I went to have a peep at the giant sinkhole that's opened up in Canynge Square—ironically, having recently discovered the gardens were public I'd had the (triangular!) square on my list to re-visit for a few days, but now there's no entrance to the gardens due to the danger. The area was well fenced-off for safety, but I tried to get a couple of photos from behind the barriers.
I also explored the area around Camp Road, an real melange of architectures, one of the most mixed-up areas I've seen in Clifton, in fact, and confirmed my friend Claire's suspicion that an earlier snap of a sign from Manilla Road was in fact for a fire hydrant. Nice.
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom Clifton Village
Auto-Tags: Tire Wheel Motor vehicle Automotive tire Vehicle Automotive exterior Tread Automotive wheel system Font Fender Bumper Commercial vehicle News Vehicle door Truck
Text Recognition Tags: Dear negbour od 14 aund 1 ene unknoun tomeit the extensebuling wo ur wy on the house t to umber, damag ringwide truc/orry the d t eoistently parked at the te for seeal wee ng and aown and iemrahing ut you to ask i you can al e regivtration number of any detavsal regarding thê truck, bu yourself have hat yeur demaged recently as lythis ne an isolated moa rm what remenber itwosa uck wth aopen ar ba end for toading up scatfording etc, uimilar to this steckiel Wiknson The driver contacted my partrer aver the interc o seek the owner before breakin offand SL alter being informed the persen te wistalng too couid put him in comt with me herefore ey that if this persan has degnother cars uch as yours. he is kely t repeat behavidur in the future and nat act to infem you 00 have had amy dimage to yaur car recently or an emember and share any details of the Tack in question or if you saw what haupened t would be enainouly acoreciated f you would Lotact me va teatical 0766994321. Orvamall at simonmattheapayne@nai.com Althe best, Mecry Christmaes and stay sale Smbeumbi The Fosseway Dear negbour od 14 aund 1 ene unknoun tomeit the extensebuling wo ur wy on the house t to umber, damag ringwide truc/orry the d t eoistently parked at the te for seeal wee ng and aown and iemrahing ut you to ask i you can al e regivtration number of any detavsal regarding thê truck, bu yourself have hat yeur demaged recently as lythis ne an isolated moa rm what remenber itwosa uck wth aopen ar ba end for toading up scatfording etc, uimilar to this steckiel Wiknson The driver contacted my partrer aver the interc o seek the owner before breakin offand SL alter being informed the persen te wistalng too couid put him in comt with me herefore ey that if this persan has degnother cars uch as yours. he is kely t repeat behavidur in the future and nat act to infem you 00 have had amy dimage to yaur car recently or an emember and share any details of the Tack in question or if you saw what haupened t would be enainouly acoreciated f you would Lotact me va teatical 0766994321. Orvamall at simonmattheapayne@nai.com Althe best, Mecry Christmaes and stay sale Smbeumbi The Fosseway
I got interested in Bristol's medieval water supplies after poking around near Jacobs Wells Road and Brandon Hill. It was during that research I found out about a pipe that's still there today, and, as far as I know, still actually functioning, that was originally commissioned by Carmelite monks in the 13th century. They wanted a supply of spring water from Brandon Hill to their priory on the site of what's now the Bristol Beacon—Colston Hall, as-was. It was created around 1267, and later, in 1376, extended generously with an extra "feather" pipe to St John's On The Wall, giving the pipework its modern name of "St John's Conduit".
St John's on the Wall is still there, guarding the remaining city gate at the end of Broad Street, and the outlet tap area was recently refurbished. It doesn't run continuously now, like it did when I first moved to Bristol and worked at the end of Broad Street, in the Everard Building, but I believe the pipe still functions. One day I'd like to see that tap running...
There are a few links on the web about the pipe, but by far the best thing to do is to watch this short and fascinating 1970s TV documentary called The Hidden Source, which has some footage of the actual pipe and also lots of fantastic general footage of Bristol in the seventies.
On my walk today I was actually just going to the building society in town, but I decided to trace some of the route of the Carmelite pipe, including visiting streets it runs under, like Park Street, Christmas Street, and, of course, Pipe Lane. I also went a bit out of my way to check out St James' Priory, the oldest building in Bristol, seeing as it was just around the corner from the building society.
There are far too many pictures from this walk, and my feet are now quite sore, because it was a long one. But I enjoyed it.
This isn't the Russian Orthodox Church; it's Browns bar and restaurant, over the road. It's quite a posh building, and used to be the city museum and art gallery.
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom Clifton
Auto-Tags: Light Brickwork Brick Wood Font Flooring Rectangle Line Floor Wall Building material Symmetry Landmark Stone wall Tints and shades
Another day, another quick dash out for a coffee. I did at least try to take a different route from normal, especially on the way back, where I yet again got a bit lost in the strange paths, flyovers and underpasses that make up the odd maze of pedestrian "infrastructure" among the concrete jungle between the west of Greville Smyth and my neck of the woods in Hotwells. I swear one day I'll take a turn I've not tried before and end up being gored by a Bristolian minotaur.
I'd heard there was going to be something of a wild party in Greville Smyth to mark the end of lockdown. It seems it may be the start of a regular thing, with a dance festival bringing 8,000 people to the park. I imagine I'll be able to hear it from my place, and therefore safely avoid it.
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom Bedminster Greville Smyth Park Ashton sign festival party
Auto-Tags: Plant community Plant Botany Natural landscape Terrestrial plant Vegetation Biome Grass Groundcover Font Forest Wood Shrub Signage Landscape
Text Recognition Tags: LICENSING ACT 2003 Application for the Grant of a Premises Licence & Paul Rooney of Radiosctive Clothing Limited TIA Slammin Events. Greville Smyth Park, Ashton Road, Ashton, Bristol, BS3 ZEA have submitted an application for the grant of a premises licence to Bristol City Council Licensing Authority, 100 Temple Street, Bristol BS1 SAG The record of the applicaeion may also be inspected at this address between .00 am and 6.00a pm Monday Friday. (Wednesday only. 10.00 am and 5.00 pm or on the Council's website at www.belatol.gox.uk The licence is being applied to cover a single three day avent, over a weekend in July ach year from 2021 te 2023. The esact date will be agreed with Bristol City Council in advance each year. The following dates relade to 2021 only. howevor the Bimes of operatlon are ed: Retail Saie of Alcohol Friy 23h uy 12:00 -22:10 Saturday 24 July 1200-22 10 and unday 25 July 12:00 -2140, Provision of Regulated Entertainment: Proviion of ve music recorded music wnd dance Fry 23 July 1200 22:30 Baturday 24 July 12:00-2230, and Bunday 1200 -22:00 Relevant persons and responsible authorities may make written reprenantation te the relevant Lconsing Authority by 4 May 2021. Such rapresentation shall be made in writing to Licensing Teameor PO BOK 339 Brienel B1 9NE vie smai Aano at.uk Ris an offence knowingy or reklessy to make a faise statement in connestion wh en oplcation and the masimum fine for which a peron is iable on summery conviction for the offence is an unmited e LICENSING ACT 2003 Application for the Grant of a Premises Licence & Paul Rooney of Radiosctive Clothing Limited TIA Slammin Events. Greville Smyth Park, Ashton Road, Ashton, Bristol, BS3 ZEA have submitted an application for the grant of a premises licence to Bristol City Council Licensing Authority, 100 Temple Street, Bristol BS1 SAG The record of the applicaeion may also be inspected at this address between .00 am and 6.00a pm Monday Friday. (Wednesday only. 10.00 am and 5.00 pm or on the Council's website at www.belatol.gox.uk The licence is being applied to cover a single three day avent, over a weekend in July ach year from 2021 te 2023. The esact date will be agreed with Bristol City Council in advance each year. The following dates relade to 2021 only. howevor the Bimes of operatlon are ed: Retail Saie of Alcohol Friy 23h uy 12:00 -22:10 Saturday 24 July 1200-22 10 and unday 25 July 12:00 -2140, Provision of Regulated Entertainment: Proviion of ve music recorded music wnd dance Fry 23 July 1200 22:30 Baturday 24 July 12:00-2230, and Bunday 1200 -22:00 Relevant persons and responsible authorities may make written reprenantation te the relevant Lconsing Authority by 4 May 2021. Such rapresentation shall be made in writing to Licensing Teameor PO BOK 339 Brienel B1 9NE vie smai Aano at.uk Ris an offence knowingy or reklessy to make a faise statement in connestion wh en oplcation and the masimum fine for which a peron is iable on summery conviction for the offence is an unmited e
At the end of July I went to have a look around some of the private gardens opened up by the annual Green Squares and Secret Gardens event. Sadly it was compressed into a single day this year, for various Covid-related reasons, it seems, so I didn't get to poke around too many places. I went to:
And snapped a few things in between, too. It was a lovely day—a bit too hot, if anything—and it was interesting to get into a few places I'd only ever seen from the outside, especially The Paragon and Cornwallis gardens, which are the least visible to passing strangers of all of them.
It's a little tamer now than it was back when anti-residents' parking zone protesters drove a tank through the city to deliver their petition. This one's about an experiment to pedestrianise Princess Victoria Street.
Won't make any difference to me one way or the other, really; I just walk up to Clifton Village for my shopping. Or, quite often, in completely the other direction, to North Street in Bedminster. I like both areas for shopping, and it's good to live close enough to either to get there on foot.
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom Clifton Village Clifton Garden traffic Princess Victoria Street Clifton Open Garden Squares Green Squares and Secret Gardens open day pedestrianisation
Auto-Tags: Font Parallel Handwriting Publication Advertising Paper Document Paper product Electric blue Rectangle Pattern Letter
Text Recognition Tags: Please sign the Petition! SCAN ME STOP NO ENTRY the council changing your vibrant viliage without consultation ACT NOW! STOP Bristol City Council plans to Pedestrianise Princess Victoria Street in July without proper consultation. La PLEASE SION the online petition. To denand Bretol City Count comy out proper damsentic nuttion a he pedesnianisotion of ponoes vioterta strat Please sign the Petition! SCAN ME STOP NO ENTRY the council changing your vibrant viliage without consultation ACT NOW! STOP Bristol City Council plans to Pedestrianise Princess Victoria Street in July without proper consultation. La PLEASE SION the online petition. To denand Bretol City Count comy out proper damsentic nuttion a he pedesnianisotion of ponoes vioterta strat
On my last wander, to Bower Ashton, I was intending to knock Blackmoors Lane off my list "to-do" list, but got a bit diverted. I also took a little look into the history of the Gridiron, once a cheaper alternative to dry dock that was nestled just south of North Entrance Lock.
Today I had to go to send a parcel off somewhere, so I decided on going to the North Street Post Office via Blackmoors Lane. I didn't have much intention of anything else, but as luck would have it I walked out both at low tide and also as some lockkeepers seemed to be having a bit of a training session, and one of the more senior people was (a) happy to answer a few random questions on the Gridiron and (b) actually knew a lot about it, as Gridiron maintenance had been one of his jobs, more than twenty years ago...
So I might have missed the deadline a bit, then. Just as well I don't own any land around here...
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom sign railway Bower Ashton notice
Auto-Tags: Botany Grass Line Font Cylinder Gas Groundcover Public utility Natural landscape Trunk Signage Composite material Natural material Nature reserve Wood
Text Recognition Tags: below, quoting the eference MWUNREEby ree t you have any legel interest in, on, er over the land nant, ocpier o any other interst i the and shoen the ppended plan whether as ower, le ardent SECTIONLAND 44 PLANNNGATZ MORTH BOMERSET COM PROPOS WETROWEST PA ToA TANTNEORI Marth Somant Council intends Secretary of S under the Planring Act t Devalopment Consent Order (DCO)onstt sperate w station at Portishat. wpen e fomar statien al P and reopen te Porheal rail ine as wt as other powen de aling lne betsen Pl and Parson ets THANA CRY pe contact Charlette Pots on the contd he 1 n 20s pt cas bw fo below, quoting the eference MWUNREEby ree t you have any legel interest in, on, er over the land nant, ocpier o any other interst i the and shoen the ppended plan whether as ower, le ardent SECTIONLAND 44 PLANNNGATZ MORTH BOMERSET COM PROPOS WETROWEST PA ToA TANTNEORI Marth Somant Council intends Secretary of S under the Planring Act t Devalopment Consent Order (DCO)onstt sperate w station at Portishat. wpen e fomar statien al P and reopen te Porheal rail ine as wt as other powen de aling lne betsen Pl and Parson ets THANA CRY pe contact Charlette Pots on the contd he 1 n 20s pt cas bw fo
I didn't really set out with a theme of flowers and gardens in mind for this walk. I just fancied heading up to Clifton Village to get lunch. As it turned out, though, Spring was springing, so a minor theme emerged as I started off with the graveyard flowers of Hope Chapel and wandered up to see the beginnings of the new wildflower garden at Clifton Hill Meadow.
There's been some commotion on Nextdoor about the recent appearance of this sign. Lots of people who have been letting their dogs off their leads in the churchyard for decades have been rather up in arms. I'm not sure there's actually much danger of the rozzers issuing ASBOs or fines to the locals for that kind of infraction, though.
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom Clifton Village Clifton St Andrew's churchyard birdcage walk Lime Walk
Auto-Tags: Green White Nature Natural environment Grass Font Biome Line Plant Public space Woody plant Tree Signage Motor vehicle Street sign
Text Recognition Tags: ㅅ Keep dogs on leads and clean up after your dog Notice of a public spaces protection order (PSPO)- All dogs must be held on leads and it is an offence not to clean up after your dog Anti-Social Behaviour Crime And Policing Act 2014, Section 59Notice is hereby given that Bristol City Council (the Council) in exercise of its powers under Section 59, 63 and 72 of the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 The Act, being satisfied that the conditions set out in section 59 of the Act have been met, made the following Onder City Of Bristol (Dog Control) Public Spaces Protection Order 2020. A Fored Penalty Notice may be issued to a person who a comitable or authorised person has reason to believe has committed an offence in relation to this One offering the person to whom it is issued the opportunity of dischinging any lability to conviction for the offence by payment of a fiend penalty Scene dog fouling provisions and the Exclusion Zones de not app assistance dogs Further information about the PSPO and the front of the Onder can be found at Public Space Protection (PSPO)-bristol.gov.uk ㅅ Keep dogs on leads and clean up after your dog Notice of a public spaces protection order ( PSPO ) All dogs must be held on leads and it is an offence not to clean up after your dog Anti - Social Behaviour Crime And Policing Act 2014 , Section 59Notice is hereby given that Bristol City Council ( the Council ) in exercise of its powers under Section 59 , 63 and 72 of the Anti - social Behaviour , Crime and Policing Act 2014 The Act , being satisfied that the conditions set out in section 59 of the Act have been met , made the following Onder City Of Bristol ( Dog Control ) Public Spaces Protection Order 2020 . A Fored Penalty Notice may be issued to a person who a comitable or authorised person has reason to believe has committed an offence in relation to this One offering the person to whom it is issued the opportunity of dischinging any lability to conviction for the offence by payment of a fiend penalty Scene dog fouling provisions and the Exclusion Zones de not app assistance dogs Further information about the PSPO and the front of the Onder can be found at Public Space Protection ( PSPO ) -bristol.gov.uk
I managed to go for a wander a while ago that was meant to finish off a little tangle of paths in Leigh Woods, or at the very least finish off my wandering of the Purple Path there. And I managed to miss doing either of those things through some kind of navigational incompetence.
Today I woke up with a bit of a headache, feeling a bit knackered as soon as I dragged myself out of bed, but at least with the energy to realise that I'd be better off (a) going for a walk in what looked likely to be the last of the Jubilee weekend sunshine than (b) moping around the flat until it started raining, at which point I could mope more thoroughly.
I had a look at my map, considered going to Ashton Court, but remembered that there was a music festival there today, and instead found these little leftovers of Leigh Woods and decided to have one more try at walking them.
Tags: Ashton Court Estate Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom ashton court conservation skylark
Auto-Tags: Bird Plant community Vertebrate Ecoregion Nature Beak Mammal Grass Adaptation Grassland Grass family Terrestrial plant Groundcover Feather Plant
Text Recognition Tags: SKYLARK PROTECTION AREA Ashton Court Estate is home to breeding Skylarks, which nest on the ground across the plateau area. They are easily disturbed by both humans and dogs. All nesting birds are legally protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended) The numbers of Skylarks have dropped in Britain by at least 60% in the last 40 years Your co-operation will help with their recovery In this area you must: + Keep your dog on a short lead Stay on the mown and marked paths. ignoring the guidelines will lead to their further decline and potential prosecution. Ashton Court Estate is a Site of Special Scientific interest and we all have a duty to protect it and its wildlife. For further information vit www.bristol.gov.ukychtoncourtestate SKYLARK PROTECTION AREA Ashton Court Estate is home to breeding Skylarks , which nest on the ground across the plateau area . They are easily disturbed by both humans and dogs . All nesting birds are legally protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 ( as amended ) The numbers of Skylarks have dropped in Britain by at least 60 % in the last 40 years Your co - operation will help with their recovery In this area you must : + Keep your dog on a short lead Stay on the mown and marked paths . ignoring the guidelines will lead to their further decline and potential prosecution . Ashton Court Estate is a Site of Special Scientific interest and we all have a duty to protect it and its wildlife . For further information vit www.bristol.gov.ukychtoncourtestate