heydaythough Alan yder's briet testory shows that many f the houses had fong untannted periods dne thied of the houses in the wntern taif atood empty at the time of the I51 census for instance, and the stuation is itle better ty L89L with fiet of the twenty three houses untenarted ind a further thres inhabited only by cartaken The problem of coure was tht many of the buidings were owned hy sentee lindhordi-some of whom tad itle interest in mntaiing them let alone imeroving propress was pite them Nan goes on to show tw y the early twmtleth contury undatian hod beyan to rake to Ang with much of ctor the Cescnt was to beame by the middle of the cntury an anw d cheap maaned odgings reachng eadr in 136 tem he oty cdund proposed to demalah itin prer to bda block of huh-e Datir Comwalh Crescont survtaed-and gadualya nee gonration of residents mode the finsl uarter of the twentieth century perkod of rapid change and runewis for the Crescent. The widespread derekction so evident in the earker part of the oury was gradualy reversed an, house by house Hat ly fat the procs of restoration and renovation changed the Crescent boch inside and mut The Garden Hdden tehind the Crestent's buidings and thigh boundary wal, the gurden is aw a surpriee to wstars. it's the best part of an acre, faces dje south and is shettered from the north-making tideal for terder plants and sun warshippers alte It consists of three laur, two of witsch used to be terns courts and the woods whih slope steeply soun to the bundary wal on Polypon Lane. Our longmt-standing resident. Myrtle Way ememten ter beng played in the tne 1950, though less famaly, one imagines, than in 1906 when the Comwalts Tenni Clit wa fanned
I mostly went out to hang out with my friends Sarah and Vik in Bedminster, but along the way I thought I'd take a closer look at something a little nearer home: the last crossing point of the Rownham Ferry.
And here's the picture that inspired this little local visit today. A week or so back I was browsing the boxes of books at Rachel's and Michael's Antiques on Princess VIctoria Street, and flipping through their collection of Reece Winstone books. Winstone's famous Bristol As It Was series are an amazing documentary source created by a man who loved both photography and Bristol and effectively became Bristol's foremost documentary photographer for decades. A lot more of Bristol's history is visible today because of him.
In the Bristol As It Was 1939 - 1914 book I saw this picture of the Rownham Ferry. Unfortunately the book was a first edition and priced at £20, so I ordered a cheaper edition from an independent dealer in Stockport when I got home! (Let's consider that as me leaving the rare first edition for the true connoisseurs, rather than just being cheap.)
Here we see the ferry just five days before its closure on the last day of 1932. Looking closely, it seems to be perhaps operating as a reaction ferry, with the boat tethered to a static line across the river, and the ferryman using the rudder to turn the boat and use the power of the flowing water to shuttle the boat from side to side. Clever!
Photo © Reece Winstone Archive. (I recommend buying the books if you like old photos of Bristol. They're amazing!)
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom river avon avon new cut Spike Island history Rownham Ferry
Auto-Tags: Boat Water Watercraft Vehicle Naval architecture Boats and boating--Equipment and supplies Ship Motor vehicle History Monochrome Water transportation Stock photography Lake Monochrome photography Sky
Text Recognition Tags: (63) 26 December 1932 : Rownham Ferry, Hotwells, discontinued 5 days later. There was a river crossing here since Norman days and carried the Abbot of St. Augustine's on his way to Abbot's Leigh. Before the 1870's when Cumberland Basin was re-designed, the crossing was further down- stream. Dangerous at high tide, it was merely a bridge of boats at low tide. (63) 26 December 1932 : Rownham Ferry, Hotwells, discontinued 5 days later. There was a river crossing here since Norman days and carried the Abbot of St. Augustine's on his way to Abbot's Leigh. Before the 1870's when Cumberland Basin was re-designed, the crossing was further down- stream. Dangerous at high tide, it was merely a bridge of boats at low tide.
I didn't really set out with a theme of flowers and gardens in mind for this walk. I just fancied heading up to Clifton Village to get lunch. As it turned out, though, Spring was springing, so a minor theme emerged as I started off with the graveyard flowers of Hope Chapel and wandered up to see the beginnings of the new wildflower garden at Clifton Hill Meadow.
There's been some commotion on Nextdoor about the recent appearance of this sign. Lots of people who have been letting their dogs off their leads in the churchyard for decades have been rather up in arms. I'm not sure there's actually much danger of the rozzers issuing ASBOs or fines to the locals for that kind of infraction, though.
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom Clifton Village Clifton St Andrew's churchyard birdcage walk Lime Walk
Auto-Tags: Green White Nature Natural environment Grass Font Biome Line Plant Public space Woody plant Tree Signage Motor vehicle Street sign
Text Recognition Tags: ㅅ Keep dogs on leads and clean up after your dog Notice of a public spaces protection order (PSPO)- All dogs must be held on leads and it is an offence not to clean up after your dog Anti-Social Behaviour Crime And Policing Act 2014, Section 59Notice is hereby given that Bristol City Council (the Council) in exercise of its powers under Section 59, 63 and 72 of the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 The Act, being satisfied that the conditions set out in section 59 of the Act have been met, made the following Onder City Of Bristol (Dog Control) Public Spaces Protection Order 2020. A Fored Penalty Notice may be issued to a person who a comitable or authorised person has reason to believe has committed an offence in relation to this One offering the person to whom it is issued the opportunity of dischinging any lability to conviction for the offence by payment of a fiend penalty Scene dog fouling provisions and the Exclusion Zones de not app assistance dogs Further information about the PSPO and the front of the Onder can be found at Public Space Protection (PSPO) ㅅ Keep dogs on leads and clean up after your dog Notice of a public spaces protection order ( PSPO ) All dogs must be held on leads and it is an offence not to clean up after your dog Anti - Social Behaviour Crime And Policing Act 2014 , Section 59Notice is hereby given that Bristol City Council ( the Council ) in exercise of its powers under Section 59 , 63 and 72 of the Anti - social Behaviour , Crime and Policing Act 2014 The Act , being satisfied that the conditions set out in section 59 of the Act have been met , made the following Onder City Of Bristol ( Dog Control ) Public Spaces Protection Order 2020 . A Fored Penalty Notice may be issued to a person who a comitable or authorised person has reason to believe has committed an offence in relation to this One offering the person to whom it is issued the opportunity of dischinging any lability to conviction for the offence by payment of a fiend penalty Scene dog fouling provisions and the Exclusion Zones de not app assistance dogs Further information about the PSPO and the front of the Onder can be found at Public Space Protection ( PSPO )
With a special Platinum Jubilee celebration on offer, too. I imagine The Mall Gardens will do that rather well.
The "Brigstowe Village Band" is a whimsical name. Brigstow—the bridge at the meeting point—is the origin of the modern "Bristol". Apparently they're "modelled on the village bands of Thomas Hardy’s day when local musicians played for all the local gatherings and celebrations."
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom Clifton Village Clifton The Mall Garden The Mall
Auto-Tags: Plant Plant community Terrestrial plant Natural landscape Grass Biome Font Groundcover Wood Grass family Trunk Forest Landscape Poster Signage
Text Recognition Tags: MALL GARDENS RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION (MGRA) SOCIAL PROGRAMME 2022 The Queen's Platinum Jubilee celebrations and MGRA Summer Garden party with a Jazz band. Sunday 5th June 12pm-6pm. All Welcome. Bring your own picnic, drinks and friends and family Musical evenings in the top Mall garden. Tuesdays 6.30 for 7.00pm 5th July City of Bristol Brass Band 12th July Sion Singers 19th July Brigstowe Village Band 26th July Csilla's Chums (local African band; tbc) (Bring snacks, picnic and friends and family; ALL Welcome) Drinks and Canapes in October; (MGRA members only) 6.30-8.00 pm; at a member's house(date and venue tbc) (Please bring a bottle) Carols around the piano (MGRA members only) Mince pies, snacks and Prosecco 6.30-8.00pm Tuesday 20th Dec. West Mall (Please bring a bottle of Prosecco or white wine) DO JOIN THE MGRA Further information or queries contact: Shu Sandhu Re Social Programme email Jan Smith Re Membership of MGRA MALL GARDENS RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION ( MGRA ) SOCIAL PROGRAMME 2022 The Queen's Platinum Jubilee celebrations and MGRA Summer Garden party with a Jazz band . Sunday 5th June 12 pm-6pm . All Welcome . Bring your own picnic , drinks and friends and family Musical evenings in the top Mall garden . Tuesdays 6.30 for 7.00pm 5th July City of Bristol Brass Band 12th July Sion Singers 19th July Brigstowe Village Band 26th July Csilla's Chums ( local African band ; tbc ) ( Bring snacks , picnic and friends and family ; ALL Welcome ) Drinks and Canapes in October ; ( MGRA members only ) 6.30-8.00 pm ; at a member's house ( date and venue tbc ) ( Please bring a bottle ) Carols around the piano ( MGRA members only ) Mince pies , snacks and Prosecco 6.30-8.00pm Tuesday 20th Dec. West Mall ( Please bring a bottle of Prosecco or white wine ) DO JOIN THE MGRA Further information or queries contact : Shu Sandhu Re Social Programme email Jan Smith Re Membership of MGRA
I managed to go for a wander a while ago that was meant to finish off a little tangle of paths in Leigh Woods, or at the very least finish off my wandering of the Purple Path there. And I managed to miss doing either of those things through some kind of navigational incompetence.
Today I woke up with a bit of a headache, feeling a bit knackered as soon as I dragged myself out of bed, but at least with the energy to realise that I'd be better off (a) going for a walk in what looked likely to be the last of the Jubilee weekend sunshine than (b) moping around the flat until it started raining, at which point I could mope more thoroughly.
I had a look at my map, considered going to Ashton Court, but remembered that there was a music festival there today, and instead found these little leftovers of Leigh Woods and decided to have one more try at walking them.
Tags: Ashton Court Estate Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom ashton court conservation skylark
Auto-Tags: Bird Plant community Vertebrate Ecoregion Nature Beak Mammal Grass Adaptation Grassland Grass family Terrestrial plant Groundcover Feather Plant
Text Recognition Tags: SKYLARK PROTECTION AREA Ashton Court Estate is home to breeding Skylarks, which nest on the ground across the plateau area. They are easily disturbed by both humans and dogs. All nesting birds are legally protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended) The numbers of Skylarks have dropped in Britain by at least 60% in the last 40 years Your co-operation will help with their recovery In this area you must: + Keep your dog on a short lead Stay on the mown and marked paths. ignoring the guidelines will lead to their further decline and potential prosecution. Ashton Court Estate is a Site of Special Scientific interest and we all have a duty to protect it and its wildlife. For further information vit SKYLARK PROTECTION AREA Ashton Court Estate is home to breeding Skylarks , which nest on the ground across the plateau area . They are easily disturbed by both humans and dogs . All nesting birds are legally protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 ( as amended ) The numbers of Skylarks have dropped in Britain by at least 60 % in the last 40 years Your co - operation will help with their recovery In this area you must : + Keep your dog on a short lead Stay on the mown and marked paths . ignoring the guidelines will lead to their further decline and potential prosecution . Ashton Court Estate is a Site of Special Scientific interest and we all have a duty to protect it and its wildlife . For further information vit