02 Dec 2020
This may be the very first time I've gone for a One Mile Matt wander and not actually gone down any new roads, trod any new steps. I just wanted a coffee, frankly, so I went the same old way to Imagine That in the marina and back again.
This is the current plan to replace the caravan park
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Text Recognition Tags: BALTIC WHARFI NEW HOMES FOR BALTIC WHARF Hew the propesed deveinpmemt cend oek frem the Flating Harter WHAT IS PROPOSEO FOR BALTIC WHARF? WHY DO WE NEED MORE NEW HOMES? Goram Homes, Bristol City Council's housing company, has partnered with Hil to propose transformational plans for Baltic Whart This would provide approsimately 165 new homes, including 406 affordable. It is widety acknowledged that the curent housing crisis has led to the under provision of housing and particularly atfordable housing within Bristol. Although much is being done in the City to address the crisis, there are key issues with affordability, rough sleeping, and lack of social housing Bristol currently has over 13,000 famlies on the affordable housing register and a further 710 people in temporary accommodation. The aim is to create a vibrant destination on the Floating Harbour with homes, retail, restaurants and commercial spece, one that is well connected to local walking and cycling routes, seamiessly integrates with the historic setting and capitalises on the waterfrort setting with expansive views across the lamous Bristol townscape. Comparing house prices in Bristol to those in other Core Cities in the decade between 2008 and 2018 indicated that Bristol had the highest average housing costs of all the Core Cities in this period, and also the highest percentage Increase - over S6, compared to a UK average increase in costs of just over 32 The site is the Boltik Wharf Carian Club, The site is owned by Bristol City Counci and as part of the overarching ambition to deliver high quality homes, this site has been identified as a site capable of providing bomes for Bristal. GORAM HOMES 出Hill Goram Homes was founded in 2018 as part ol an initiative from Bristol City Counci, wich the ambition to increase the provision of nea hemes in the city and to meet affordable housing requirements without compromising on build quality Goram Homes is a subsidary of Bristol Holding Ltd, HIl is an award-winning 5 star housebuilder, creating a range of beautiful and awardwinning new homes across the south of England. They are a leading partnership developer, delivering distinctive and award-winning new homes, having been named Housebuilder of the Year, medium and large, in 2018. which is wholly owned by Bristol City Council Goram is set up to deliver mised tenure housing on a joint ventune basis and our share of profit wil feed back into the funding of council servicel BALTIC WHARFI NEW HOMES FOR BALTIC WHARF Hew the propesed deveinpmemt cend oek frem the Flating Harter WHAT IS PROPOSEO FOR BALTIC WHARF? WHY DO WE NEED MORE NEW HOMES? Goram Homes, Bristol City Council's housing company, has partnered with Hil to propose transformational plans for Baltic Whart This would provide approsimately 165 new homes, including 406 affordable. It is widety acknowledged that the curent housing crisis has led to the under provision of housing and particularly atfordable housing within Bristol. Although much is being done in the City to address the crisis, there are key issues with affordability, rough sleeping, and lack of social housing Bristol currently has over 13,000 famlies on the affordable housing register and a further 710 people in temporary accommodation. The aim is to create a vibrant destination on the Floating Harbour with homes, retail, restaurants and commercial spece, one that is well connected to local walking and cycling routes, seamiessly integrates with the historic setting and capitalises on the waterfrort setting with expansive views across the lamous Bristol townscape. Comparing house prices in Bristol to those in other Core Cities in the decade between 2008 and 2018 indicated that Bristol had the highest average housing costs of all the Core Cities in this period, and also the highest percentage Increase - over S6, compared to a UK average increase in costs of just over 32 The site is the Boltik Wharf Carian Club, The site is owned by Bristol City Counci and as part of the overarching ambition to deliver high quality homes, this site has been identified as a site capable of providing bomes for Bristal. GORAM HOMES 出 Hill Goram Homes was founded in 2018 as part ol an initiative from Bristol City Counci, wich the ambition to increase the provision of nea hemes in the city and to meet affordable housing requirements without compromising on build quality Goram Homes is a subsidary of Bristol Holding Ltd, HIl is an award-winning 5 star housebuilder, creating a range of beautiful and awardwinning new homes across the south of England. They are a leading partnership developer, delivering distinctive and award-winning new homes, having been named Housebuilder of the Year, medium and large, in 2018. which is wholly owned by Bristol City Council Goram is set up to deliver mised tenure housing on a joint ventune basis and our share of profit wil feed back into the funding of council servicel
Since setting up a search for Hotwells on eBay I've mostly managed to restrain myself from buying much (or in one case, was outbid, luckily for my finances.) However, I couldn't resist a 1902 flyer for a singalong at the Terrett Memorial Hall, which would have stood five minutes' walk from my flat, overlooking Howard's Lock.
I've found out a fair bit about this non-denominational seaman's mission, including tracking down both a Loxton drawing and an aerial photo of it. The main thing that's eluded me, ironically enough, is finding out who Terrett was, so as a Memorial Hall it didn't do a very good job 😀.
EDIT: Ah! Did a little more digging and found that the Bristol Archives has a Bristol Dock Company document on file called "William Terrett, Esq.; corresp. etc. re proposed erection of a Mission Hall at Cumberland Basin, 1892", so that might be worth a look once the Archives are properly open again. Given that:
Sarah Terrett died suddenly on 25 November 1889, aged 53, after speaking at a meeting of the White Ribbon Army, the temperance organization she had founded in 1878. Following her death many people sent letters of sympathy to her bereaved husband, William. One of these, from the Rev. W. F. James, a minister of the Bible Christians, makes for especially interesting reading. The Bible Christian denomination, to which Sarah and William belonged, was one of the smaller Methodist connexions, and had its heartland in rural Devon, the area where she had grown up. James recalled the hospitality he enjoyed when visiting the Terretts’ home, Church House, in Bedminster, south Bristol...
...I wonder if William Terrett built the hall in memory of his late wife. They were clearly just the kind of temperance movement people who would've founded a seaman's mission to get people together to have a nice non-alcoholic singsong rather than a night out on the tiles.
Anyway. This walk to grab a coffee from Hopper Coffee in Greville Smyth Park was mostly an excuse to post the leaflet, a few other things I found related to it, and some pictures of how the site looks now. I would suggest that the present day is not an improvement.
I find the adverts fascinating. My first optician in Bristol was Dunscombe's on St Augustine's Parade, so they were there a long time. They've closed now (or at least moved) but were still there as recently as 2008, I think. Interesting to see gas lighting systems being advertised, too!
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom Hotwells Cumberland Basin Flyover System Cumberland Piazza Cumberland Basin Terrett Memorial Hall
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Text Recognition Tags: M. W. DUNSCOMBE, F.B.0.A.,e d WHY DO THE PEOPLE Spectaele Specielist and Optician, 5, St. AUGUSTINE'S PARADE, BRISTOL. Barber &Company's Teas and THE INTERNATIONAL BOOT CO FOR B0OTS? Coffees Photograplie Apparatus, Opes snd Field Glae Telescopen, Magniticn Microscopes Theenameters. Barometers, Drawing lostruments. Optial Laterns, ete. LIMELIGHT, DISSOLVING VIEW A CINEMATOGRAPH ENTERTAINMENTS. Because they know they will get Honest Value tor their money. AT POPULAR PRICES. ONE MUSDED TEAB ALL GASH PIORS. The International Boot Co., Bristol Addreas 33, BRIDGE STREET. 2a, Hetvell Rd., BRISTOL. PROGRAMME – Saturday, Januaty 4th, at 7.30. Estalilahed 1834. IF YOU WANT SHIRTING COLE&POTTOW,Ltd. 15 to 18, Lower Maudlin St., FLANNELETTE, W. AXTENS, 219. 221, 223, Hlotwell Road. LION Brand at 6 d. "TIGER" eter ne range. 2 Tia. ialld by a. Derpasd y NOSE, Astcar THY ৰ । Des t BRISTOL Seripture. Pianoforte Solo. Prayer. Chairman's Remarks. READY-MADE AND BESPOKE TAILORS. Mi FireucoaIL Mr LoA TATLO The Amoec daktal "The HoBhrine" In the thening Grey *How llortlue ie Beidge "Oh! kliheful" Song Song at 5{d. Miss TuK Sti Porata Mis F. Hanter Duet Largast Stock of Ready-Made Clothing in the Wet ol Eagland. Scamen's Complete Ourfits. Recital Song TEMPERANCE ADDRESS M lowan REV. LEONARD W. PARRY ELANNELK, BLANKETS. QUILS, Duet Musinal Selootions Song Song Song Annoaneoments and Colleetion. The aina Acdion "The Te Cities" When the ande g by "Antie anrie Doxology. Mis Fo LI Mr. E IL Do A Gross of Watches for London PREPAUE TO THE MINTER SEASON "WELSBACH Mis Tter Mater LaA TAXton EVELLERT, INCANESCENT GAN LIT SSTEM emar te RELABACE KERN BUN ngecres el er ot- the A PLEDGE BOOK WILL BE FOUND ON THE HALL TABLE. The Lacal Cemmitta t the lntorpated seamen and Boatmes's Friend foclety arnestly appeal te the Mambers t the Chrlatlan Chuncho nd all frienda of Temperince te ugpot thee goteria in every passible way. Thone dentring te help, ether In providinprgremme or canvaalng, e requostad to communicate with the Supertetendent, ke EW, Parry, Avenhurat, Cumhertand Road A Preper Mastin held a Wednerday, at8 pm. Hithe lacl iur il T10 Tarslays, and aday Teeat 11 a 30t ioel r Ant WILSACE HARTRA Muity e Riches i Apply fir paminla te Welsbech Inndescent Gas Light Co, A Titoria Strest, Bristal WATTS & C Ld., p Stokes Croft. M. W. DUNSCOMBE, F.B.0.A.,e d WHY DO THE PEOPLE Spectaele Specielist and Optician, 5, St. AUGUSTINE'S PARADE, BRISTOL. Barber &Company's Teas and THE INTERNATIONAL BOOT CO FOR B0OTS? Coffees Photograplie Apparatus, Opes snd Field Glae Telescopen, Magniticn Microscopes Theenameters. Barometers, Drawing lostruments. Optial Laterns, ete. LIMELIGHT, DISSOLVING VIEW A CINEMATOGRAPH ENTERTAINMENTS. Because they know they will get Honest Value tor their money. AT POPULAR PRICES. ONE MUSDED TEAB ALL GASH PIORS. The International Boot Co., Bristol Addreas 33, BRIDGE STREET. 2a, Hetvell Rd., BRISTOL. PROGRAMME – Saturday, Januaty 4th, at 7.30. Estalilahed 1834. IF YOU WANT SHIRTING COLE&POTTOW,Ltd. 15 to 18, Lower Maudlin St., FLANNELETTE, W. AXTENS, 219. 221, 223, Hlotwell Road. LION Brand at 6 d. "TIGER" eter ne range. 2 Tia. ialld by a. Derpasd y NOSE, Astcar THY ৰ । Des t BRISTOL Seripture. Pianoforte Solo. Prayer. Chairman's Remarks. READY-MADE AND BESPOKE TAILORS. Mi FireucoaIL Mr LoA TATLO The Amoec daktal "The HoBhrine" In the thening Grey *How llortlue ie Beidge "Oh! kliheful" Song Song at 5{d. Miss TuK Sti Porata Mis F. Hanter Duet Largast Stock of Ready-Made Clothing in the Wet ol Eagland. Scamen's Complete Ourfits. Recital Song TEMPERANCE ADDRESS M lowan REV. LEONARD W. PARRY ELANNELK, BLANKETS. QUILS, Duet Musinal Selootions Song Song Song Annoaneoments and Colleetion. The aina Acdion "The Te Cities" When the ande g by "Antie anrie Doxology. Mis Fo LI Mr. E IL Do A Gross of Watches for London PREPAUE TO THE MINTER SEASON "WELSBACH Mis Tter Mater LaA TAXton EVELLERT, INCANESCENT GAN LIT SSTEM emar te RELABACE KERN BUN ngecres el er ot- the A PLEDGE BOOK WILL BE FOUND ON THE HALL TABLE. The Lacal Cemmitta t the lntorpated seamen and Boatmes's Friend foclety arnestly appeal te the Mambers t the Chrlatlan Chuncho nd all frienda of Temperince te ugpot thee goteria in every passible way. Thone dentring te help, ether In providinprgremme or canvaalng, e requostad to communicate with the Supertetendent, ke EW, Parry, Avenhurat, Cumhertand Road A Preper Mastin held a Wednerday, at8 pm. Hithe lacl iur il T10 Tarslays, and aday Teeat 11 a 30t ioel r Ant WILSACE HARTRA Muity e Riches i Apply fir paminla te Welsbech Inndescent Gas Light Co, A Titoria Strest, Bristal WATTS & C Ld., p Stokes Croft.
06 May 2021
I'm meant to be taking a little break from this project, but in my Victoria Square researches after my last walk I noticed a curiosity I wanted to investigate. The community layer on Know Your Place has a single photograph captioned, "The remains of an 'underpass' in Victoria Square".
Looking back through the maps, I could see that there really did used to be an underpass across what used to be Birdcage Walk. I can only guess that it was there to join the two halves of the square's private garden that used to be separated by tall railings that were taken away during WWII. Maybe it was a landscaping curiosity, maybe it was just to save them having to un-lock and re-lock two gates and risk mixing with the hoi polloi on the public path in the middle...
Anyway. Intrigued, I popped up to Clifton Village this lunchtime for a post-voting coffee, and on the way examined the remains of the underpass—still there, but only if you know what you're looking for, I'd say—and also visited a tiny little road with a cottage and a townhouse I'd never seen before, just off Clifton Hill, and got distracted by wandering the little garden with the war memorial in St Andrew's churchyard just because the gate happened to be open.
EDIT: Aha! Found this snippet when I was researching something completely different, of course. From the ever-helpful CHIS website:
When there were railings all round the garden and down the central path, in order that the children could play together in either garden there was a tunnel for them to go through. This was filled in during the 1970s but almost at the south east end of the path if one looks over the low wall the top of the arches can still be seen.
Built between 1876 and 1878, the "King's Clifton Bazaar and Winter Garden opened on April 7th, 1879. It was an instant flop - it became known as King's Folly. There were no takers and he went bankrupt. It was already for sale by July 1879", says the Clifton Arcade's own history page. It's a little run-down these days, but it has a lot of interesting little shops and always feels like a friendly place, with the high lantern ceiling making it light and airy.
Trivia: See the steps at the far end under the distinctive window? Here's Del Amitri singing Nothing Ever Happens while sitting there. I really liked that song as a kid, and I think it stands the test of time.
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom Clifton Village Clifton Arcade
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