I didn't really set out with a theme of flowers and gardens in mind for this walk. I just fancied heading up to Clifton Village to get lunch. As it turned out, though, Spring was springing, so a minor theme emerged as I started off with the graveyard flowers of Hope Chapel and wandered up to see the beginnings of the new wildflower garden at Clifton Hill Meadow.
There's been some commotion on Nextdoor about the recent appearance of this sign. Lots of people who have been letting their dogs off their leads in the churchyard for decades have been rather up in arms. I'm not sure there's actually much danger of the rozzers issuing ASBOs or fines to the locals for that kind of infraction, though.
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom Clifton Village Clifton St Andrew's churchyard birdcage walk Lime Walk
Auto-Tags: Green White Nature Natural environment Grass Font Biome Line Plant Public space Woody plant Tree Signage Motor vehicle Street sign
Text Recognition Tags: ㅅ Keep dogs on leads and clean up after your dog Notice of a public spaces protection order (PSPO)- All dogs must be held on leads and it is an offence not to clean up after your dog Anti-Social Behaviour Crime And Policing Act 2014, Section 59Notice is hereby given that Bristol City Council (the Council) in exercise of its powers under Section 59, 63 and 72 of the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 The Act, being satisfied that the conditions set out in section 59 of the Act have been met, made the following Onder City Of Bristol (Dog Control) Public Spaces Protection Order 2020. A Fored Penalty Notice may be issued to a person who a comitable or authorised person has reason to believe has committed an offence in relation to this One offering the person to whom it is issued the opportunity of dischinging any lability to conviction for the offence by payment of a fiend penalty Scene dog fouling provisions and the Exclusion Zones de not app assistance dogs Further information about the PSPO and the front of the Onder can be found at Public Space Protection (PSPO)-bristol.gov.uk ㅅ Keep dogs on leads and clean up after your dog Notice of a public spaces protection order ( PSPO ) All dogs must be held on leads and it is an offence not to clean up after your dog Anti - Social Behaviour Crime And Policing Act 2014 , Section 59Notice is hereby given that Bristol City Council ( the Council ) in exercise of its powers under Section 59 , 63 and 72 of the Anti - social Behaviour , Crime and Policing Act 2014 The Act , being satisfied that the conditions set out in section 59 of the Act have been met , made the following Onder City Of Bristol ( Dog Control ) Public Spaces Protection Order 2020 . A Fored Penalty Notice may be issued to a person who a comitable or authorised person has reason to believe has committed an offence in relation to this One offering the person to whom it is issued the opportunity of dischinging any lability to conviction for the offence by payment of a fiend penalty Scene dog fouling provisions and the Exclusion Zones de not app assistance dogs Further information about the PSPO and the front of the Onder can be found at Public Space Protection ( PSPO ) -bristol.gov.uk
I managed to go for a wander a while ago that was meant to finish off a little tangle of paths in Leigh Woods, or at the very least finish off my wandering of the Purple Path there. And I managed to miss doing either of those things through some kind of navigational incompetence.
Today I woke up with a bit of a headache, feeling a bit knackered as soon as I dragged myself out of bed, but at least with the energy to realise that I'd be better off (a) going for a walk in what looked likely to be the last of the Jubilee weekend sunshine than (b) moping around the flat until it started raining, at which point I could mope more thoroughly.
I had a look at my map, considered going to Ashton Court, but remembered that there was a music festival there today, and instead found these little leftovers of Leigh Woods and decided to have one more try at walking them.
I imagine the delighted customer who emplaced the previous missive on the end of the shelter had stood here for a significant portion of their life. Well, that's often how I end up feeling while waiting for a bus in Bristol.
Sidcot School, advertised at the end there, is one of only seven Quaker-run schools in England, founded 1699, situated in the Mendips. A fee-charging school, they do of course have a network of their own minibus services—ten routes in total—to ferry the kids there and back, so they probably don't have to wait for First to turn up.
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom Rownham Hill
Auto-Tags: Plant Building Tree Vehicle Shade Car Road Sidewalk Grass City House Wheel Motor vehicle Signage Advertising
Text Recognition Tags: ON Sidcot Live Adventurously Not just an exam factory ON Sidcot Live Adventurously Not just an exam factory
I've been pretty awful at reading so far this year, apparently averaging about one book per month. That's a far cry from 2019, say, where I got through 41 books in the year. Today's wander was prompted by my rubbish reading, as I needed to go hand back some books to the library, because I'd managed to renew them so many times that I hit the limit on renewals. Oops. Several of them were still unread.
So, off to the Central Library for me, tail between my legs. On the way there I did my best to recreate a historical photo of Dowry Square; while I was in the area I walked under the adjacent Norman arch and poked around behind the Cathedral, and I also had a little diversion to the city centre and came back along the south side of the river, hitting some trouble with the lock gates as I finally crossed the harbour back towards home.
A bit more detail if you fancy it.
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom City Centre Saint Nicholas Market St Nicholas Market St. Nicholas Market Corn Street old city
Auto-Tags: Wood Font Wall Landmark Commemorative plaque Tree History Signage Memorial Metal Public utility Interior design Kitchen utensil Idiophone
Text Recognition Tags: THE CORN EXCHANGE CLOCK The clock on this building with an extra minute hand recalls early Victorian days, when Bristol was in two minds about the correct time. Although today we take Greenwich Mean Time or British Summertime for granted before 1880 no standard time existed in the British Isles. Every city had its own local time, reckoned by the sun and signed by church bells. Bristol lies 2 degrees, 36 minutes west of the Greenwich Meridian and so the sun reaches its noon nearly peak 11 minutes later than in Greenwich. Before the growth of railways, most people expected to spend their lives close to home. Travel by stagecoach or ship was slow and uncomfortable. Timetables were vague. For Bristolians a change came in June 1841, when the first through train from London pulled into Temple Meads Station. Brunel's Great Western Railway began to tempt people to travel, now they could go to London in hours rather than days. The Railways ran on London time (Greenwich Mean Time). If you wanted to catch a train at noon from Temple Meads you had to remember that it would pull out at 11:49 Bristol Time. To help Bristolians catch their trains, Bristol Corporation arranged for the main public clock on the Corn Exchange to show both local and Greenwich Mean Time (Railway Time) with two minute hands. Other clocks in Bristol adopted the same compromise, In September 1852 Bristol adopted GMT and Bristol time became the same as Lond THE CORN EXCHANGE CLOCK The clock on this building with an extra minute hand recalls early Victorian days , when Bristol was in two minds about the correct time . Although today we take Greenwich Mean Time or British Summertime for granted before 1880 no standard time existed in the British Isles . Every city had its own local time , reckoned by the sun and signed by church bells . Bristol lies 2 degrees , 36 minutes west of the Greenwich Meridian and so the sun reaches its noon nearly peak 11 minutes later than in Greenwich . Before the growth of railways , most people expected to spend their lives close to home . Travel by stagecoach or ship was slow and uncomfortable . Timetables were vague . For Bristolians a change came in June 1841 , when the first through train from London pulled into Temple Meads Station . Brunel's Great Western Railway began to tempt people to travel , now they could go to London in hours rather than days . The Railways ran on London time ( Greenwich Mean Time ) . If you wanted to catch a train at noon from Temple Meads you had to remember that it would pull out at 11:49 Bristol Time . To help Bristolians catch their trains , Bristol Corporation arranged for the main public clock on the Corn Exchange to show both local and Greenwich Mean Time ( Railway Time ) with two minute hands . Other clocks in Bristol adopted the same compromise , In September 1852 Bristol adopted GMT and Bristol time became the same as Lond
I'm in the habit of going over to the Tobacco Factory Market on a Sunday. I think I've walked all the routes around that way, but as a Plimsoll Bridge swing let me cross the road to the far side of Brunel Way on my return journey and I took a couple of photos of the brownfield development at the old Ashton Gate Depot site I thought I'd call it a Wander and pop some photos up.
The street art is still looking good, but one of these properties has been turned into such low-end multiple-occupancy accommodation that it got into the Bristol Post this week with pictures of one tiny room with a shower alongside the bed serving as the sole room per person, with a toilet shared between four "studio rooms". I suppose this is actually better than the student accommodation I had in my first year at Warwick, but at least that was actually on campus...
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom Bedminster North Street Southville
Auto-Tags: Sky Building Window Car Wheel Vehicle Architecture Street light Neighbourhood House Urban design Residential area Commercial building Real estate Facade
It's been a long while since I did one of these walks.
I'm thinking of finishing up the project by walking one or two last bits of road, thus being able to declare with all honesty that I've done my best to walk every public road within my mile (and quite a few alleyways besides.) As a prelude, and just because I felt like it, I decided to drag out the camera and GPS on this little wander to the local shops.
Also looking nice and fresh since my last wander is the pair of community noticeboards, with a plethora of local news.
I found out recently that I was a winnner of one of the Hotwells & Cliftonwood Community Association 500 club prizes, which, alongside my membership, is a fun way to give money to the local organisation that puts up these noticeboards and does so much else for the community.
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom Clifton Village Hotwells Clifton
Auto-Tags: Poster Font Advertising Picture frame Signage Display board Event Wood Facade Publication Transport Landscape Banner Art
Text Recognition Tags: Howells and Cliftonwood Community Association (ACCA) community cond Useful local information Cond Local Pang Vefa Avon and R Ay GTA abyQMalaw De Oy He PO De 30 G F PAD Lesson for t FRA Obag w BATANGA to your whatapang Var JOE MICKS GUITAR TEACHER BUTHORE.COM y Gramgenee07504 ty PO Box 200 Online Coaching and 61100 TW utrition Quidance Fra ersonal Training sessions LONDRE om prope tech y and get aang d 222000 Get Fit, Be Healthier, Be The Best Version Of You! www.top be and reach SOF ing out to Our sto Quran We have ww Facebook Tutir @COtt G35 Top for my on or stop you A O 07564375433 @w tabourside and Satu Action Fraud ALERT AF Google .***. of St DAS y Th y AudionFraud SA 13304 W 15. Ch Lifeskitts LEARNING FOR LIVING Guing which includes working wilt amal and active safatyti Wysan bes the fe WELCOME SPACE at CLIFTON LIBRARY activitating January 2635 (10 ng WELCOME SPACE We are currently looking for people to help us deliver safety education to children via our enginteractive village based in central Bristol www50 Hotwells & Cliftonwood Community Association 500 CLUB RESULTS 2023 1 mn m Hot drinks Relax GAMES CRAFTING Films CHAT Wellbeing Newspapers Study KAPHY TABLE TENNIS Hasting which includes opening and sing talk with the c sporting teachers re The 100 Challe Join us for a tester heut Wednesday 12th April is the next scheduled taster hour please contact the email below for more information and to book your place OLLYW4 Hvat e ang pag Apt Now swight Robert C con Nowhe CIP ad NC Nowe Man No for 2 yr y dece ww OXO AUTY New THANK YOU TO ALL OF THE YOUR 300C SUCTIONS A HANG POSLE POES THAT HELPO THE LOCALE EVERY MONTH WE HAVE UNCLAIMED PRIZE HONEY THAT COULD YOUR CLUB FOR THE CHANCE TO BE YOU NAM NAD OF NO WINNER OWN AND SUPPORT THE WORK OF YOUR LOCAL COMMUNITY SCAN ME bile PR COURE Ap C Te qu 700 Emetas T Com You to t You fost d Shpaloaph we would love to make oef regularly vegade ba ne Beinart Art & Art haling p A you missing making an DEMENTIA SAFEGUARDING SCHEMEL www.beinartotive.c 4 Ben sad fin BEWARE PROSITY Criminals are adapting! there are many where you ca weket M -Tudo que fa thoshwade - pada poleg oniks and li MA ART whick - server creaty PCRIME and the deving the vers If you're not sure, research more! www Having a baby? - PRACTICAL and EMOTIONAL support is available for you in the cala in pomancy, birth and pomnically Sear Roma Helen Whit ANME PROCITY O Howells and Cliftonwood Community Association ( ACCA ) community cond Useful local information Cond Local Pang Vefa Avon and R Ay GTA abyQMalaw De Oy He PO De 30 G F PAD Lesson for t FRA Obag w BATANGA to your whatapang Var JOE MICKS GUITAR TEACHER BUTHORE.COM y Gramgenee07504 ty PO Box 200 Online Coaching and 61100 TW utrition Quidance Fra ersonal Training sessions LONDRE om prope tech y and get aang d 222000 Get Fit , Be Healthier , Be The Best Version Of You ! www.top be and reach SOF ing out to Our sto Quran We have ww Facebook Tutir @COtt G35 Top for my on or stop you A O 07564375433 @w tabourside and Satu Action Fraud ALERT AF Google . *** . of St DAS y Th y AudionFraud SA 13304 W 15. Ch Lifeskitts LEARNING FOR LIVING Guing which includes working wilt amal and active safatyti Wysan bes the fe WELCOME SPACE at CLIFTON LIBRARY activitating January 2635 ( 10 ng WELCOME SPACE We are currently looking for people to help us deliver safety education to children via our enginteractive village based in central Bristol www50 Hotwells & Cliftonwood Community Association 500 CLUB RESULTS 2023 1 mn m Hot drinks Relax GAMES CRAFTING Films CHAT Wellbeing Newspapers Study KAPHY TABLE TENNIS Hasting which includes opening and sing talk with the c sporting teachers re The 100 Challe Join us for a tester heut Wednesday 12th April is the next scheduled taster hour please contact the email below for more information and to book your place OLLYW4 Hvat e ang pag Apt Now swight Robert C con Nowhe CIP ad NC Nowe Man No for 2 yr y dece ww OXO AUTY New THANK YOU TO ALL OF THE YOUR 300C SUCTIONS A HANG POSLE POES THAT HELPO THE LOCALE EVERY MONTH WE HAVE UNCLAIMED PRIZE HONEY THAT COULD YOUR CLUB FOR THE CHANCE TO BE YOU NAM NAD OF NO WINNER OWN AND SUPPORT THE WORK OF YOUR LOCAL COMMUNITY SCAN ME bile PR COURE Ap C Te qu 700 Emetas T Com You to t You fost d Shpaloaph we would love to make oef regularly vegade ba ne Beinart Art & Art haling p A you missing making an DEMENTIA SAFEGUARDING SCHEMEL www.beinartotive.c 4 Ben sad fin BEWARE PROSITY Criminals are adapting ! there are many where you ca weket M -Tudo que fa thoshwade - pada poleg oniks and li MA ART whick - server creaty PCRIME and the deving the vers If you're not sure , research more ! www Having a baby ? - PRACTICAL and EMOTIONAL support is available for you in the cala in pomancy , birth and pomnically Sear Roma Helen Whit ANME PROCITY O
An enormous walk today, or at least it felt enormous. My feet are sore, anyway. I started off recreating a couple of local historical photos in Hotwells, but then headed for my traditional walk along the towpath in the Avon Gorge to the far extreme of Leigh Woods, up and through the woods to the height of the Suspension Bridge, finally crossing into Clifton Village for a well-deserved vanilla latte.
I say "traditional" because this used to be a very regular route for me, first walking, years and years ago, and later jogging—this route combined with a circuit of the Downs on the other side used to be my way of making sure I was fit to do a half-marathon (I did six of them in total, between 2010 and 2014).
I miss the routine of this walk, even though it's a long way and it used to pretty much wipe me out when I did it—I'd come back home and collapse and do very little for the rest of the day. But perhaps that's what Sundays are for, and I should try to remember that.
Doing this walk regularly was quite a meditative experience. Not so much of that today, but once I got to the further extreme of the towpath, where the roar of the Portway traffic on the other side of the river dwindles and I turned into Leigh Woods to climb ever closer to birdsong and further from rushing cars, I did seem to recapture a little of the feeling of previous walks. (I would say my mind cleared, but I was mentally singing along to Life Without Buildings' The Leanover for most of the wander. There are worse songs to have stuck in one's head, though; it's a great track...)
Anyway. Apparently the walk made me more likely to ramble in words, too. I'll stop now :)
That's actually finest Bristol tap water, not Evian.
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom Leigh Woods forest woods lunch
Auto-Tags: Bottle Plant Water bottle Water Bottle cap Liquid Camera Bottled water Plastic bottle Tree Reflex camera Single-lens reflex camera Drinking water Camera lens Cameras & optics
Text Recognition Tags: evian. EOS 6P an 74-70mm evian. EOS 6P an 74-70mm