20 Dec 2020
A long meander around bits of Bedminster, from the river to the north to Winterstoke Road to the south, taking a few roads I've seen before, and a few I haven't. The Christmas decorations were an extra bonus.
Of course, what this means is that at some time in the past someone tried to cut a child in half by slamming the gate while a group was going through it...
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom Bedminster Southville
Auto-Tags: Vertebrate Fence Mesh Mammal Material property Wire fencing Glass Metal Composite material Steel Facade Transparency City Building material Sky
Text Recognition Tags: THIS GATE Must be kept in the • FIXED POSITION when groups of children are passing through it THIS GATE Must be kept in the • FIXED POSITION when groups of children are passing through it
16 Jan 2021
A raggedy wander with my friend Lisa, picking up a few stray streets and venturing only briefly onto Whiteladies Road, where it was too damn busy, given the current pandemic. We retreated fairly quickly. Found a couple of interesting back alleys, and got a very pointed "can I help you?" from a man who was working in his garage in one of the rather run-down garage areas behind some posh houses, and clearly didn't want us just wandering around there.
Tags: onemilematt Clifton Clifton High School
Auto-Tags: Daytime Sky Window Tree Font Landmark Building City Signage Facade Twig House Sign Advertising Plant
Text Recognition Tags: Clifton High School ctdey reuhata h om www.dihanhigh.cmuk| Admissions: 0117933 9087 ep our School ommunity safe: al distancing hands regularly 3 when advised to -- Clifton High School ctdey reuhata h om www.dihanhigh.cmuk| Admissions: 0117933 9087 ep our School ommunity safe: al distancing hands regularly 3 when advised to --
Since setting up a search for Hotwells on eBay I've mostly managed to restrain myself from buying much (or in one case, was outbid, luckily for my finances.) However, I couldn't resist a 1902 flyer for a singalong at the Terrett Memorial Hall, which would have stood five minutes' walk from my flat, overlooking Howard's Lock.
I've found out a fair bit about this non-denominational seaman's mission, including tracking down both a Loxton drawing and an aerial photo of it. The main thing that's eluded me, ironically enough, is finding out who Terrett was, so as a Memorial Hall it didn't do a very good job 😀.
EDIT: Ah! Did a little more digging and found that the Bristol Archives has a Bristol Dock Company document on file called "William Terrett, Esq.; corresp. etc. re proposed erection of a Mission Hall at Cumberland Basin, 1892", so that might be worth a look once the Archives are properly open again. Given that:
Sarah Terrett died suddenly on 25 November 1889, aged 53, after speaking at a meeting of the White Ribbon Army, the temperance organization she had founded in 1878. Following her death many people sent letters of sympathy to her bereaved husband, William. One of these, from the Rev. W. F. James, a minister of the Bible Christians, makes for especially interesting reading. The Bible Christian denomination, to which Sarah and William belonged, was one of the smaller Methodist connexions, and had its heartland in rural Devon, the area where she had grown up. James recalled the hospitality he enjoyed when visiting the Terretts’ home, Church House, in Bedminster, south Bristol...
...I wonder if William Terrett built the hall in memory of his late wife. They were clearly just the kind of temperance movement people who would've founded a seaman's mission to get people together to have a nice non-alcoholic singsong rather than a night out on the tiles.
Anyway. This walk to grab a coffee from Hopper Coffee in Greville Smyth Park was mostly an excuse to post the leaflet, a few other things I found related to it, and some pictures of how the site looks now. I would suggest that the present day is not an improvement.
I find the adverts fascinating. My first optician in Bristol was Dunscombe's on St Augustine's Parade, so they were there a long time. They've closed now (or at least moved) but were still there as recently as 2008, I think. Interesting to see gas lighting systems being advertised, too!
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom Hotwells Cumberland Basin Flyover System Cumberland Piazza Cumberland Basin Terrett Memorial Hall
Auto-Tags: Newspaper Font Paper Menu Document Paper product Publication
Text Recognition Tags: M. W. DUNSCOMBE, F.B.0.A.,e d WHY DO THE PEOPLE Spectaele Specielist and Optician, 5, St. AUGUSTINE'S PARADE, BRISTOL. Barber &Company's Teas and THE INTERNATIONAL BOOT CO FOR B0OTS? Coffees Photograplie Apparatus, Opes snd Field Glae Telescopen, Magniticn Microscopes Theenameters. Barometers, Drawing lostruments. Optial Laterns, ete. LIMELIGHT, DISSOLVING VIEW A CINEMATOGRAPH ENTERTAINMENTS. Because they know they will get Honest Value tor their money. AT POPULAR PRICES. ONE MUSDED TEAB ALL GASH PIORS. The International Boot Co., Bristol Addreas 33, BRIDGE STREET. 2a, Hetvell Rd., BRISTOL. PROGRAMME – Saturday, Januaty 4th, at 7.30. Estalilahed 1834. IF YOU WANT SHIRTING COLE&POTTOW,Ltd. 15 to 18, Lower Maudlin St., FLANNELETTE, W. AXTENS, 219. 221, 223, Hlotwell Road. LION Brand at 6 d. "TIGER" eter ne range. 2 Tia. ialld by a. Derpasd y NOSE, Astcar THY ৰ । Des t BRISTOL Seripture. Pianoforte Solo. Prayer. Chairman's Remarks. READY-MADE AND BESPOKE TAILORS. Mi FireucoaIL Mr LoA TATLO The Amoec daktal "The HoBhrine" In the thening Grey *How llortlue ie Beidge "Oh! kliheful" Song Song at 5{d. Miss TuK Sti Porata Mis F. Hanter Duet Largast Stock of Ready-Made Clothing in the Wet ol Eagland. Scamen's Complete Ourfits. Recital Song TEMPERANCE ADDRESS M lowan REV. LEONARD W. PARRY ELANNELK, BLANKETS. QUILS, Duet Musinal Selootions Song Song Song Annoaneoments and Colleetion. The aina Acdion "The Te Cities" When the ande g by "Antie anrie Doxology. Mis Fo LI Mr. E IL Do A Gross of Watches for London PREPAUE TO THE MINTER SEASON "WELSBACH Mis Tter Mater LaA TAXton EVELLERT, INCANESCENT GAN LIT SSTEM emar te RELABACE KERN BUN ngecres el er ot- the A PLEDGE BOOK WILL BE FOUND ON THE HALL TABLE. The Lacal Cemmitta t the lntorpated seamen and Boatmes's Friend foclety arnestly appeal te the Mambers t the Chrlatlan Chuncho nd all frienda of Temperince te ugpot thee goteria in every passible way. Thone dentring te help, ether In providinprgremme or canvaalng, e requostad to communicate with the Supertetendent, ke EW, Parry, Avenhurat, Cumhertand Road A Preper Mastin held a Wednerday, at8 pm. Hithe lacl iur il T10 Tarslays, and aday Teeat 11 a 30t ioel r Ant WILSACE HARTRA Muity e Riches i Apply fir paminla te Welsbech Inndescent Gas Light Co, A Titoria Strest, Bristal WATTS & C Ld., p Stokes Croft. M. W. DUNSCOMBE, F.B.0.A.,e d WHY DO THE PEOPLE Spectaele Specielist and Optician, 5, St. AUGUSTINE'S PARADE, BRISTOL. Barber &Company's Teas and THE INTERNATIONAL BOOT CO FOR B0OTS? Coffees Photograplie Apparatus, Opes snd Field Glae Telescopen, Magniticn Microscopes Theenameters. Barometers, Drawing lostruments. Optial Laterns, ete. LIMELIGHT, DISSOLVING VIEW A CINEMATOGRAPH ENTERTAINMENTS. Because they know they will get Honest Value tor their money. AT POPULAR PRICES. ONE MUSDED TEAB ALL GASH PIORS. The International Boot Co., Bristol Addreas 33, BRIDGE STREET. 2a, Hetvell Rd., BRISTOL. PROGRAMME – Saturday, Januaty 4th, at 7.30. Estalilahed 1834. IF YOU WANT SHIRTING COLE&POTTOW,Ltd. 15 to 18, Lower Maudlin St., FLANNELETTE, W. AXTENS, 219. 221, 223, Hlotwell Road. LION Brand at 6 d. "TIGER" eter ne range. 2 Tia. ialld by a. Derpasd y NOSE, Astcar THY ৰ । Des t BRISTOL Seripture. Pianoforte Solo. Prayer. Chairman's Remarks. READY-MADE AND BESPOKE TAILORS. Mi FireucoaIL Mr LoA TATLO The Amoec daktal "The HoBhrine" In the thening Grey *How llortlue ie Beidge "Oh! kliheful" Song Song at 5{d. Miss TuK Sti Porata Mis F. Hanter Duet Largast Stock of Ready-Made Clothing in the Wet ol Eagland. Scamen's Complete Ourfits. Recital Song TEMPERANCE ADDRESS M lowan REV. LEONARD W. PARRY ELANNELK, BLANKETS. QUILS, Duet Musinal Selootions Song Song Song Annoaneoments and Colleetion. The aina Acdion "The Te Cities" When the ande g by "Antie anrie Doxology. Mis Fo LI Mr. E IL Do A Gross of Watches for London PREPAUE TO THE MINTER SEASON "WELSBACH Mis Tter Mater LaA TAXton EVELLERT, INCANESCENT GAN LIT SSTEM emar te RELABACE KERN BUN ngecres el er ot- the A PLEDGE BOOK WILL BE FOUND ON THE HALL TABLE. The Lacal Cemmitta t the lntorpated seamen and Boatmes's Friend foclety arnestly appeal te the Mambers t the Chrlatlan Chuncho nd all frienda of Temperince te ugpot thee goteria in every passible way. Thone dentring te help, ether In providinprgremme or canvaalng, e requostad to communicate with the Supertetendent, ke EW, Parry, Avenhurat, Cumhertand Road A Preper Mastin held a Wednerday, at8 pm. Hithe lacl iur il T10 Tarslays, and aday Teeat 11 a 30t ioel r Ant WILSACE HARTRA Muity e Riches i Apply fir paminla te Welsbech Inndescent Gas Light Co, A Titoria Strest, Bristal WATTS & C Ld., p Stokes Croft.
31 Jul 2021
At the end of July I went to have a look around some of the private gardens opened up by the annual Green Squares and Secret Gardens event. Sadly it was compressed into a single day this year, for various Covid-related reasons, it seems, so I didn't get to poke around too many places. I went to:
And snapped a few things in between, too. It was a lovely day—a bit too hot, if anything—and it was interesting to get into a few places I'd only ever seen from the outside, especially The Paragon and Cornwallis gardens, which are the least visible to passing strangers of all of them.
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom Clifton Village Clifton Cornwallis Crescent Garden Clifton Open Garden Squares Green Squares and Secret Gardens open day Cornwallis Crescent garden
Auto-Tags: Font Grass Wood Terrestrial plant Groundcover Grass family Plant Paper Commemorative plaque Rectangle Landscape Paper product Document Publication History
Text Recognition Tags: Cornwallis Crescent (West) G5SG - 31.07.2021 Welome-ease teel tree to wander round the garden and woodland Comwal Crescnta home to wel er 150 u. ng in 85 h holds cangng fromente huse to mesty sin oor tats-a larcry fron the originaly olanned 31 households Itnot at the demugraphi prute whch has changed, there na cane forsuggesting that the Crescent sureetly enjoyru a perod efunerecedemad ke, cae and attention fm the pret generation of reutents, Read o. The ongnal plan pronatly by AIta Pay as tor a mplete shullew cresmtol 4hes Work begat a1791, buc akeady the gret spetidative bukdng boo of the perkidwas beginnirg e colapie resaurs become scar, lons had to ome by as finwnciers and buiders were edered boninatnd the debide wan completed wiiti the decteration of war wth France in Bding work vtopped with i tal houne in vanous states of complenn The area inust have arpeaet etroordinary to ute hom this ommentaryof R07 1do noe ecalect mone melhoy oectace westem enros of ms citwamot avofuts are so none than a wok oea d dou t gh tre sent and folng nouses n andesd Theraher meal, with loass on unfinished hauses stit beng gramed an l The Cressent then proably enjoved a hart heydaythough Alan yder's briet testory shows that many f the houses had fong untannted periods dne thied of the houses in the wntern taif atood empty at the time of the I51 census for instance, and the stuation is itle better ty L89L with fiet of the twenty three houses untenarted ind a further thres inhabited only by cartaken The problem of coure was tht many of the buidings were owned hy sentee lindhordi-some of whom tad itle interest in mntaiing them let alone imeroving propress was pite them Nan goes on to show tw y the early twmtleth contury undatian hod beyan to rake to Ang with much of ctor the Cescnt was to beame by the middle of the cntury an anw d cheap maaned odgings reachng eadr in 136 tem he oty cdund proposed to demalah itin prer to bda block of huh-e Datir Comwalh Crescont survtaed-and gadualya nee gonration of residents mode the finsl uarter of the twentieth century perkod of rapid change and runewis for the Crescent. The widespread derekction so evident in the earker part of the oury was gradualy reversed an, house by house Hat ly fat the procs of restoration and renovation changed the Crescent boch inside and mut The Garden Hdden tehind the Crestent's buidings and thigh boundary wal, the gurden is aw a surpriee to wstars. it's the best part of an acre, faces dje south and is shettered from the north-making tideal for terder plants and sun warshippers alte It consists of three laur, two of witsch used to be terns courts and the woods whih slope steeply soun to the bundary wal on Polypon Lane. Our longmt-standing resident. Myrtle Way ememten ter beng played in the tne 1950, though less famaly, one imagines, than in 1906 when the Comwalts Tenni Clit wa fanned Cornwallis Crescent (West) G5SG - 31.07.2021 Welome-ease teel tree to wander round the garden and woodland Comwal Crescnta home to wel er 150 u. ng in 85 h holds cangng fromente huse to mesty sin oor tats-a larcry fron the originaly olanned 31 households Itnot at the demugraphi prute whch has changed, there na cane forsuggesting that the Crescent sureetly enjoyru a perod efunerecedemad ke, cae and attention fm the pret generation of reutents, Read o. The ongnal plan pronatly by AIta Pay as tor a mplete shullew cresmtol 4hes Work begat a1791, buc akeady the gret spetidative bukdng boo of the perkidwas beginnirg e colapie resaurs become scar, lons had to ome by as finwnciers and buiders were edered boninatnd the debide wan completed wiiti the decteration of war wth France in Bding work vtopped with i tal houne in vanous states of complenn The area inust have arpeaet etroordinary to ute hom this ommentaryof R07 1do noe ecalect mone melhoy oectace westem enros of ms citwamot avofuts are so none than a wok oea d dou t gh tre sent and folng nouses n andesd Theraher meal, with loass on unfinished hauses stit beng gramed an l The Cressent then proably enjoved a hart heydaythough Alan yder's briet testory shows that many f the houses had fong untannted periods dne thied of the houses in the wntern taif atood empty at the time of the I51 census for instance, and the stuation is itle better ty L89L with fiet of the twenty three houses untenarted ind a further thres inhabited only by cartaken The problem of coure was tht many of the buidings were owned hy sentee lindhordi-some of whom tad itle interest in mntaiing them let alone imeroving propress was pite them Nan goes on to show tw y the early twmtleth contury undatian hod beyan to rake to Ang with much of ctor the Cescnt was to beame by the middle of the cntury an anw d cheap maaned odgings reachng eadr in 136 tem he oty cdund proposed to demalah itin prer to bda block of huh-e Datir Comwalh Crescont survtaed-and gadualya nee gonration of residents mode the finsl uarter of the twentieth century perkod of rapid change and runewis for the Crescent. The widespread derekction so evident in the earker part of the oury was gradualy reversed an, house by house Hat ly fat the procs of restoration and renovation changed the Crescent boch inside and mut The Garden Hdden tehind the Crestent's buidings and thigh boundary wal, the gurden is aw a surpriee to wstars. it's the best part of an acre, faces dje south and is shettered from the north-making tideal for terder plants and sun warshippers alte It consists of three laur, two of witsch used to be terns courts and the woods whih slope steeply soun to the bundary wal on Polypon Lane. Our longmt-standing resident. Myrtle Way ememten ter beng played in the tne 1950, though less famaly, one imagines, than in 1906 when the Comwalts Tenni Clit wa fanned
09 Oct 2021
I could spend a lot of time at the Docks Heritage Weekend, poking my nose into industrial places along the harbourside that are usually closed off, but throw open their doors once a year to show off a bit of the backstage area of Bristol's floating harbour. In fact, I warn you: the next wander is a long one, and will have quite a few photos.
However, for today's wander, on the Saturday, my friend Lisa needed a shorter walk than our usual long rambles, as she's recovering from an operation and still a little under the weather, so we just wandered into town for some food and back, with me making mental notes of the places I wanted to come back to on the Sunday... We walked through Underfall Yard, along to the L Shed (this is the warehouse next to the M Shed museum, where they still have the kind of fun old industrial stuff that used to be crammed into the M Shed's predecessor, the old Industrial Museum), through the street food market in town to Ahh Toots for cake and then back home. So, still quite a walk, but no hills and not so much of Lisa having to hang around waiting for me to fool around taking photos as usual, at least...
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom Hotwells Underfall Yard harbourside Spike Island
Auto-Tags: Wood Machine tool Gas Engineering Auto part Electrical wiring Machine Wire Motor vehicle Metal Toolroom Personal protective equipment Power tool Electrical supply
Text Recognition Tags: Turn when PAS Eye protection must be worn Turn when PAS Eye protection must be worn
I'm afraid that this is a bit of a badly-curated wander, where I mostly just popped out to find out a little of the history of Underfall Yard and poke around the various open workshops, and, in hindsight, really didn't take pictures in any kind of coherent order. So there's a lot of pictures, but they don't really tell the story that, in hindsight, I seem to have been trying to tell, of the unusual electrical substation in Avon Crescent, the Bristol Electricity that predates the National Grid but is still in use, the history of the hydraulic power house... It's a bit of a mess.
But I suppose sometimes these wanders—always chronologically presented in the order I walked and took photos—simply will sometimes be a bit of a mess. Let's hope you still get something out of it, anyway...
I only found out from a recent Times crossword that "shivers" are splinters.
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom Hotwells Underfall Yard Spike Island Docks Heritage Weekend
Auto-Tags: Motor vehicle Font Poster Signage Vehicle Advertising Landscape Soil Banner Recipe Sign Luxury vehicle Transport Aircraft Rock
Text Recognition Tags: SLIPWAY RESTORATION TIMBERS There has been a slipway at Underfall Yard since at least the 1850s and records show that the wooden cradle has been renewed every thirty to forty years. It was last restored by Underfall Yard Trust in the 1990s and after accommodating a variety of vessels weighing up to 150 tons, it is now in need of repair. This challenging project is being completed by Underfall Yard's boatbuilders. Parts of the cradle will be rebuilt using a hardwood called Greenheart The density, hardness and stiffness of Greenheart make it ideal for use in marine environments where strength and durability are paramount. Greenheart is also rot-resistant and can last for many years even when fully submerged which means the end of the cradle nearest to the harbour can remain underwater. GREENHEART n so bevSETHAT THONE OFTHE EW TSOr WOOD THAT DORINT OATHE sornst WOO0INTHEWORLD BALSA WHCH HASA DEND TY OF 1KG R CUBIC ETRL CABINHEART HASA DNSITY OF ID40 KG PE CUBICHETR THE SZFANDwtICHT OFTHETHIEEMA THISA CHA vON HOECY THE TOUHES OF TH WOOD ALO HAEESIT DCAT TO WOM WITH UNDERFALL YARD SLIPWAY RESTORATION TIMBERS There has been a slipway at Underfall Yard since at least the 1850s and records show that the wooden cradle has been renewed every thirty to forty years. It was last restored by Underfall Yard Trust in the 1990s and after accommodating a variety of vessels weighing up to 150 tons, it is now in need of repair. This challenging project is being completed by Underfall Yard's boatbuilders. Parts of the cradle will be rebuilt using a hardwood called Greenheart The density, hardness and stiffness of Greenheart make it ideal for use in marine environments where strength and durability are paramount. Greenheart is also rot-resistant and can last for many years even when fully submerged which means the end of the cradle nearest to the harbour can remain underwater. GREENHEART n so bevSETHAT THONE OFTHE EW TSOr WOOD THAT DORINT OATHE sornst WOO0INTHEWORLD BALSA WHCH HASA DEND TY OF 1KG R CUBIC ETRL CABINHEART HASA DNSITY OF ID40 KG PE CUBICHETR THE SZFANDwtICHT OFTHETHIEEMA THISA CHA vON HOECY THE TOUHES OF TH WOOD ALO HAEESIT DCAT TO WOM WITH UNDERFALL YARD
26 Feb 2022
I needed to buy new walking shoes—my old ones were squeaking and it was driving me up the wall—so I ordered some for collection from Taunton Leisure on East Street in Bedminster, and decided to make picking them up an official wander.
I didn't cover any new ground within my mile, but I did take advantage of the trip to take in a few interesting things just outside my normal radius, mostly New Gaol-related. Along the way there are a couple of sanitation-related diversions, including a visit to a rare manhole cover. You can hardly wait, I can tell!
The blurb for The Cuckoo Cage sounds fun:
In this unique experiment, twelve authors have been tasked with resurrecting that tradition: to spawn a new generation of present-day British superheroes, willing to bring the fight back to British shores and to more progressive causes.
But I'd probably take issue with the experiment's claimed uniqueness, given that it sounds virtually the same concept as 1991's Temps. Still, I'll be interested to read it and I snapped this to remind myself that I might want to get a ticket for the launch.
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom Wapping Wharf Spike Island
Auto-Tags: Font Handwriting City Road surface Building Human settlement Advertising Signage Event Door Billboard Street Sidewalk Banner Facade
18 Apr 2022
I didn't really set out with a theme of flowers and gardens in mind for this walk. I just fancied heading up to Clifton Village to get lunch. As it turned out, though, Spring was springing, so a minor theme emerged as I started off with the graveyard flowers of Hope Chapel and wandered up to see the beginnings of the new wildflower garden at Clifton Hill Meadow.
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom Clifton Village Clifton Clifton Hill Clifton Hill Bank Clifton Hill Meadow
Auto-Tags: Plant community Ecoregion Plant Green Natural landscape Natural environment Botany Organism Terrestrial plant Vegetation Land lot Grass Font Biome Line
Text Recognition Tags: Welcome to Clifton Hill Meadow and Wildflower Lawn We to add which grobe Theate h how to w 2001. The c wakenya March 2002. Over t 0 flow and fy ata of t What will happen on the site Clifton Hill is changing We're working with the council to transform this slope www into a wildflower meadow and wildflower floral law. betrie Espress but we will soon stat The week and the grap prothesof 2011 Feyete the C when we propawower made the becomes to fe of powiad of coa tour, de dona pm the cap sed my led to help on the gord They are w Swach the So that owner, and the ம து போட்ட விலொ That the be wh Apinating w the to the we Do you want mor wildflowers? DVD WEST BRISTOL CLIMATE Welcome to Clifton Hill Meadow and Wildflower Lawn We to add which grobe Theate h how to w 2001. The c wakenya March 2002 . Over t 0 flow and fy ata of t What will happen on the site Clifton Hill is changing We're working with the council to transform this slope www into a wildflower meadow and wildflower floral law . betrie Espress but we will soon stat The week and the grap prothesof 2011 Feyete the C when we propawower made the becomes to fe of powiad of coa tour , de dona pm the cap sed my led to help on the gord They are w Swach the So that owner , and the ம து போட்ட விலொ That the be wh Apinating w the to the we Do you want mor wildflowers ? DVD WEST BRISTOL CLIMATE
I've been pretty awful at reading so far this year, apparently averaging about one book per month. That's a far cry from 2019, say, where I got through 41 books in the year. Today's wander was prompted by my rubbish reading, as I needed to go hand back some books to the library, because I'd managed to renew them so many times that I hit the limit on renewals. Oops. Several of them were still unread.
So, off to the Central Library for me, tail between my legs. On the way there I did my best to recreate a historical photo of Dowry Square; while I was in the area I walked under the adjacent Norman arch and poked around behind the Cathedral, and I also had a little diversion to the city centre and came back along the south side of the river, hitting some trouble with the lock gates as I finally crossed the harbour back towards home.
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom City Centre St Augustine's Cathedral Choir School Cathedral School college square
Auto-Tags: Font Rectangle Pink Material property Magenta Publication Pattern Wood Carmine Paper Paper product Commemorative plaque Signage Circle History
Text Recognition Tags: Abbot's Gatehouse Bristol Cathedral originated as a monastery founded in the 1140s by Robert Fitzharding (later Lord Berkeley) This archway formed the entrance to the abbey's residential buildings One of the finest examples of Romanesque architecture in the west country, the arch was carefully preserved when, in the fifteenth century, the two-storey gatehouse was constructed over it. The medieval statues on the gatehouse depict key individuals in the history of the abbey, which was disbanded in 1539. Bristol Cathedral was founded in 1542 and the gatehouse today contains its administrative offices. Bristol Cathedral Entrance to the cathedral is via the North Porch through the arch and to the right SHAND 200 ACER B HODERN Abbot's Gatehouse Bristol Cathedral originated as a monastery founded in the 1140s by Robert Fitzharding ( later Lord Berkeley ) This archway formed the entrance to the abbey's residential buildings One of the finest examples of Romanesque architecture in the west country , the arch was carefully preserved when , in the fifteenth century , the two - storey gatehouse was constructed over it . The medieval statues on the gatehouse depict key individuals in the history of the abbey , which was disbanded in 1539 . Bristol Cathedral was founded in 1542 and the gatehouse today contains its administrative offices . Bristol Cathedral Entrance to the cathedral is via the North Porch through the arch and to the right SHAND 200 ACER B HODERN
A bit more detail if you fancy it.
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom City Centre Saint Nicholas Market St Nicholas Market St. Nicholas Market Corn Street old city
Auto-Tags: Wood Font Wall Landmark Commemorative plaque Tree History Signage Memorial Metal Public utility Interior design Kitchen utensil Idiophone
Text Recognition Tags: THE CORN EXCHANGE CLOCK The clock on this building with an extra minute hand recalls early Victorian days, when Bristol was in two minds about the correct time. Although today we take Greenwich Mean Time or British Summertime for granted before 1880 no standard time existed in the British Isles. Every city had its own local time, reckoned by the sun and signed by church bells. Bristol lies 2 degrees, 36 minutes west of the Greenwich Meridian and so the sun reaches its noon nearly peak 11 minutes later than in Greenwich. Before the growth of railways, most people expected to spend their lives close to home. Travel by stagecoach or ship was slow and uncomfortable. Timetables were vague. For Bristolians a change came in June 1841, when the first through train from London pulled into Temple Meads Station. Brunel's Great Western Railway began to tempt people to travel, now they could go to London in hours rather than days. The Railways ran on London time (Greenwich Mean Time). If you wanted to catch a train at noon from Temple Meads you had to remember that it would pull out at 11:49 Bristol Time. To help Bristolians catch their trains, Bristol Corporation arranged for the main public clock on the Corn Exchange to show both local and Greenwich Mean Time (Railway Time) with two minute hands. Other clocks in Bristol adopted the same compromise, In September 1852 Bristol adopted GMT and Bristol time became the same as Lond THE CORN EXCHANGE CLOCK The clock on this building with an extra minute hand recalls early Victorian days , when Bristol was in two minds about the correct time . Although today we take Greenwich Mean Time or British Summertime for granted before 1880 no standard time existed in the British Isles . Every city had its own local time , reckoned by the sun and signed by church bells . Bristol lies 2 degrees , 36 minutes west of the Greenwich Meridian and so the sun reaches its noon nearly peak 11 minutes later than in Greenwich . Before the growth of railways , most people expected to spend their lives close to home . Travel by stagecoach or ship was slow and uncomfortable . Timetables were vague . For Bristolians a change came in June 1841 , when the first through train from London pulled into Temple Meads Station . Brunel's Great Western Railway began to tempt people to travel , now they could go to London in hours rather than days . The Railways ran on London time ( Greenwich Mean Time ) . If you wanted to catch a train at noon from Temple Meads you had to remember that it would pull out at 11:49 Bristol Time . To help Bristolians catch their trains , Bristol Corporation arranged for the main public clock on the Corn Exchange to show both local and Greenwich Mean Time ( Railway Time ) with two minute hands . Other clocks in Bristol adopted the same compromise , In September 1852 Bristol adopted GMT and Bristol time became the same as Lond
I'm in the habit of going over to the Tobacco Factory Market on a Sunday. I think I've walked all the routes around that way, but as a Plimsoll Bridge swing let me cross the road to the far side of Brunel Way on my return journey and I took a couple of photos of the brownfield development at the old Ashton Gate Depot site I thought I'd call it a Wander and pop some photos up.
They really couldn't make it much clearer that drivers are meant to nip off down the off ramp up ahead and take Junction Swing Bridge instead. But if anyone ever does I've not seen it. I don't think I've ever been caught in the queue here as a driver, but then I don't do much driving.
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom Cumberland Basin Flyover System plimsoll bridge bridge swing traffic Brunel Way cars plimsoll bridge swing
Auto-Tags: Car Sky Land vehicle Vehicle Wheel Cloud Vehicle registration plate Tire Motor vehicle Infrastructure Asphalt Building Automotive lighting Thoroughfare Street light
Text Recognition Tags: When Bridge Closed Follow Diversion BRIDGE SWING AHEAD All Traffic 270 yds of C150 ESITALAR When Bridge Closed Follow Diversion BRIDGE SWING AHEAD All Traffic 270 yds of C150 ESITALAR