A quick lunchtime jaunt to Dowry Square, which is very close to me but, being effectively a cul-de-sac as well as a square, I've probably only circumnavigated a couple of times in the last couple of decades.
It's quite some entrance
A fruitless wander, as Spoke and Stringer (who I thought might do a decent flat white) were closed, and the only other harbourside inlet offering were a bit too busy to wait at, especially as I'd spent some time wandering some of the convolutions of Rownham Mead. This last congeries of dull alleyways and brown-painted garages was at least somewhere I've never been before, in parts.
116 Hotwell Road
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom Hotwells
Auto-Tags: Handwriting Art Font Rectangle Monochrome Monochrome photography Ink Visual arts Drawing Writing Graphics Wire Number Signage Pattern
Text Recognition Tags: Hi there, Thanks Sar ingging our hame! I hope it made ui hapry. Dear lard, hat a Sad litle lise. lou uined Hhe aesheitc Completen so you Could Make jo rsels knoan, take Hhis m essage alane with Some jessons in giace ar 4 decorum. Because you have al the grace os a re iersing dune ruck Luithout any yres on. The residents at 116 Hi there, Thanks Sar ingging our hame! I hope it made ui hapry. Dear lard, hat a Sad litle lise. lou uined Hhe aesheitc Completen so you Could Make jo rsels knoan, take Hhis m essage alane with Some jessons in giace ar 4 decorum. Because you have al the grace os a re iersing dune ruck Luithout any yres on. The residents at 116
Went for a wander with my friend Lisa—the current lockdown rules seem to be that one local walk for exercise per day with a maximum of one person not in one's "bubble" is fine—up to the University of Bristol area right at the edge of my one-mile perimeter to see the Jeppe Hein Mirror Maze, among other things. On the way we mused about Merchant Venturers, the slave and tobacco trades, and dating in the time of Covid.
Not only is it an interesting clock per se, it also shows the right itme.
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom Clifton Park Place Swantons Swantons Barbers Shop
Auto-Tags: Daytime Window Building Clock Sky Line Facade Fixture City Font Street Clock tower Signage Home accessories Monochrome
Text Recognition Tags: I| 12 In EMEM TIME 6. HAS GONE 8 FOR EVER 4 765 SNOLAWAT S I| 12 In EMEM TIME 6. HAS GONE 8 FOR EVER 4 765 SNOLAWAT S
Really just a quick loop of the Cumberland Basin. I was going to go further, and it was a nice early spring day, but I hadn't slept that well and I wasn't really in the mood. Ah well. Not every walk is great. At least I got out of the house for a bit.
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom Hotwells hotwell road
Auto-Tags: Car Wheel Tire Land vehicle Vehicle Motor vehicle Automotive parking light Sky Tree Mode of transport Plant Automotive exterior Automotive design Parking Classic car
Text Recognition Tags: Avonmouth A 4 (M 5) (S. Wales M4) 200 Sea Mills Shirehampton Lawrence Weston Ashton Vale Bediminater Bristol Airport FD2 SKY DSU 731 Avonmouth A 4 (M 5) (S. Wales M4) 200 Sea Mills Shirehampton Lawrence Weston Ashton Vale Bediminater Bristol Airport FD2 SKY DSU 731
I almost didn't bother bringing out my GPS today, but as it turned out I may have knocked off a tiny bit of Baltic Wharf, having been diverted through there on my way back from Imagine That café by finding Cumberland Road closed. Not sure whether it was just some kind of delivery to the roadworks there or if they're surfacing the increasingly-dodgy looking bit of the one lane that's left open...
I also snapped a picturesque view of Cliftonwood, hung out with a biker gang, and found a little something to nibble on growing on the Hotwell Road.
They were more socially-distanced than this snap makes it look.
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom Spike Island
Auto-Tags: Wheel Tire Land vehicle Sky Vehicle Automotive tire Cloud Motor vehicle Automotive design Fuel tank Automotive lighting Tread Automotive exhaust Helmet Automotive exterior
Text Recognition Tags: FORCE 4 MIG 7664 VX70 VVR WR6S KCF VX03 DKY FORCE 4 MIG 7664 VX70 VVR WR6S KCF VX03 DKY
Normally I don't have enough time in my lunch hour to get all the way around the harbourside. This is a shame, as Wapping Wharf is a great place to get coffee and a snack, but it's pretty much diametrically (perimetrically?) opposite me on the harbour. Today I had the day off, so I decided to go and knock off a few streets around Anchor Road that I'd not covered, as well as visiting the site of the Read Dispensary (well, one of them) and dropping into Mokoko for one of their astounding almond croissants. From there I came back along the south side, checking out the views from as much of the Chocolate Path as you can venture down at the moment, and swapping from Cumberland Road to Coronation Road at Vauxhall Bridge.
There's a lot of meh photos on this walk—my chief output from this project could be politely described as "record shots"—but a few turned out well, especially those of Vauxhall Bridge from the Chocolate Path, which reminded me how much of a loss the current closure of the Chocolate Path is to walkers and cyclists in Bristol.
I was browsing some historical photos the other day, and came across "Rear of Unspecified House" in the Bristol Archives' John Trelawny Ross collection, and immediately recognised it as being the back of 1 Albermarle Row, just around the corner from me. I've not had much time to research the history of this odd little addition to Albermarle Row, or what happened to 1-4 Cumberland Place, number 4 of which used to be attached to the side of 1 Albermarle Row, but it was interesting to look at old maps for a few minutes and work out what used to be where.
That all connects with the little local bit of land at Granby Green, too, as it used to be numbers 1-3 Cumberland Place. There was something of a planning battle over Granby Green, and I've included an old edition of Hotwells & Cliftonwood News that I found online, a copy of which would have been popped through my letterbox at the time.
I was also inspired by some old pictures of Hotwell Road to try to put a few more people in my pictures, though I set my pre-focus a couple of extra metres out from normal to make sure I didn't get too close to anyone!
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom Hotwells Cumberland Place Granby Green
Auto-Tags: Tire Automotive tire Newspaper Publication Motor vehicle Tread Font Wheel Material property News Vehicle Automotive wheel system Advertising Tire care Screenshot
Text Recognition Tags: Decision time for new h&cca Open Space in Hotwells HOTWELLS & CLIFTONWOOD COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION A recent poll of the people who sion granted to Edward Ware Homes campaigned in vain to preserve makes it clear that the whole site must Granby Green has confirmed that be landscaped and maintained for a year most want the remaining piece of before adoption by the Council, The undeveloped land in Cumberland original plan for the garden was heavily Place, Hotwells retained as a pub- criticised by members of Friends of lic open space with local people Granby Green as over-complex and having a say in how it is developed 'institutional but FROGG members are reviewing revised proposals that were The consultation followed an approach produced last year. They are hopeful by solicitors to the developers Edward that a partnership can be established with the Council Parks Dept. to ensure the residual land they own to the Com that the site is managed in a way that munity Association. Most people who reflects local needs without it being a responded to a questionnaire did not major financial burden for the Commu- ed by and managed. Ware Homes with an offer to transfer see ownership of the space as impor- nity Association. tant but were concermed that it should The whole development has been the be protected from any future develop- subject of a number of planning breaches and consequent enforcement Part of the site intended for open space action by the Council, described as a 'nightmare by an offi- cer in the Planning De- Alkhough Granby Hill is now open to traffic, the planned improvements to the footpath and highway have not yet ment. is owned by Bristol City Council and there is a provision in the planning agreement for the developer's section to be transferred to partment. Bristol C.C. owmership as well. The offer of ownership of one part of the site to the CA taken place. If you want to be in- volved with the pro- posed garden or have any comment on the scheme contact Mike would not therefore overcome the prob lems of split ownership or guarantee the out- come that local people Timmins tel: 9291804 want. The planning permis- The s of the panned garden Granby Green -a short history This apace had cared for by local residents a an informal community garden from as far back as the 1970s unail a fance was erected by a develaper, to establiah a tde with the Land Ragistry in May 2002 Tha 4 day interruption to pubic access later proved to be a crudal factor in the IB legal battle to regster the space as Town Green which would have protected it from developmere, n renoved by a recent High pnenas of Graby Green) campagned to Ibeen regardiess of ownership (iroricaly. chis technical objection has now been Court rulng A support group of around 100 local people prevent the loss of the space and the group tced a professional legal team at a three day publik in In this edition: Community News Winning ideas - Meet Your Neighbour -6 Events & Activities - quiry At one point, Town Green satus wos con ferred by the Bristol CC Open Spaces committee but bear rescinded folawing thrests of legal action by the then ownieri, Etward Ware Homes. Local resident Mike Timmin has ggeed that the now smaler space below Walace Place, che new 4 block of Mats should be christened Gromit Gar. 7 dens Rey Smth Contacts 8 HOTWELLS&CLIFTONWOe Spring 2007 SM3N Published y Hetwells A CIenweed Cemmunity Aassetaten, Htepe Chapel, Hepe Chapel Hill, Hetwells, Brtatel. BSa 4ND Decision time for new h&cca Open Space in Hotwells HOTWELLS & CLIFTONWOOD COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION A recent poll of the people who sion granted to Edward Ware Homes campaigned in vain to preserve makes it clear that the whole site must Granby Green has confirmed that be landscaped and maintained for a year most want the remaining piece of before adoption by the Council, The undeveloped land in Cumberland original plan for the garden was heavily Place, Hotwells retained as a pub- criticised by members of Friends of lic open space with local people Granby Green as over-complex and having a say in how it is developed 'institutional but FROGG members are reviewing revised proposals that were The consultation followed an approach produced last year. They are hopeful by solicitors to the developers Edward that a partnership can be established with the Council Parks Dept. to ensure the residual land they own to the Com that the site is managed in a way that munity Association. Most people who reflects local needs without it being a responded to a questionnaire did not major financial burden for the Commu- ed by and managed. Ware Homes with an offer to transfer see ownership of the space as impor- nity Association. tant but were concermed that it should The whole development has been the be protected from any future develop- subject of a number of planning breaches and consequent enforcement Part of the site intended for open space action by the Council, described as a 'nightmare by an offi- cer in the Planning De- Alkhough Granby Hill is now open to traffic, the planned improvements to the footpath and highway have not yet ment. is owned by Bristol City Council and there is a provision in the planning agreement for the developer's section to be transferred to partment. Bristol C.C. owmership as well. The offer of ownership of one part of the site to the CA taken place. If you want to be in- volved with the pro- posed garden or have any comment on the scheme contact Mike would not therefore overcome the prob lems of split ownership or guarantee the out- come that local people Timmins tel: 9291804 want. The planning permis- The s of the panned garden Granby Green -a short history This apace had cared for by local residents a an informal community garden from as far back as the 1970s unail a fance was erected by a develaper, to establiah a tde with the Land Ragistry in May 2002 Tha 4 day interruption to pubic access later proved to be a crudal factor in the IB legal battle to regster the space as Town Green which would have protected it from developmere, n renoved by a recent High pnenas of Graby Green) campagned to Ibeen regardiess of ownership (iroricaly. chis technical objection has now been Court rulng A support group of around 100 local people prevent the loss of the space and the group tced a professional legal team at a three day publik in In this edition: Community News Winning ideas - Meet Your Neighbour -6 Events & Activities - quiry At one point, Town Green satus wos con ferred by the Bristol CC Open Spaces committee but bear rescinded folawing thrests of legal action by the then ownieri, Etward Ware Homes. Local resident Mike Timmin has ggeed that the now smaler space below Walace Place, che new 4 block of Mats should be christened Gromit Gar. 7 dens Rey Smth Contacts 8 HOTWELLS&CLIFTONWOe Spring 2007 SM3N Published y Hetwells A CIenweed Cemmunity Aassetaten, Htepe Chapel, Hepe Chapel Hill, Hetwells, Brtatel. BSa 4ND
I got interested in Bristol's medieval water supplies after poking around near Jacobs Wells Road and Brandon Hill. It was during that research I found out about a pipe that's still there today, and, as far as I know, still actually functioning, that was originally commissioned by Carmelite monks in the 13th century. They wanted a supply of spring water from Brandon Hill to their priory on the site of what's now the Bristol Beacon—Colston Hall, as-was. It was created around 1267, and later, in 1376, extended generously with an extra "feather" pipe to St John's On The Wall, giving the pipework its modern name of "St John's Conduit".
St John's on the Wall is still there, guarding the remaining city gate at the end of Broad Street, and the outlet tap area was recently refurbished. It doesn't run continuously now, like it did when I first moved to Bristol and worked at the end of Broad Street, in the Everard Building, but I believe the pipe still functions. One day I'd like to see that tap running...
There are a few links on the web about the pipe, but by far the best thing to do is to watch this short and fascinating 1970s TV documentary called The Hidden Source, which has some footage of the actual pipe and also lots of fantastic general footage of Bristol in the seventies.
On my walk today I was actually just going to the building society in town, but I decided to trace some of the route of the Carmelite pipe, including visiting streets it runs under, like Park Street, Christmas Street, and, of course, Pipe Lane. I also went a bit out of my way to check out St James' Priory, the oldest building in Bristol, seeing as it was just around the corner from the building society.
There are far too many pictures from this walk, and my feet are now quite sore, because it was a long one. But I enjoyed it.
I bumped into my friend Lisa in town during yesterday's wander, and we decided to have a wander today, too. We managed quite a long ramble, starting up through Clifton and nipping down Park Row to investigate the two tower blocks I'd noticed popping up behind Park Street yesterday, then took in a few roads I'd not managed to get to before, including cutting through the grounds of Bristol Grammar School.
The Red Lodge is the sister historic house museum to The Georgian House, this one being Tudor/Elizabethan. These plaques really are rather handsome.
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom plaque Clifton Lady Byron Mary Carpenter
Auto-Tags: Azure Rectangle Wood Font Nameplate Address sign Gas Electric blue Commemorative plaque Public utility Concrete Signage Building Metal Number
Another day, another quick dash out for a coffee. I did at least try to take a different route from normal, especially on the way back, where I yet again got a bit lost in the strange paths, flyovers and underpasses that make up the odd maze of pedestrian "infrastructure" among the concrete jungle between the west of Greville Smyth and my neck of the woods in Hotwells. I swear one day I'll take a turn I've not tried before and end up being gored by a Bristolian minotaur.
I'd heard there was going to be something of a wild party in Greville Smyth to mark the end of lockdown. It seems it may be the start of a regular thing, with a dance festival bringing 8,000 people to the park. I imagine I'll be able to hear it from my place, and therefore safely avoid it.
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom Bedminster Greville Smyth Park Ashton sign festival party
Auto-Tags: Plant community Plant Botany Natural landscape Terrestrial plant Vegetation Biome Grass Groundcover Font Forest Wood Shrub Signage Landscape
Text Recognition Tags: LICENSING ACT 2003 Application for the Grant of a Premises Licence & Paul Rooney of Radiosctive Clothing Limited TIA Slammin Events. Greville Smyth Park, Ashton Road, Ashton, Bristol, BS3 ZEA have submitted an application for the grant of a premises licence to Bristol City Council Licensing Authority, 100 Temple Street, Bristol BS1 SAG The record of the applicaeion may also be inspected at this address between .00 am and 6.00a pm Monday Friday. (Wednesday only. 10.00 am and 5.00 pm or on the Council's website at www.belatol.gox.uk The licence is being applied to cover a single three day avent, over a weekend in July ach year from 2021 te 2023. The esact date will be agreed with Bristol City Council in advance each year. The following dates relade to 2021 only. howevor the Bimes of operatlon are ed: Retail Saie of Alcohol Friy 23h uy 12:00 -22:10 Saturday 24 July 1200-22 10 and unday 25 July 12:00 -2140, Provision of Regulated Entertainment: Proviion of ve music recorded music wnd dance Fry 23 July 1200 22:30 Baturday 24 July 12:00-2230, and Bunday 1200 -22:00 Relevant persons and responsible authorities may make written reprenantation te the relevant Lconsing Authority by 4 May 2021. Such rapresentation shall be made in writing to Licensing Teameor PO BOK 339 Brienel B1 9NE vie smai Aano at.uk Ris an offence knowingy or reklessy to make a faise statement in connestion wh en oplcation and the masimum fine for which a peron is iable on summery conviction for the offence is an unmited e LICENSING ACT 2003 Application for the Grant of a Premises Licence & Paul Rooney of Radiosctive Clothing Limited TIA Slammin Events. Greville Smyth Park, Ashton Road, Ashton, Bristol, BS3 ZEA have submitted an application for the grant of a premises licence to Bristol City Council Licensing Authority, 100 Temple Street, Bristol BS1 SAG The record of the applicaeion may also be inspected at this address between .00 am and 6.00a pm Monday Friday. (Wednesday only. 10.00 am and 5.00 pm or on the Council's website at www.belatol.gox.uk The licence is being applied to cover a single three day avent, over a weekend in July ach year from 2021 te 2023. The esact date will be agreed with Bristol City Council in advance each year. The following dates relade to 2021 only. howevor the Bimes of operatlon are ed: Retail Saie of Alcohol Friy 23h uy 12:00 -22:10 Saturday 24 July 1200-22 10 and unday 25 July 12:00 -2140, Provision of Regulated Entertainment: Proviion of ve music recorded music wnd dance Fry 23 July 1200 22:30 Baturday 24 July 12:00-2230, and Bunday 1200 -22:00 Relevant persons and responsible authorities may make written reprenantation te the relevant Lconsing Authority by 4 May 2021. Such rapresentation shall be made in writing to Licensing Teameor PO BOK 339 Brienel B1 9NE vie smai Aano at.uk Ris an offence knowingy or reklessy to make a faise statement in connestion wh en oplcation and the masimum fine for which a peron is iable on summery conviction for the offence is an unmited e