I've taken a lot of photos of Royal York Crescent over the years. This time I walked right to the dead-end bit at the far west corner and found a plaque to the Empress of the French. Call me hard to impress, but among the scientists, novelists, architects and artists whose plaques litter the rest of the area, that seems quite minor claim to fame.
And in between times were the Napoleonic Wars, which probably explains the desire for a barracks.
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom Clifton Village
Auto-Tags: Fixture Rectangle Window Grey Font Tints and shades Glass Wood Door Facade Pattern Vehicle door Electric blue Room Transparency
Text Recognition Tags: ROYAL YORK CRESCENT Construction of Royl York Cresoem, reputodly tht Tongt in turops, heRen In 1791 to the deugrs of WIliem Faty of the promoter in 1791 brought work to e tandalli rd in 18 the covernment boat the groend and unfanistird portion of tir Crescent, imending to build baracks. Local opposito Irerated 1hts plan and the Crestent was completed in 181o as arainally The bankruptey ROYAL YORK CRESCENT Construction of Royl York Cresoem, reputodly tht Tongt in turops, heRen In 1791 to the deugrs of WIliem Faty of the promoter in 1791 brought work to e tandalli rd in 18 the covernment boat the groend and unfanistird portion of tir Crescent, imending to build baracks. Local opposito Irerated 1hts plan and the Crestent was completed in 181o as arainally The bankruptey
Apart from a lovely coffee and a slice of Victoria sponge from Twelve, there weren't any new sights on this little lunchtime jaunt except for a slightly better look at the long raised extension at the back of the St Vincent's Rocks Hotel, where I at least got to see the arches it's raised up on. I also got a fair bit of exercise by walking up the Zig Zag to get there, and saw far more people out than I have in months, what with the lockdown having just been significantly lifted. As I walked past The Mall pub they were turning people away from their already-full garden, and the (outdoor) cafe tables were pretty full up.
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom Hotwells
Auto-Tags: Fixture Rectangle Gas Wood Tints and shades Font Electric blue Paint Metal Symmetry Concrete Still life photography Transport
Text Recognition Tags: FLEAISE DONIT KNOCK OR "HAMMER' ON 7HIS DOOR HFTER Ilpm int Pleasa phans the tht m pm y ying a re ndead Thand FLEAISE DONIT KNOCK OR "HAMMER' ON 7HIS DOOR HFTER Ilpm int Pleasa phans the tht m pm y ying a re ndead Thand
At the end of July I went to have a look around some of the private gardens opened up by the annual Green Squares and Secret Gardens event. Sadly it was compressed into a single day this year, for various Covid-related reasons, it seems, so I didn't get to poke around too many places. I went to:
And snapped a few things in between, too. It was a lovely day—a bit too hot, if anything—and it was interesting to get into a few places I'd only ever seen from the outside, especially The Paragon and Cornwallis gardens, which are the least visible to passing strangers of all of them.
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom Clifton Village Clifton Cornwallis Crescent Garden Clifton Open Garden Squares Green Squares and Secret Gardens open day Cornwallis Crescent garden
Auto-Tags: Font Grass Wood Terrestrial plant Groundcover Grass family Plant Paper Commemorative plaque Rectangle Landscape Paper product Document Publication History
Text Recognition Tags: Cornwallis Crescent (West) G5SG - 31.07.2021 Welome-ease teel tree to wander round the garden and woodland Comwal Crescnta home to wel er 150 u. ng in 85 h holds cangng fromente huse to mesty sin oor tats-a larcry fron the originaly olanned 31 households Itnot at the demugraphi prute whch has changed, there na cane forsuggesting that the Crescent sureetly enjoyru a perod efunerecedemad ke, cae and attention fm the pret generation of reutents, Read o. The ongnal plan pronatly by AIta Pay as tor a mplete shullew cresmtol 4hes Work begat a1791, buc akeady the gret spetidative bukdng boo of the perkidwas beginnirg e colapie resaurs become scar, lons had to ome by as finwnciers and buiders were edered boninatnd the debide wan completed wiiti the decteration of war wth France in Bding work vtopped with i tal houne in vanous states of complenn The area inust have arpeaet etroordinary to ute hom this ommentaryof R07 1do noe ecalect mone melhoy oectace westem enros of ms citwamot avofuts are so none than a wok oea d dou t gh tre sent and folng nouses n andesd Theraher meal, with loass on unfinished hauses stit beng gramed an l The Cressent then proably enjoved a hart heydaythough Alan yder's briet testory shows that many f the houses had fong untannted periods dne thied of the houses in the wntern taif atood empty at the time of the I51 census for instance, and the stuation is itle better ty L89L with fiet of the twenty three houses untenarted ind a further thres inhabited only by cartaken The problem of coure was tht many of the buidings were owned hy sentee lindhordi-some of whom tad itle interest in mntaiing them let alone imeroving propress was pite them Nan goes on to show tw y the early twmtleth contury undatian hod beyan to rake to Ang with much of ctor the Cescnt was to beame by the middle of the cntury an anw d cheap maaned odgings reachng eadr in 136 tem he oty cdund proposed to demalah itin prer to bda block of huh-e Datir Comwalh Crescont survtaed-and gadualya nee gonration of residents mode the finsl uarter of the twentieth century perkod of rapid change and runewis for the Crescent. The widespread derekction so evident in the earker part of the oury was gradualy reversed an, house by house Hat ly fat the procs of restoration and renovation changed the Crescent boch inside and mut The Garden Hdden tehind the Crestent's buidings and thigh boundary wal, the gurden is aw a surpriee to wstars. it's the best part of an acre, faces dje south and is shettered from the north-making tideal for terder plants and sun warshippers alte It consists of three laur, two of witsch used to be terns courts and the woods whih slope steeply soun to the bundary wal on Polypon Lane. Our longmt-standing resident. Myrtle Way ememten ter beng played in the tne 1950, though less famaly, one imagines, than in 1906 when the Comwalts Tenni Clit wa fanned Cornwallis Crescent (West) G5SG - 31.07.2021 Welome-ease teel tree to wander round the garden and woodland Comwal Crescnta home to wel er 150 u. ng in 85 h holds cangng fromente huse to mesty sin oor tats-a larcry fron the originaly olanned 31 households Itnot at the demugraphi prute whch has changed, there na cane forsuggesting that the Crescent sureetly enjoyru a perod efunerecedemad ke, cae and attention fm the pret generation of reutents, Read o. The ongnal plan pronatly by AIta Pay as tor a mplete shullew cresmtol 4hes Work begat a1791, buc akeady the gret spetidative bukdng boo of the perkidwas beginnirg e colapie resaurs become scar, lons had to ome by as finwnciers and buiders were edered boninatnd the debide wan completed wiiti the decteration of war wth France in Bding work vtopped with i tal houne in vanous states of complenn The area inust have arpeaet etroordinary to ute hom this ommentaryof R07 1do noe ecalect mone melhoy oectace westem enros of ms citwamot avofuts are so none than a wok oea d dou t gh tre sent and folng nouses n andesd Theraher meal, with loass on unfinished hauses stit beng gramed an l The Cressent then proably enjoved a hart heydaythough Alan yder's briet testory shows that many f the houses had fong untannted periods dne thied of the houses in the wntern taif atood empty at the time of the I51 census for instance, and the stuation is itle better ty L89L with fiet of the twenty three houses untenarted ind a further thres inhabited only by cartaken The problem of coure was tht many of the buidings were owned hy sentee lindhordi-some of whom tad itle interest in mntaiing them let alone imeroving propress was pite them Nan goes on to show tw y the early twmtleth contury undatian hod beyan to rake to Ang with much of ctor the Cescnt was to beame by the middle of the cntury an anw d cheap maaned odgings reachng eadr in 136 tem he oty cdund proposed to demalah itin prer to bda block of huh-e Datir Comwalh Crescont survtaed-and gadualya nee gonration of residents mode the finsl uarter of the twentieth century perkod of rapid change and runewis for the Crescent. The widespread derekction so evident in the earker part of the oury was gradualy reversed an, house by house Hat ly fat the procs of restoration and renovation changed the Crescent boch inside and mut The Garden Hdden tehind the Crestent's buidings and thigh boundary wal, the gurden is aw a surpriee to wstars. it's the best part of an acre, faces dje south and is shettered from the north-making tideal for terder plants and sun warshippers alte It consists of three laur, two of witsch used to be terns courts and the woods whih slope steeply soun to the bundary wal on Polypon Lane. Our longmt-standing resident. Myrtle Way ememten ter beng played in the tne 1950, though less famaly, one imagines, than in 1906 when the Comwalts Tenni Clit wa fanned
I was just about starting to feel better—the antibiotics seemed to have kicked in for my dental issues, and it had been some days since I'd left the house, and I was at last starting to get itchy feet. So, a wander. But where? Well, there were a few industrial bits near Winterstoke Road in the Ashton/Ashton Vale areas of Bristol that needed walking. I knew they were likely to be quite, well, unattractive, frankly. So why not do them while I wasn't feeling exactly 100% myself? Maybe it would fit my mood. Hopefully you're also in the mood for a bit of post-industrial wasteland, for that's what some of this feels like...
Then, at the last minute, I thought again about the Bristol International Exhibition—I've got a book about it on the way now—and that gave me another goal, which could just about be said to be in the same direction, and I decided to walk significantly further than my normal 1-mile limit and try recreating another historical photo...
Sadly I don't know much about the Ashton area; it's just on the edges of my mile and I rarely have cause to go there. It's brimming with history, I'm sure: the whole South Bristol area rapidly developed from farmland to coal mines to factories to its current interesting mixture of suburbs and industrial work over the last few hundred years. As a more working class area less attention was paid to it by historians, at least historically-speaking, than the Georgian heights of Clifton, and much of it has been knocked down and reinvented rather than listed and preserved. I see here and there some of this lack is being addressed, but I'm afraid I'll be very light on the history myself on this wander, as most of my usual sources aren't throwing up their normal reams of information as when I point them at Clifton, Hotwells or the old city.
Here's the BBC report. This was posted on a telephone junction box in the "Daveside" area, the little strip of Festival Way that's used as a skate park in between the old railway depot and the White City allotments.
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom Daveside Festival Way skater Rownham RIP poster shooting skater boy
Auto-Tags: Handwriting Font News Newsprint Pattern Paper Paper product History Newspaper Signage Art Advertising Illustration Visual arts Monochrome photography
Text Recognition Tags: RiP SKATER- BOY Speer Astrworth wes shot dd on the pontiy troli oursida poroed on a parmbar 217, fo ot hum panpiag randa n ha car ecnde, Ashwent had stchn r pist at peple in te M Whes otde pertbary Sandred the copa vabully engged ith him & te id the sir pial in duar a amade, al dhe afficeatfaruda vapeifical ary m t igh efis teg Aalwedia does dieeda lantal illing Spee sd wa 29 ywars ol asato alested at dowing. te sffint win dprnmte det aliemal hth-sad on a at copoerad (PC) W t r j amed repose won aweof tis& he porta holstd i letal s t padori alhiy, they'e pafeial whe was the radt why na wait t o, atwodk ad or allad avass gat 20 rchis ft dowaon& seeettinng afar milm ikrwn ths road in pa el, btitapoevs iss aterchn don's lon hi bundie arm ef snk, nak yu thik tht people luallpere fer elationte ee ndaal sls hatir awe e on wha nie dity lo e tg lse Se waa shelebar uM onl fard koe lesk wtut t e d n I& th d adal Owturid ptn k da taerthatte ahin buar Boh RiP SKATER- BOY Speer Astrworth wes shot dd on the pontiy troli oursida poroed on a parmbar 217, fo ot hum panpiag randa n ha car ecnde, Ashwent had stchn r pist at peple in te M Whes otde pertbary Sandred the copa vabully engged ith him & te id the sir pial in duar a amade, al dhe afficeatfaruda vapeifical ary m t igh efis teg Aalwedia does dieeda lantal illing Spee sd wa 29 ywars ol asato alested at dowing. te sffint win dprnmte det aliemal hth-sad on a at copoerad (PC) W t r j amed repose won aweof tis& he porta holstd i letal s t padori alhiy, they'e pafeial whe was the radt why na wait t o, atwodk ad or allad avass gat 20 rchis ft dowaon& seeettinng afar milm ikrwn ths road in pa el, btitapoevs iss aterchn don's lon hi bundie arm ef snk, nak yu thik tht people luallpere fer elationte ee ndaal sls hatir awe e on wha nie dity lo e tg lse Se waa shelebar uM onl fard koe lesk wtut t e d n I& th d adal Owturid ptn k da taerthatte ahin buar Boh