I like The Paragon as a terrace, especially the bowed porches. On the other side of the road, a house attic has a stone lion surrounded by rocaille leaves, according to its listing.
I also love the detail of the arrows in the wrought iron of The Mall's balconies. Today I discovered Westfield place, a road I'd never encountered that runs up to the rear of the Coronation Tap. (It's a famous local cider pub, but I've only been in a couple of times. I'm more of a beer man.)
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom Clifton Village
Auto-Tags: Wood Brick Brickwork Font Facade Gas Building material Concrete Signage Street Composite material Number Fixture Art Metal
Just a quick wander up the hill to get a flat white from Twelve. I really enjoyed the spooky mannequin (?) in the window.
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom Clifton Village
Auto-Tags: Wood Font Gas Building material Facade Art Metal Signage Composite material Concrete City Street Handrail Electrical supply Sign
I was browsing some historical photos the other day, and came across "Rear of Unspecified House" in the Bristol Archives' John Trelawny Ross collection, and immediately recognised it as being the back of 1 Albermarle Row, just around the corner from me. I've not had much time to research the history of this odd little addition to Albermarle Row, or what happened to 1-4 Cumberland Place, number 4 of which used to be attached to the side of 1 Albermarle Row, but it was interesting to look at old maps for a few minutes and work out what used to be where.
That all connects with the little local bit of land at Granby Green, too, as it used to be numbers 1-3 Cumberland Place. There was something of a planning battle over Granby Green, and I've included an old edition of Hotwells & Cliftonwood News that I found online, a copy of which would have been popped through my letterbox at the time.
I was also inspired by some old pictures of Hotwell Road to try to put a few more people in my pictures, though I set my pre-focus a couple of extra metres out from normal to make sure I didn't get too close to anyone!
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom Hotwells Cumberland Place Granby Green
Auto-Tags: Tire Automotive tire Newspaper Publication Motor vehicle Tread Font Wheel Material property News Vehicle Automotive wheel system Advertising Tire care Screenshot
Text Recognition Tags: Decision time for new h&cca Open Space in Hotwells HOTWELLS & CLIFTONWOOD COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION A recent poll of the people who sion granted to Edward Ware Homes campaigned in vain to preserve makes it clear that the whole site must Granby Green has confirmed that be landscaped and maintained for a year most want the remaining piece of before adoption by the Council, The undeveloped land in Cumberland original plan for the garden was heavily Place, Hotwells retained as a pub- criticised by members of Friends of lic open space with local people Granby Green as over-complex and having a say in how it is developed 'institutional but FROGG members are reviewing revised proposals that were The consultation followed an approach produced last year. They are hopeful by solicitors to the developers Edward that a partnership can be established with the Council Parks Dept. to ensure the residual land they own to the Com that the site is managed in a way that munity Association. Most people who reflects local needs without it being a responded to a questionnaire did not major financial burden for the Commu- ed by and managed. Ware Homes with an offer to transfer see ownership of the space as impor- nity Association. tant but were concermed that it should The whole development has been the be protected from any future develop- subject of a number of planning breaches and consequent enforcement Part of the site intended for open space action by the Council, described as a 'nightmare by an offi- cer in the Planning De- Alkhough Granby Hill is now open to traffic, the planned improvements to the footpath and highway have not yet ment. is owned by Bristol City Council and there is a provision in the planning agreement for the developer's section to be transferred to partment. Bristol C.C. owmership as well. The offer of ownership of one part of the site to the CA taken place. If you want to be in- volved with the pro- posed garden or have any comment on the scheme contact Mike would not therefore overcome the prob lems of split ownership or guarantee the out- come that local people Timmins tel: 9291804 want. The planning permis- The s of the panned garden Granby Green -a short history This apace had cared for by local residents a an informal community garden from as far back as the 1970s unail a fance was erected by a develaper, to establiah a tde with the Land Ragistry in May 2002 Tha 4 day interruption to pubic access later proved to be a crudal factor in the IB legal battle to regster the space as Town Green which would have protected it from developmere, n renoved by a recent High pnenas of Graby Green) campagned to Ibeen regardiess of ownership (iroricaly. chis technical objection has now been Court rulng A support group of around 100 local people prevent the loss of the space and the group tced a professional legal team at a three day publik in In this edition: Community News Winning ideas - Meet Your Neighbour -6 Events & Activities - quiry At one point, Town Green satus wos con ferred by the Bristol CC Open Spaces committee but bear rescinded folawing thrests of legal action by the then ownieri, Etward Ware Homes. Local resident Mike Timmin has ggeed that the now smaler space below Walace Place, che new 4 block of Mats should be christened Gromit Gar. 7 dens Rey Smth Contacts 8 HOTWELLS&CLIFTONWOe Spring 2007 SM3N Published y Hetwells A CIenweed Cemmunity Aassetaten, Htepe Chapel, Hepe Chapel Hill, Hetwells, Brtatel. BSa 4ND Decision time for new h&cca Open Space in Hotwells HOTWELLS & CLIFTONWOOD COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION A recent poll of the people who sion granted to Edward Ware Homes campaigned in vain to preserve makes it clear that the whole site must Granby Green has confirmed that be landscaped and maintained for a year most want the remaining piece of before adoption by the Council, The undeveloped land in Cumberland original plan for the garden was heavily Place, Hotwells retained as a pub- criticised by members of Friends of lic open space with local people Granby Green as over-complex and having a say in how it is developed 'institutional but FROGG members are reviewing revised proposals that were The consultation followed an approach produced last year. They are hopeful by solicitors to the developers Edward that a partnership can be established with the Council Parks Dept. to ensure the residual land they own to the Com that the site is managed in a way that munity Association. Most people who reflects local needs without it being a responded to a questionnaire did not major financial burden for the Commu- ed by and managed. Ware Homes with an offer to transfer see ownership of the space as impor- nity Association. tant but were concermed that it should The whole development has been the be protected from any future develop- subject of a number of planning breaches and consequent enforcement Part of the site intended for open space action by the Council, described as a 'nightmare by an offi- cer in the Planning De- Alkhough Granby Hill is now open to traffic, the planned improvements to the footpath and highway have not yet ment. is owned by Bristol City Council and there is a provision in the planning agreement for the developer's section to be transferred to partment. Bristol C.C. owmership as well. The offer of ownership of one part of the site to the CA taken place. If you want to be in- volved with the pro- posed garden or have any comment on the scheme contact Mike would not therefore overcome the prob lems of split ownership or guarantee the out- come that local people Timmins tel: 9291804 want. The planning permis- The s of the panned garden Granby Green -a short history This apace had cared for by local residents a an informal community garden from as far back as the 1970s unail a fance was erected by a develaper, to establiah a tde with the Land Ragistry in May 2002 Tha 4 day interruption to pubic access later proved to be a crudal factor in the IB legal battle to regster the space as Town Green which would have protected it from developmere, n renoved by a recent High pnenas of Graby Green) campagned to Ibeen regardiess of ownership (iroricaly. chis technical objection has now been Court rulng A support group of around 100 local people prevent the loss of the space and the group tced a professional legal team at a three day publik in In this edition: Community News Winning ideas - Meet Your Neighbour -6 Events & Activities - quiry At one point, Town Green satus wos con ferred by the Bristol CC Open Spaces committee but bear rescinded folawing thrests of legal action by the then ownieri, Etward Ware Homes. Local resident Mike Timmin has ggeed that the now smaler space below Walace Place, che new 4 block of Mats should be christened Gromit Gar. 7 dens Rey Smth Contacts 8 HOTWELLS&CLIFTONWOe Spring 2007 SM3N Published y Hetwells A CIenweed Cemmunity Aassetaten, Htepe Chapel, Hepe Chapel Hill, Hetwells, Brtatel. BSa 4ND
I saw this tweet the other day and started thinking of my second Covid-19 vaccination as my "Sequel Injection" (to a geek, it's funny. You'll have to take my word for it.) Whatever you call it, this morning I went and got it.
It was in the same place I got my initial injection—my left arm! No, okay, it was at the Clifton College Prep School. I didn't take any photos of the event itself; the NHS production line is so efficient you barely have time to do anything else, even if the privacy of other patients wasn't a factor.
Along the way I mused at all the road resurfacing going on in Clifton, and also discovered a secret (okay, not-well-known and possibly slightly trespassey) way into Canynge Square, and on the way back I knocked off a few streets from my "leftovers list" of north-east Clifton. I've got much of Clifton done now, with the only obvious "to dos" on the east side of Whiteladies Road...
It was quite a long walk, and I'm feeling pretty tired now, though that might be the effects of the jab too, I suppose. Anyway. Tomorrow and Monday I'm walking outside Bristol, I think, and I imagine my feet will need some recovery time on Sunday, so it might be a while before I post another Wander.
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom Clifton Village Clifton Clifton Suspension Bridge CHIS
Auto-Tags: Road surface Font Circle Public utility Concrete Number Metal Tar
Text Recognition Tags: CLIPTON& OWELLS The cty w k el rt n t of h Cie of Han Waler al. The L The Wall Charitahle Tr, We Baclays Ba yte CoopenLynd Engise Wloyen Wees A ichand DiC Ne Tou, Bde 4& Fatne L. Sion Brook ag Mr Ms J el & Mes Wia . MrA M ks d Nr.& M Jebhe Lydda. Mr. & M Crig Begg M. M Sephen Mactelne. MA Me. Per hem Mr. A M Pip Gray. Alder Me leis ac M MA Mn ay Tn, DEA Ms Montp b M. & Ms. las Fatkaer. Mdrk M Mche Pc De. Cone Ma Kenedy Dr. Mn. Setan Cebrwic The RL wia Waga MP.Pocia Cimacs a Adrian oes Anhiect, Mr.A Ms Smon Poller. M Roh tgec, Min. Py Ka lan Tharton lag. Mr & drs. David Mler, Mr. Mn Joho Chies M Mis. Caria C Mr. a Mes. Ssepben Thoas, Me. Mes Cesnlell Jenes. Mr. Me. Rager Sy. M Las anbey the Hewer Family, Mr. & M. Rusell Cun. M &. Cha Nanon, Mr. uba Ces Mis Geraldine Squise, the puis of Cios Colleg ad Ches He So and other meibers of the Clin coomity she generoly c foda di insaces. theie n la CH were gres in oemry of Gertrude Herses OBE. RA. Mz. & Ms. BertildA Labrie. Ms. Enid Dury Ms. Paytia Hsclanan The eatire projeci was coondinated bw Sobs Ressell & Mary Birch 1994 CLIPTON& OWELLS The cty w k el rt n t of h Cie of Han Waler al. The L The Wall Charitahle Tr, We Baclays Ba yte CoopenLynd Engise Wloyen Wees A ichand DiC Ne Tou, Bde 4& Fatne L. Sion Brook ag Mr Ms J el & Mes Wia . MrA M ks d Nr.& M Jebhe Lydda. Mr. & M Crig Begg M. M Sephen Mactelne. MA Me. Per hem Mr. A M Pip Gray. Alder Me leis ac M MA Mn ay Tn, DEA Ms Montp b M. & Ms. las Fatkaer. Mdrk M Mche Pc De. Cone Ma Kenedy Dr. Mn. Setan Cebrwic The RL wia Waga MP.Pocia Cimacs a Adrian oes Anhiect, Mr.A Ms Smon Poller. M Roh tgec, Min. Py Ka lan Tharton lag. Mr & drs. David Mler, Mr. Mn Joho Chies M Mis. Caria C Mr. a Mes. Ssepben Thoas, Me. Mes Cesnlell Jenes. Mr. Me. Rager Sy. M Las anbey the Hewer Family, Mr. & M. Rusell Cun. M &. Cha Nanon, Mr. uba Ces Mis Geraldine Squise, the puis of Cios Colleg ad Ches He So and other meibers of the Clin coomity she generoly c foda di insaces. theie n la CH were gres in oemry of Gertrude Herses OBE. RA. Mz. & Ms. BertildA Labrie. Ms. Enid Dury Ms. Paytia Hsclanan The eatire projeci was coondinated bw Sobs Ressell & Mary Birch 1994
At the end of July I went to have a look around some of the private gardens opened up by the annual Green Squares and Secret Gardens event. Sadly it was compressed into a single day this year, for various Covid-related reasons, it seems, so I didn't get to poke around too many places. I went to:
And snapped a few things in between, too. It was a lovely day—a bit too hot, if anything—and it was interesting to get into a few places I'd only ever seen from the outside, especially The Paragon and Cornwallis gardens, which are the least visible to passing strangers of all of them.
It's a little tamer now than it was back when anti-residents' parking zone protesters drove a tank through the city to deliver their petition. This one's about an experiment to pedestrianise Princess Victoria Street.
Won't make any difference to me one way or the other, really; I just walk up to Clifton Village for my shopping. Or, quite often, in completely the other direction, to North Street in Bedminster. I like both areas for shopping, and it's good to live close enough to either to get there on foot.
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom Clifton Village Clifton Garden traffic Princess Victoria Street Clifton Open Garden Squares Green Squares and Secret Gardens open day pedestrianisation
Auto-Tags: Font Parallel Handwriting Publication Advertising Paper Document Paper product Electric blue Rectangle Pattern Letter
Text Recognition Tags: Please sign the Petition! SCAN ME STOP NO ENTRY the council changing your vibrant viliage without consultation ACT NOW! STOP Bristol City Council plans to Pedestrianise Princess Victoria Street in July without proper consultation. La PLEASE SION the online petition. To denand Bretol City Count comy out proper damsentic nuttion a he pedesnianisotion of ponoes vioterta strat Please sign the Petition! SCAN ME STOP NO ENTRY the council changing your vibrant viliage without consultation ACT NOW! STOP Bristol City Council plans to Pedestrianise Princess Victoria Street in July without proper consultation. La PLEASE SION the online petition. To denand Bretol City Count comy out proper damsentic nuttion a he pedesnianisotion of ponoes vioterta strat
I didn't really set out with a theme of flowers and gardens in mind for this walk. I just fancied heading up to Clifton Village to get lunch. As it turned out, though, Spring was springing, so a minor theme emerged as I started off with the graveyard flowers of Hope Chapel and wandered up to see the beginnings of the new wildflower garden at Clifton Hill Meadow.
With a special Platinum Jubilee celebration on offer, too. I imagine The Mall Gardens will do that rather well.
The "Brigstowe Village Band" is a whimsical name. Brigstow—the bridge at the meeting point—is the origin of the modern "Bristol". Apparently they're "modelled on the village bands of Thomas Hardy’s day when local musicians played for all the local gatherings and celebrations."
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom Clifton Village Clifton The Mall Garden The Mall
Auto-Tags: Plant Plant community Terrestrial plant Natural landscape Grass Biome Font Groundcover Wood Grass family Trunk Forest Landscape Poster Signage
Text Recognition Tags: MALL GARDENS RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION (MGRA) SOCIAL PROGRAMME 2022 The Queen's Platinum Jubilee celebrations and MGRA Summer Garden party with a Jazz band. Sunday 5th June 12pm-6pm. All Welcome. Bring your own picnic, drinks and friends and family Musical evenings in the top Mall garden. Tuesdays 6.30 for 7.00pm 5th July City of Bristol Brass Band 12th July Sion Singers 19th July Brigstowe Village Band 26th July Csilla's Chums (local African band; tbc) (Bring snacks, picnic and friends and family; ALL Welcome) Drinks and Canapes in October; (MGRA members only) 6.30-8.00 pm; at a member's house(date and venue tbc) (Please bring a bottle) Carols around the piano (MGRA members only) Mince pies, snacks and Prosecco 6.30-8.00pm Tuesday 20th Dec. West Mall (Please bring a bottle of Prosecco or white wine) DO JOIN THE MGRA Further information or queries contact: Shu Sandhu Re Social Programme email protoksandhu@gmail.com Jan Smith Re Membership of MGRA email-stuma.com MALL GARDENS RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION ( MGRA ) SOCIAL PROGRAMME 2022 The Queen's Platinum Jubilee celebrations and MGRA Summer Garden party with a Jazz band . Sunday 5th June 12 pm-6pm . All Welcome . Bring your own picnic , drinks and friends and family Musical evenings in the top Mall garden . Tuesdays 6.30 for 7.00pm 5th July City of Bristol Brass Band 12th July Sion Singers 19th July Brigstowe Village Band 26th July Csilla's Chums ( local African band ; tbc ) ( Bring snacks , picnic and friends and family ; ALL Welcome ) Drinks and Canapes in October ; ( MGRA members only ) 6.30-8.00 pm ; at a member's house ( date and venue tbc ) ( Please bring a bottle ) Carols around the piano ( MGRA members only ) Mince pies , snacks and Prosecco 6.30-8.00pm Tuesday 20th Dec. West Mall ( Please bring a bottle of Prosecco or white wine ) DO JOIN THE MGRA Further information or queries contact : Shu Sandhu Re Social Programme email protoksandhu@gmail.com Jan Smith Re Membership of MGRA email-stuma.com