A walk back from Bedminster to my place, mostly down Duckmoor Road, which I found a little dull—probably because it reminded me a little of the suburbs I grew up in on the outskirts of London—then held up slightly by some filming on Ashton Avenue Bridge. They were trying not to let the crowds build up too much in between takes, it seems, so it wasn't a long delay.
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom
Auto-Tags: Plant Sky Cloud Road surface Tree Branch Asphalt Architecture Thoroughfare Fence Street light Residential area Landscape Traffic sign Road
Text Recognition Tags: GIVE WAY 50 yds GIVE WAY 50 yds
This may be the very first time I've gone for a One Mile Matt wander and not actually gone down any new roads, trod any new steps. I just wanted a coffee, frankly, so I went the same old way to Imagine That in the marina and back again.
This is the current plan to replace the caravan park
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom baltic wharf
Auto-Tags: Property Architecture Font Line Urban design Real estate Landmark Screenshot Publication Facade Cloud Landscape Advertising City History
Text Recognition Tags: BALTIC WHARF WHAT ELSE IS PROPOSED OTHER THAN HOMES? Our aim is to create new public spaces, with a mix of uses, that encourage a sense of community and social inclusiveness, that are accessible to all, and which prioritise walking and cycling. social interaction and physical activity for a high quality of ife. The design of these public spaces wil draw heavily on the site's historical contet and harbournide setting, producing a unique space that acknowledges the area's history as a busy and dynamic working dockyard. This will be achieved with materials and public art that reference the site's heritage. The proposals will make the most of the waterfront location with seating steps and social spaces with striking views across the water for residents and locats. in contrast, private and semi-private amenity spaces on terraces and roof gardens will be calm and relasing with comfortable furniture and colourful and biodiverse planting. Ground floor commercial space is proposed on the harbour frontage, which could include a mix of places to eat and drink, in turn enhancing activity in this comer of the harbour and creating a new destination. The commercial space will complement rather than detract from The Cottage Inn and Underlall Yard, and could incorporate some local social enterprises, which will enhance footfal and promote social activity to further eniven the harbour setting Above: How theo cite cou lockhom Cumberlard Hoad HOW CAN I FIND OUT MORE? Goram Homes is keen to understand the views of local people and would like to encourage people to have their say. Given COMD restrictions, we have launched a dedicated website for the project, which provides more detail about what is proposed, whilst addressing some ef your questions and potential concems. The website also provides an opportunity to have your say on our plans before they are finalised and submitted in a planning application to Bristol City Councit Abover The proposals withintheir contot Belaw: The emergng site layout www.balticwharfhomes.com We have also organised an ontine presentabion for the wider community at Tpm on Thursday Bth October 2020 1o find out more, ask questions and give us their thoughts, Ifyou would like to attend, please visit this link to sign-up: www.balticwharfhomes.com/presentation If you are unable to visit either website, please give our Co Isultation team a call on 07342 039 444 (during office hours), who can book you in and make olternative amangements to get involved in the session, or provide all information in an alternative fomat appropriate for you BALTIC WHARF WHAT ELSE IS PROPOSED OTHER THAN HOMES? Our aim is to create new public spaces, with a mix of uses, that encourage a sense of community and social inclusiveness, that are accessible to all, and which prioritise walking and cycling. social interaction and physical activity for a high quality of ife. The design of these public spaces wil draw heavily on the site's historical contet and harbournide setting, producing a unique space that acknowledges the area's history as a busy and dynamic working dockyard. This will be achieved with materials and public art that reference the site's heritage. The proposals will make the most of the waterfront location with seating steps and social spaces with striking views across the water for residents and locats. in contrast, private and semi-private amenity spaces on terraces and roof gardens will be calm and relasing with comfortable furniture and colourful and biodiverse planting. Ground floor commercial space is proposed on the harbour frontage, which could include a mix of places to eat and drink, in turn enhancing activity in this comer of the harbour and creating a new destination. The commercial space will complement rather than detract from The Cottage Inn and Underlall Yard, and could incorporate some local social enterprises, which will enhance footfal and promote social activity to further eniven the harbour setting Above: How theo cite cou lockhom Cumberlard Hoad HOW CAN I FIND OUT MORE? Goram Homes is keen to understand the views of local people and would like to encourage people to have their say. Given COMD restrictions, we have launched a dedicated website for the project, which provides more detail about what is proposed, whilst addressing some ef your questions and potential concems. The website also provides an opportunity to have your say on our plans before they are finalised and submitted in a planning application to Bristol City Councit Abover The proposals withintheir contot Belaw: The emergng site layout www.balticwharfhomes.com We have also organised an ontine presentabion for the wider community at Tpm on Thursday Bth October 2020 1o find out more, ask questions and give us their thoughts, Ifyou would like to attend, please visit this link to sign-up: www.balticwharfhomes.com/presentation If you are unable to visit either website, please give our Co Isultation team a call on 07342 039 444 (during office hours), who can book you in and make olternative amangements to get involved in the session, or provide all information in an alternative fomat appropriate for you
I needed to get away from my desk at lunchtime, and I saw a little segment of path in Greville Smyth Park that needed knocking off my "to walk down" list, so that gave me a target. Sadly Hopper Coffee's little Piaggio Ape wasn't there to sell me a coffee. I hope Rich is all right, not seen him so far this year.
Anyway, a fairly uneventful walk. They're putting new boundary fencing up around Hotwell Primary School (I wandered down Albermarle Row to see what the pneumatic drilling was about), the house on Granby Hill that's been covered in scaffolding and swaddled in protective sheeting has finally been revealed in its cleaned and refurbished form, and they were doing something to the flyover that leads up from the end of the Portway/Hotwell Road to the Plimsoll Bridge. Nothing much else to report.
I went rather outside my area today, as I went to pick something up from the Warhammer shop on Wine Street (Games Workshop as-was, and before that I think perhaps a rare retail outlet for Her Majesty's Stationery Office? I may be mis-remembering...) Anyway, a friend of mine wanted something picking up and posting to him, so I figured I'd knock some streets off my list along the way.
I first headed for the St George's Road area, walking down the narrow Brandon Steps and finding some strange wall art on Brandon Steep, then headed to the Old City via Zed Alley. The Warhammer shop visit was friendly and efficient, and, mission accomplished, I treated myself to a sausage roll and a flat white from Spicer + Cole, to take away and eat in Queen Square with its current decoration of hearts. I finished off with a detour up Park Street, looking out for St John's Conduit markers, before finally crossing Brandon Hill on the way home.
Quite a long wander, all told, and I'm a bit knackered today...
As with the earlier bee-related fun, part of The Art of Kindness project.
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom queen square
Auto-Tags: Font Road surface Wood Signage Asphalt Concrete Number Symbol Sign Rectangle Paper Advertising Logo Funeral Label
Text Recognition Tags: O bee kind Take a Compliment! Give it to yourself or someone else! If you'd prefer not to due to Covid precautions, that's fine too. You hie ute aboies as asaat sA O bee kind Take a Compliment! Give it to yourself or someone else! If you'd prefer not to due to Covid precautions, that's fine too. You hie ute aboies as asaat sA
At the end of July I went to have a look around some of the private gardens opened up by the annual Green Squares and Secret Gardens event. Sadly it was compressed into a single day this year, for various Covid-related reasons, it seems, so I didn't get to poke around too many places. I went to:
And snapped a few things in between, too. It was a lovely day—a bit too hot, if anything—and it was interesting to get into a few places I'd only ever seen from the outside, especially The Paragon and Cornwallis gardens, which are the least visible to passing strangers of all of them.
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom Clifton Village Clifton Garden Clifton Open Garden Squares Green Squares and Secret Gardens open day The Polygon garden the polygon
Auto-Tags: Leaf Natural environment Plant Botany Vegetation Font Grass Terrestrial plant Wood Groundcover Landscape Signage Nature reserve Natural material Natural landscape
Text Recognition Tags: The Polygon communal garden- an update Welcome! Regular visitors and passers-by wili notice three big changes in the Polvgon communai garden this year. 1. The cherry tree at the west side has been felied (to give neighbours more light) and replaced with a slow growing Frosted Thorn. This should bear berries and provide good autumn colour. We have been busy planting perennials around the tree, although soil depth is stil limited by roots. To that end, we are mulching with compost and putting in smaller plants that we hope wil establish and grow well. 2. We are trying out a 'no mow policy in parts of the garden so we can see what plants arrive. You wil see that we have cut paths round the beds, and up to the sitting and compost areas for ease of access. So far, the most notable arrivals have been yamow, ragwort (which supports the cinnabar moth caterpiliar), red campion, yelow rattie, cranesbill and corn cockle. 3. We also took the plunge and established a pond where the oid firepit was situated up by the sitting area The pond has a population of frogs and water snails and we have spotted one dragon By so far but are hoping for more We have put in a solar powered aerator to keep the water ovygenated. Wildflower seeds around the pend took well and we have had a great crop of poppies. We weicome wildife: tawny owis, poistrelle bats, many butterflies, honey and bumble bees and a wide variety of birds goldfinch, dunnock, great spatted woodpecker. Plus foxes and the occasional badger. We hope you enjoy our garden. Apologies for the leck of refreshments, but many people are away so we are not up to speed. Next year, we hope to be back in full swing with refreshments, including Polvgon elderfiower cordial and home baked cakes. The Polygon communal garden- an update Welcome! Regular visitors and passers-by wili notice three big changes in the Polvgon communai garden this year. 1. The cherry tree at the west side has been felied (to give neighbours more light) and replaced with a slow growing Frosted Thorn. This should bear berries and provide good autumn colour. We have been busy planting perennials around the tree, although soil depth is stil limited by roots. To that end, we are mulching with compost and putting in smaller plants that we hope wil establish and grow well. 2. We are trying out a 'no mow policy in parts of the garden so we can see what plants arrive. You wil see that we have cut paths round the beds, and up to the sitting and compost areas for ease of access. So far, the most notable arrivals have been yamow, ragwort (which supports the cinnabar moth caterpiliar), red campion, yelow rattie, cranesbill and corn cockle. 3. We also took the plunge and established a pond where the oid firepit was situated up by the sitting area The pond has a population of frogs and water snails and we have spotted one dragon By so far but are hoping for more We have put in a solar powered aerator to keep the water ovygenated. Wildflower seeds around the pend took well and we have had a great crop of poppies. We weicome wildife: tawny owis, poistrelle bats, many butterflies, honey and bumble bees and a wide variety of birds goldfinch, dunnock, great spatted woodpecker. Plus foxes and the occasional badger. We hope you enjoy our garden. Apologies for the leck of refreshments, but many people are away so we are not up to speed. Next year, we hope to be back in full swing with refreshments, including Polvgon elderfiower cordial and home baked cakes.