Since setting up a search for Hotwells on eBay I've mostly managed to restrain myself from buying much (or in one case, was outbid, luckily for my finances.) However, I couldn't resist a 1902 flyer for a singalong at the Terrett Memorial Hall, which would have stood five minutes' walk from my flat, overlooking Howard's Lock.
I've found out a fair bit about this non-denominational seaman's mission, including tracking down both a Loxton drawing and an aerial photo of it. The main thing that's eluded me, ironically enough, is finding out who Terrett was, so as a Memorial Hall it didn't do a very good job 😀.
EDIT: Ah! Did a little more digging and found that the Bristol Archives has a Bristol Dock Company document on file called "William Terrett, Esq.; corresp. etc. re proposed erection of a Mission Hall at Cumberland Basin, 1892", so that might be worth a look once the Archives are properly open again. Given that:
Sarah Terrett died suddenly on 25 November 1889, aged 53, after speaking at a meeting of the White Ribbon Army, the temperance organization she had founded in 1878. Following her death many people sent letters of sympathy to her bereaved husband, William. One of these, from the Rev. W. F. James, a minister of the Bible Christians, makes for especially interesting reading. The Bible Christian denomination, to which Sarah and William belonged, was one of the smaller Methodist connexions, and had its heartland in rural Devon, the area where she had grown up. James recalled the hospitality he enjoyed when visiting the Terretts’ home, Church House, in Bedminster, south Bristol...
...I wonder if William Terrett built the hall in memory of his late wife. They were clearly just the kind of temperance movement people who would've founded a seaman's mission to get people together to have a nice non-alcoholic singsong rather than a night out on the tiles.
Anyway. This walk to grab a coffee from Hopper Coffee in Greville Smyth Park was mostly an excuse to post the leaflet, a few other things I found related to it, and some pictures of how the site looks now. I would suggest that the present day is not an improvement.
I find the adverts fascinating. My first optician in Bristol was Dunscombe's on St Augustine's Parade, so they were there a long time. They've closed now (or at least moved) but were still there as recently as 2008, I think. Interesting to see gas lighting systems being advertised, too!
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom Hotwells Cumberland Basin Flyover System Cumberland Piazza Cumberland Basin Terrett Memorial Hall
Auto-Tags: Newspaper Font Paper Menu Document Paper product Publication
Text Recognition Tags: M. W. DUNSCOMBE, F.B.0.A.,e d WHY DO THE PEOPLE Spectaele Specielist and Optician, 5, St. AUGUSTINE'S PARADE, BRISTOL. Barber &Company's Teas and THE INTERNATIONAL BOOT CO FOR B0OTS? Coffees Photograplie Apparatus, Opes snd Field Glae Telescopen, Magniticn Microscopes Theenameters. Barometers, Drawing lostruments. Optial Laterns, ete. LIMELIGHT, DISSOLVING VIEW A CINEMATOGRAPH ENTERTAINMENTS. Because they know they will get Honest Value tor their money. AT POPULAR PRICES. ONE MUSDED TEAB ALL GASH PIORS. The International Boot Co., Bristol Addreas 33, BRIDGE STREET. 2a, Hetvell Rd., BRISTOL. PROGRAMME – Saturday, Januaty 4th, at 7.30. Estalilahed 1834. IF YOU WANT SHIRTING COLE&POTTOW,Ltd. 15 to 18, Lower Maudlin St., FLANNELETTE, W. AXTENS, 219. 221, 223, Hlotwell Road. LION Brand at 6 d. "TIGER" eter ne range. 2 Tia. ialld by a. Derpasd y NOSE, Astcar THY ৰ । Des t BRISTOL Seripture. Pianoforte Solo. Prayer. Chairman's Remarks. READY-MADE AND BESPOKE TAILORS. Mi FireucoaIL Mr LoA TATLO The Amoec daktal "The HoBhrine" In the thening Grey *How llortlue ie Beidge "Oh! kliheful" Song Song at 5{d. Miss TuK Sti Porata Mis F. Hanter Duet Largast Stock of Ready-Made Clothing in the Wet ol Eagland. Scamen's Complete Ourfits. Recital Song TEMPERANCE ADDRESS M lowan REV. LEONARD W. PARRY ELANNELK, BLANKETS. QUILS, Duet Musinal Selootions Song Song Song Annoaneoments and Colleetion. The aina Acdion "The Te Cities" When the ande g by "Antie anrie Doxology. Mis Fo LI Mr. E IL Do A Gross of Watches for London PREPAUE TO THE MINTER SEASON "WELSBACH Mis Tter Mater LaA TAXton EVELLERT, INCANESCENT GAN LIT SSTEM emar te RELABACE KERN BUN ngecres el er ot- the A PLEDGE BOOK WILL BE FOUND ON THE HALL TABLE. The Lacal Cemmitta t the lntorpated seamen and Boatmes's Friend foclety arnestly appeal te the Mambers t the Chrlatlan Chuncho nd all frienda of Temperince te ugpot thee goteria in every passible way. Thone dentring te help, ether In providinprgremme or canvaalng, e requostad to communicate with the Supertetendent, ke EW, Parry, Avenhurat, Cumhertand Road A Preper Mastin held a Wednerday, at8 pm. Hithe lacl iur il T10 Tarslays, and aday Teeat 11 a 30t ioel r Ant WILSACE HARTRA Muity e Riches i Apply fir paminla te Welsbech Inndescent Gas Light Co, A Titoria Strest, Bristal WATTS & C Ld., p Stokes Croft. M. W. DUNSCOMBE, F.B.0.A.,e d WHY DO THE PEOPLE Spectaele Specielist and Optician, 5, St. AUGUSTINE'S PARADE, BRISTOL. Barber &Company's Teas and THE INTERNATIONAL BOOT CO FOR B0OTS? Coffees Photograplie Apparatus, Opes snd Field Glae Telescopen, Magniticn Microscopes Theenameters. Barometers, Drawing lostruments. Optial Laterns, ete. LIMELIGHT, DISSOLVING VIEW A CINEMATOGRAPH ENTERTAINMENTS. Because they know they will get Honest Value tor their money. AT POPULAR PRICES. ONE MUSDED TEAB ALL GASH PIORS. The International Boot Co., Bristol Addreas 33, BRIDGE STREET. 2a, Hetvell Rd., BRISTOL. PROGRAMME – Saturday, Januaty 4th, at 7.30. Estalilahed 1834. IF YOU WANT SHIRTING COLE&POTTOW,Ltd. 15 to 18, Lower Maudlin St., FLANNELETTE, W. AXTENS, 219. 221, 223, Hlotwell Road. LION Brand at 6 d. "TIGER" eter ne range. 2 Tia. ialld by a. Derpasd y NOSE, Astcar THY ৰ । Des t BRISTOL Seripture. Pianoforte Solo. Prayer. Chairman's Remarks. READY-MADE AND BESPOKE TAILORS. Mi FireucoaIL Mr LoA TATLO The Amoec daktal "The HoBhrine" In the thening Grey *How llortlue ie Beidge "Oh! kliheful" Song Song at 5{d. Miss TuK Sti Porata Mis F. Hanter Duet Largast Stock of Ready-Made Clothing in the Wet ol Eagland. Scamen's Complete Ourfits. Recital Song TEMPERANCE ADDRESS M lowan REV. LEONARD W. PARRY ELANNELK, BLANKETS. QUILS, Duet Musinal Selootions Song Song Song Annoaneoments and Colleetion. The aina Acdion "The Te Cities" When the ande g by "Antie anrie Doxology. Mis Fo LI Mr. E IL Do A Gross of Watches for London PREPAUE TO THE MINTER SEASON "WELSBACH Mis Tter Mater LaA TAXton EVELLERT, INCANESCENT GAN LIT SSTEM emar te RELABACE KERN BUN ngecres el er ot- the A PLEDGE BOOK WILL BE FOUND ON THE HALL TABLE. The Lacal Cemmitta t the lntorpated seamen and Boatmes's Friend foclety arnestly appeal te the Mambers t the Chrlatlan Chuncho nd all frienda of Temperince te ugpot thee goteria in every passible way. Thone dentring te help, ether In providinprgremme or canvaalng, e requostad to communicate with the Supertetendent, ke EW, Parry, Avenhurat, Cumhertand Road A Preper Mastin held a Wednerday, at8 pm. Hithe lacl iur il T10 Tarslays, and aday Teeat 11 a 30t ioel r Ant WILSACE HARTRA Muity e Riches i Apply fir paminla te Welsbech Inndescent Gas Light Co, A Titoria Strest, Bristal WATTS & C Ld., p Stokes Croft.
17 Jul 2021
Okay, not much in the way of actual pasture to be had in Bedminster these days, like most of Bristol, but I did take advantage of the current rather toasty weather in Bristol to go and sit under a tree in Greville Smyth Park to read a book for a while before firing up the GPS and taking a little detour around some back streets of Ashton and Bedminster rather than going straight to Coffee #1 for an espresso frappé. This is the first walk in a while where I've actually crossed off an entire new street (the frankly unexciting Carrington Road) as well as exploring a couple of back alleys, just because they were there, really. Along the way I spotted a few examples of graffiti of various qualities, including a live work-in-progress by SNUB23 on Ashton Road and the finished Six Sisters project on North Street.
According to Google Street View, a few years ago this was just a modest corner house. I imagine someone's made a tidy profit.
31 Jul 2021
At the end of July I went to have a look around some of the private gardens opened up by the annual Green Squares and Secret Gardens event. Sadly it was compressed into a single day this year, for various Covid-related reasons, it seems, so I didn't get to poke around too many places. I went to:
And snapped a few things in between, too. It was a lovely day—a bit too hot, if anything—and it was interesting to get into a few places I'd only ever seen from the outside, especially The Paragon and Cornwallis gardens, which are the least visible to passing strangers of all of them.
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom Clifton Village Clifton Cornwallis Crescent Garden Clifton Open Garden Squares Green Squares and Secret Gardens open day Cornwallis Crescent garden
Auto-Tags: Plant Grass Wood Font Rectangle Groundcover Terrestrial plant Grass family Commemorative plaque Paper Paper product Landscape Publication Document Pattern
Text Recognition Tags: Alhe ongeat Besdents Asooatten w n tact an Ownery Asoction n uy otheresidents sarvants and tnantamply datn'tcourt,ifwe are to jutge buan the Minuts of the eaure Ground Commttue whch in 1904 voted that taretoes and mer faes be et permitted to ae he plrae ground The ervants were dearly a problem, and in 12 e evatad alwng of Mers in the gendens s ogin droughta that he delinguents the ernt ot No2and t waireoked at the on Secnetany should wite to Mr. Esery ponting ut the e of actithe Canmitee eulbe forct to nahe reted the einquit n Ais aniceIta ey to beas ur predeeos but through the laboun of anore ar less ful-ine gadener e per wkin 18 they worted hard at cresting and mantaning the ganden we njny tody. Over the pears the Minutes book refers constantly to payments for eeh and shut, andtor the paths the lopping oftand the manteriance of the was-al of whah remainstnie ti day with the tres being partieular thefore he Camtt The gardemer tate tio epee It clear that toth heuses and gandes uffered dre eet setwthe as and for the folkowng 20 ywars Then in 1963 a Residents Aocutun was farmed whech emtraed the sgir af the age led by anewneration of owner aupies.and spitad tenantsa deteined attempe as made to mole etryane in the care of their haned anironmant The fact that eerol taf serp undanter rub ws of the state to which the prdns had deckned. There are stl a couple of ndents iing hers who took part in that massive dea e Weowe them agrst e We try to contue that self ep echos today, in the bellef that z fosters a samn of community All ptup residents er fleer paare tomatkally memters of the RA all havenght of acs to the garden Reponshlky for geting things done rests with everoe. The firat Sunda of she month is a'gandening elorning and we takein tus to mange the rkforce and alleate tasks. Keen gardeners are free moved d from the gardets is exidence enough s as much as they ke. Becently we haive been trying te manage he ganden to make mare wlfe frendly. We no Inngor spray the gravel path and we leave areasf the lawn unmwn to amcurage inects Some bird boons have teen pi u on the trees and Soses and badgers ane regar viston the latter not slwy welcome as they dig up the lan for wonms and gns dandeningrt, the grounds anea perfact plavaruund for chiidren and aduts ae de foctie, an anal bonfenight sctacule treasure hunts and bithday partiem, outdonr Shakeprare, carol singing sit doun meaand dancing in ourmarquee Lockdown in 2020 led to Cuckinghan Palace and the intraduction ofs fock of splenddy productive rescue hers, and this ar we started to plane truit ree aey The parden seemi to survive everything we thew t it, se far Alhe ongeat Besdents Asooatten w n tact an Ownery Asoction n uy otheresidents sarvants and tnantamply datn'tcourt,ifwe are to jutge buan the Minuts of the eaure Ground Commttue whch in 1904 voted that taretoes and mer faes be et permitted to ae he plrae ground The ervants were dearly a problem, and in 12 e evatad alwng of Mers in the gendens s ogin droughta that he delinguents the ernt ot No2and t waireoked at the on Secnetany should wite to Mr. Esery ponting ut the e of actithe Canmitee eulbe forct to nahe reted the einquit n Ais aniceIta ey to beas ur predeeos but through the laboun of anore ar less ful-ine gadener e per wkin 18 they worted hard at cresting and mantaning the ganden we njny tody. Over the pears the Minutes book refers constantly to payments for eeh and shut, andtor the paths the lopping oftand the manteriance of the was-al of whah remainstnie ti day with the tres being partieular thefore he Camtt The gardemer tate tio epee It clear that toth heuses and gandes uffered dre eet setwthe as and for the folkowng 20 ywars Then in 1963 a Residents Aocutun was farmed whech emtraed the sgir af the age led by anewneration of owner aupies.and spitad tenantsa deteined attempe as made to mole etryane in the care of their haned anironmant The fact that eerol taf serp undanter rub ws of the state to which the prdns had deckned. There are stl a couple of ndents iing hers who took part in that massive dea e Weowe them agrst e We try to contue that self ep echos today, in the bellef that z fosters a samn of community All ptup residents er fleer paare tomatkally memters of the RA all havenght of acs to the garden Reponshlky for geting things done rests with everoe. The firat Sunda of she month is a'gandening elorning and we takein tus to mange the rkforce and alleate tasks. Keen gardeners are free moved d from the gardets is exidence enough s as much as they ke. Becently we haive been trying te manage he ganden to make mare wlfe frendly. We no Inngor spray the gravel path and we leave areasf the lawn unmwn to amcurage inects Some bird boons have teen pi u on the trees and Soses and badgers ane regar viston the latter not slwy welcome as they dig up the lan for wonms and gns dandeningrt, the grounds anea perfact plavaruund for chiidren and aduts ae de foctie, an anal bonfenight sctacule treasure hunts and bithday partiem, outdonr Shakeprare, carol singing sit doun meaand dancing in ourmarquee Lockdown in 2020 led to Cuckinghan Palace and the intraduction ofs fock of splenddy productive rescue hers, and this ar we started to plane truit ree aey The parden seemi to survive everything we thew t it, se far
26 Feb 2022
I needed to buy new walking shoes—my old ones were squeaking and it was driving me up the wall—so I ordered some for collection from Taunton Leisure on East Street in Bedminster, and decided to make picking them up an official wander.
I didn't cover any new ground within my mile, but I did take advantage of the trip to take in a few interesting things just outside my normal radius, mostly New Gaol-related. Along the way there are a couple of sanitation-related diversions, including a visit to a rare manhole cover. You can hardly wait, I can tell!
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom Bedminster van Bedminster Parade Croatia
Auto-Tags: Automotive tail & brake light Car Sky Vehicle Automotive tire Automotive lighting Window Van Tree Wheel Tire Motor vehicle Asphalt Mode of transport Bumper
Text Recognition Tags: CRO RENAULT RAFIC रा 目目 CRO RENAULT RAFIC रा 目 目
14 Apr 2021
Apart from a lovely coffee and a slice of Victoria sponge from Twelve, there weren't any new sights on this little lunchtime jaunt except for a slightly better look at the long raised extension at the back of the St Vincent's Rocks Hotel, where I at least got to see the arches it's raised up on. I also got a fair bit of exercise by walking up the Zig Zag to get there, and saw far more people out than I have in months, what with the lockdown having just been significantly lifted. As I walked past The Mall pub they were turning people away from their already-full garden, and the (outdoor) cafe tables were pretty full up.
The 12th of April sign at Twelve, 12 Kings Road.
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom Clifton Village
Auto-Tags: Font Event Wood Paper Paper product Tree Document
Text Recognition Tags: 12 of April eng e s nint o u hme ra ee toven tunnce af eme e monf a tt r t r ONr www wwww vo lo r e swire o n 12 of April eng e s nint o u hme ra ee toven tunnce af eme e monf a tt r t r ONr www wwww vo lo r e swire o n
07 May 2021
I saw this tweet the other day and started thinking of my second Covid-19 vaccination as my "Sequel Injection" (to a geek, it's funny. You'll have to take my word for it.) Whatever you call it, this morning I went and got it.
It was in the same place I got my initial injection—my left arm! No, okay, it was at the Clifton College Prep School. I didn't take any photos of the event itself; the NHS production line is so efficient you barely have time to do anything else, even if the privacy of other patients wasn't a factor.
Along the way I mused at all the road resurfacing going on in Clifton, and also discovered a secret (okay, not-well-known and possibly slightly trespassey) way into Canynge Square, and on the way back I knocked off a few streets from my "leftovers list" of north-east Clifton. I've got much of Clifton done now, with the only obvious "to dos" on the east side of Whiteladies Road...
It was quite a long walk, and I'm feeling pretty tired now, though that might be the effects of the jab too, I suppose. Anyway. Tomorrow and Monday I'm walking outside Bristol, I think, and I imagine my feet will need some recovery time on Sunday, so it might be a while before I post another Wander.
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom Clifton Village Clifton Clifton Suspension Bridge CHIS
Auto-Tags: Road surface Font Circle Public utility Concrete Number Metal Tar
Text Recognition Tags: CLIPTON& OWELLS The cty w k el rt n t of h Cie of Han Waler al. The L The Wall Charitahle Tr, We Baclays Ba yte CoopenLynd Engise Wloyen Wees A ichand DiC Ne Tou, Bde 4& Fatne L. Sion Brook ag Mr Ms J el & Mes Wia . MrA M ks d Nr.& M Jebhe Lydda. Mr. & M Crig Begg M. M Sephen Mactelne. MA Me. Per hem Mr. A M Pip Gray. Alder Me leis ac M MA Mn ay Tn, DEA Ms Montp b M. & Ms. las Fatkaer. Mdrk M Mche Pc De. Cone Ma Kenedy Dr. Mn. Setan Cebrwic The RL wia Waga MP.Pocia Cimacs a Adrian oes Anhiect, Mr.A Ms Smon Poller. M Roh tgec, Min. Py Ka lan Tharton lag. Mr & drs. David Mler, Mr. Mn Joho Chies M Mis. Caria C Mr. a Mes. Ssepben Thoas, Me. Mes Cesnlell Jenes. Mr. Me. Rager Sy. M Las anbey the Hewer Family, Mr. & M. Rusell Cun. M &. Cha Nanon, Mr. uba Ces Mis Geraldine Squise, the puis of Cios Colleg ad Ches He So and other meibers of the Clin coomity she generoly c foda di insaces. theie n la CH were gres in oemry of Gertrude Herses OBE. RA. Mz. & Ms. BertildA Labrie. Ms. Enid Dury Ms. Paytia Hsclanan The eatire projeci was coondinated bw Sobs Ressell & Mary Birch 1994 CLIPTON& OWELLS The cty w k el rt n t of h Cie of Han Waler al. The L The Wall Charitahle Tr, We Baclays Ba yte CoopenLynd Engise Wloyen Wees A ichand DiC Ne Tou, Bde 4& Fatne L. Sion Brook ag Mr Ms J el & Mes Wia . MrA M ks d Nr.& M Jebhe Lydda. Mr. & M Crig Begg M. M Sephen Mactelne. MA Me. Per hem Mr. A M Pip Gray. Alder Me leis ac M MA Mn ay Tn, DEA Ms Montp b M. & Ms. las Fatkaer. Mdrk M Mche Pc De. Cone Ma Kenedy Dr. Mn. Setan Cebrwic The RL wia Waga MP.Pocia Cimacs a Adrian oes Anhiect, Mr.A Ms Smon Poller. M Roh tgec, Min. Py Ka lan Tharton lag. Mr & drs. David Mler, Mr. Mn Joho Chies M Mis. Caria C Mr. a Mes. Ssepben Thoas, Me. Mes Cesnlell Jenes. Mr. Me. Rager Sy. M Las anbey the Hewer Family, Mr. & M. Rusell Cun. M &. Cha Nanon, Mr. uba Ces Mis Geraldine Squise, the puis of Cios Colleg ad Ches He So and other meibers of the Clin coomity she generoly c foda di insaces. theie n la CH were gres in oemry of Gertrude Herses OBE. RA. Mz. & Ms. BertildA Labrie. Ms. Enid Dury Ms. Paytia Hsclanan The eatire projeci was coondinated bw Sobs Ressell & Mary Birch 1994
19 Jun 2021
I hadn't really planned to go out for a wander yesterday; I just got the urge and thought "why not?" (Well, the weather forecast was one possible reason, but I managed to avoid the rain, luckily.)
I wanted to finish off the A369—as it turns out I may still have a small section to go, but I've now walked the bulk of it out to my one-mile radius—and also a few random tracks in Leigh Woods. I'm still not really sure that I'm going to walk them all, especially after discovering today that "the map is not the territory" applies even more in the woods, where one of the marked tracks on the map wasn't really that recognisable as a track in real life... I'm glad I'd programmed the route into the GPS in advance!
Anyway. A pleasant enough walk, oddly bookended, photographically at least, by unusual vehicles. Leigh Woods was fairly busy, especially the section I'd chosen, which was positively dripping with teenage schoolkids with rah accents muttering opprobrium about the Duke of Edinburgh. I'm presuming the harsh remarks were more about taking part in his award scheme than the late Consort himself, but I didn't eavesdrop enough to be certain...
The local taggers showing their respect for the environment...
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom Avon Gorge Leigh Woods forest woods railway Bristol and Portishead Pier and Railway Company rail
Auto-Tags: Plant Wood Natural landscape Road surface Motor vehicle Tree Woody plant Grass Groundcover Trunk Road Gas Landscape Forest Street sign