I woke up on this Saturday with a headache, feeling like I'd not slept at all. As well as that, I'm still in some pain from the wisdom tooth extraction I had a few weeks ago. I moped about the flat for a while and then decided that the best thing to do was to force myself out on at least a small walk to get some fresh air and coffee.
Was there anywhere I could walk locally that I'd never been? Actually, yes! Although it's not a road, and I didn't walk it, there is actually one route that I've not travelled so far in my wanders. And it even had coffee near its far end...
I love the way Spoke & Stringer's deli window with it predictably-hipster type choices and logo are somewhat put into perspective by their wonky big-arse OSB sign with PASTIES daubed on it.
There is a time for fancy marketing, and a time to just shout "GET YER PASTIES 'ERE" at the top of your signage.
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom Hotwells harbourside Spoke & Stringer harbour inlet PASTIES
Auto-Tags: Plant Property Leaf Building Houseplant Window Real estate Terrestrial plant Font Facade Tree Signage Landscape Design Wood
I was just about starting to feel better—the antibiotics seemed to have kicked in for my dental issues, and it had been some days since I'd left the house, and I was at last starting to get itchy feet. So, a wander. But where? Well, there were a few industrial bits near Winterstoke Road in the Ashton/Ashton Vale areas of Bristol that needed walking. I knew they were likely to be quite, well, unattractive, frankly. So why not do them while I wasn't feeling exactly 100% myself? Maybe it would fit my mood. Hopefully you're also in the mood for a bit of post-industrial wasteland, for that's what some of this feels like...
Then, at the last minute, I thought again about the Bristol International Exhibition—I've got a book about it on the way now—and that gave me another goal, which could just about be said to be in the same direction, and I decided to walk significantly further than my normal 1-mile limit and try recreating another historical photo...
Sadly I don't know much about the Ashton area; it's just on the edges of my mile and I rarely have cause to go there. It's brimming with history, I'm sure: the whole South Bristol area rapidly developed from farmland to coal mines to factories to its current interesting mixture of suburbs and industrial work over the last few hundred years. As a more working class area less attention was paid to it by historians, at least historically-speaking, than the Georgian heights of Clifton, and much of it has been knocked down and reinvented rather than listed and preserved. I see here and there some of this lack is being addressed, but I'm afraid I'll be very light on the history myself on this wander, as most of my usual sources aren't throwing up their normal reams of information as when I point them at Clifton, Hotwells or the old city.
Here's the BBC report. This was posted on a telephone junction box in the "Daveside" area, the little strip of Festival Way that's used as a skate park in between the old railway depot and the White City allotments.
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom Daveside Festival Way skater Rownham RIP poster shooting skater boy
Auto-Tags: Handwriting Font News Newsprint Pattern Paper Paper product History Newspaper Signage Art Advertising Illustration Visual arts Monochrome photography
Text Recognition Tags: RiP SKATER- BOY Speer Astrworth wes shot dd on the pontiy troli oursida poroed on a parmbar 217, fo ot hum panpiag randa n ha car ecnde, Ashwent had stchn r pist at peple in te M Whes otde pertbary Sandred the copa vabully engged ith him & te id the sir pial in duar a amade, al dhe afficeatfaruda vapeifical ary m t igh efis teg Aalwedia does dieeda lantal illing Spee sd wa 29 ywars ol asato alested at dowing. te sffint win dprnmte det aliemal hth-sad on a at copoerad (PC) W t r j amed repose won aweof tis& he porta holstd i letal s t padori alhiy, they'e pafeial whe was the radt why na wait t o, atwodk ad or allad avass gat 20 rchis ft dowaon& seeettinng afar milm ikrwn ths road in pa el, btitapoevs iss aterchn don's lon hi bundie arm ef snk, nak yu thik tht people luallpere fer elationte ee ndaal sls hatir awe e on wha nie dity lo e tg lse Se waa shelebar uM onl fard koe lesk wtut t e d n I& th d adal Owturid ptn k da taerthatte ahin buar Boh RiP SKATER- BOY Speer Astrworth wes shot dd on the pontiy troli oursida poroed on a parmbar 217, fo ot hum panpiag randa n ha car ecnde, Ashwent had stchn r pist at peple in te M Whes otde pertbary Sandred the copa vabully engged ith him & te id the sir pial in duar a amade, al dhe afficeatfaruda vapeifical ary m t igh efis teg Aalwedia does dieeda lantal illing Spee sd wa 29 ywars ol asato alested at dowing. te sffint win dprnmte det aliemal hth-sad on a at copoerad (PC) W t r j amed repose won aweof tis& he porta holstd i letal s t padori alhiy, they'e pafeial whe was the radt why na wait t o, atwodk ad or allad avass gat 20 rchis ft dowaon& seeettinng afar milm ikrwn ths road in pa el, btitapoevs iss aterchn don's lon hi bundie arm ef snk, nak yu thik tht people luallpere fer elationte ee ndaal sls hatir awe e on wha nie dity lo e tg lse Se waa shelebar uM onl fard koe lesk wtut t e d n I& th d adal Owturid ptn k da taerthatte ahin buar Boh
There's a few tracks in Leigh Woods that lie within my mile and show up on my map but that I've not walked yet, so I decided to take one of my traditional big long walks through the woods on this nice crisp sunny morning.
For years—decades, even—I've been doing a similar route from my place, along the towpath to the far woods entrance, up the hill for a varied walk on one of the marked tracks and then across the Suspension Bridge to Clifton Village for a coffee-based reward. It's my default "long walk", really, and I almost always enjoy it. Today, at last, spring actually seemed to be springing, which made for some extra positivity...
"Swing bridge machinery by Sir William Arrol & Co. Ltd": Sir William was knighted for his commitment to his work on both the Forth Bridge and the replacement Tay Bridge, erected following the loss of the previous bridge in the great Tay Bridge Disaster. He was also responsible for knocking up some other little bridges around the country, like london's Tower Bridge, to pick an example...
My friend Sarah made a podcast episode about Sylvia Crowe (credited bottom right on the plaque) and her development of the landscape in this area, with Wendy Tippett, a local landscape architect. It's a great listen if you're familiar with the area, and explains all sorts of things, including the PPILA after Sylvia Crowe's name on the plaque: Past President, Institute of Landscape Artists.
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom Cumberland Basin Flyover System Spike Island
Auto-Tags: Purple Paint Graffiti Font Art Road surface Electric blue Painting Space Glass Visual arts Drawing Graphics Magenta Pattern
Another day not dissimilar to my last wander: I'm feeling a bit tired and rather than just moping around the house I thought I'd find some tiny bit of somewhere that I'd not yet walked and get outdoors. This time I headed for the Tobacco Factory Market in Bedminster, as I often do, but went the long way around via Ashton Court Mansion as I knew there were some footpaths and a small section of road I'd not ticked off up there. Finishing all the Ashton Court footpaths will be quite a long job, but you've got to start somewhere...
I did feel rather better by the time I got home, and, pretty much astoundingly given the weather forecast, managed to avoid the rain completely.
Ah, so it's the triathlon next weekend, then. The swimming bit is done in the Cumberland Basin, so I expect they'll be draining it and re-filling it with fresher water towards the end of the week. I wouldn't fancy it, even in a wetsuit.
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom Hotwells Cumberland Basin Spike Island Bristol Triathlon triathlon
Auto-Tags: Plant Motor vehicle Sky Tree Infrastructure Road surface Asphalt Thoroughfare Traffic sign Sidewalk Gas Tar Parking Road City
Text Recognition Tags: (20 Bristol Triathlon This road will be CLOSED 11 June 1000 until .12 June 1800 D ( 20 Bristol Triathlon This road will be CLOSED 11 June 1000 until .12 June 1800 D
I've been pretty awful at reading so far this year, apparently averaging about one book per month. That's a far cry from 2019, say, where I got through 41 books in the year. Today's wander was prompted by my rubbish reading, as I needed to go hand back some books to the library, because I'd managed to renew them so many times that I hit the limit on renewals. Oops. Several of them were still unread.
So, off to the Central Library for me, tail between my legs. On the way there I did my best to recreate a historical photo of Dowry Square; while I was in the area I walked under the adjacent Norman arch and poked around behind the Cathedral, and I also had a little diversion to the city centre and came back along the south side of the river, hitting some trouble with the lock gates as I finally crossed the harbour back towards home.
Okay, so given that the library won't be open until 1pm I need to kill some time. I decided to have a mooch around the "old city" area.
Here I noticed a newish specialist darts club, apparently. Can't for the life of me remember what was at 41 Corn Street before this appeared.
My boss plays darts, but given how accident-prone she is it would take some convincing for me to enter a room where she was both drinking and in charge of throwable pointy objects.
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom City Centre Corn Street old city
Auto-Tags: Plant Flower Flowerpot Window Building Table Houseplant Neighbourhood Outdoor table Facade Outdoor furniture City Mixed-use Door Flower Arranging
It's been a long while since I did one of these walks.
I'm thinking of finishing up the project by walking one or two last bits of road, thus being able to declare with all honesty that I've done my best to walk every public road within my mile (and quite a few alleyways besides.) As a prelude, and just because I felt like it, I decided to drag out the camera and GPS on this little wander to the local shops.
Also looking nice and fresh since my last wander is the pair of community noticeboards, with a plethora of local news.
I found out recently that I was a winnner of one of the Hotwells & Cliftonwood Community Association 500 club prizes, which, alongside my membership, is a fun way to give money to the local organisation that puts up these noticeboards and does so much else for the community.
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom Clifton Village Hotwells Clifton
Auto-Tags: Poster Font Advertising Picture frame Signage Display board Event Wood Facade Publication Transport Landscape Banner Art
Text Recognition Tags: Howells and Cliftonwood Community Association (ACCA) community cond Useful local information Cond Local Pang Vefa Avon and R Ay GTA abyQMalaw De Oy He PO De 30 G F PAD Lesson for t FRA Obag w BATANGA to your whatapang Var JOE MICKS GUITAR TEACHER BUTHORE.COM y Gramgenee07504 ty PO Box 200 Online Coaching and 61100 TW utrition Quidance Fra ersonal Training sessions LONDRE om prope tech y and get aang d 222000 Get Fit, Be Healthier, Be The Best Version Of You! www.top be and reach SOF ing out to Our sto Quran We have ww Facebook Tutir @COtt G35 Top for my on or stop you A O 07564375433 @w tabourside and Satu Action Fraud ALERT AF Google .***. of St DAS y Th y AudionFraud SA 13304 W 15. Ch Lifeskitts LEARNING FOR LIVING Guing which includes working wilt amal and active safatyti Wysan bes the fe WELCOME SPACE at CLIFTON LIBRARY activitating January 2635 (10 ng WELCOME SPACE We are currently looking for people to help us deliver safety education to children via our enginteractive village based in central Bristol www50 Hotwells & Cliftonwood Community Association 500 CLUB RESULTS 2023 1 mn m Hot drinks Relax GAMES CRAFTING Films CHAT Wellbeing Newspapers Study KAPHY TABLE TENNIS Hasting which includes opening and sing talk with the c sporting teachers re The 100 Challe Join us for a tester heut Wednesday 12th April is the next scheduled taster hour please contact the email below for more information and to book your place OLLYW4 Hvat e ang pag Apt Now swight Robert C con Nowhe CIP ad NC Nowe Man No for 2 yr y dece ww OXO AUTY New THANK YOU TO ALL OF THE YOUR 300C SUCTIONS A HANG POSLE POES THAT HELPO THE LOCALE EVERY MONTH WE HAVE UNCLAIMED PRIZE HONEY THAT COULD YOUR CLUB FOR THE CHANCE TO BE YOU NAM NAD OF NO WINNER OWN AND SUPPORT THE WORK OF YOUR LOCAL COMMUNITY SCAN ME bile PR COURE Ap C Te qu 700 Emetas T Com You to t You fost d Shpaloaph we would love to make oef regularly vegade ba ne Beinart Art & Art haling p A you missing making an DEMENTIA SAFEGUARDING SCHEMEL www.beinartotive.c 4 Ben sad fin BEWARE PROSITY Criminals are adapting! there are many where you ca weket M -Tudo que fa thoshwade - pada poleg oniks and li MA ART whick - server creaty PCRIME and the deving the vers If you're not sure, research more! www Having a baby? - PRACTICAL and EMOTIONAL support is available for you in the cala in pomancy, birth and pomnically Sear Roma Helen Whit ANME PROCITY O Howells and Cliftonwood Community Association ( ACCA ) community cond Useful local information Cond Local Pang Vefa Avon and R Ay GTA abyQMalaw De Oy He PO De 30 G F PAD Lesson for t FRA Obag w BATANGA to your whatapang Var JOE MICKS GUITAR TEACHER BUTHORE.COM y Gramgenee07504 ty PO Box 200 Online Coaching and 61100 TW utrition Quidance Fra ersonal Training sessions LONDRE om prope tech y and get aang d 222000 Get Fit , Be Healthier , Be The Best Version Of You ! www.top be and reach SOF ing out to Our sto Quran We have ww Facebook Tutir @COtt G35 Top for my on or stop you A O 07564375433 @w tabourside and Satu Action Fraud ALERT AF Google . *** . of St DAS y Th y AudionFraud SA 13304 W 15. Ch Lifeskitts LEARNING FOR LIVING Guing which includes working wilt amal and active safatyti Wysan bes the fe WELCOME SPACE at CLIFTON LIBRARY activitating January 2635 ( 10 ng WELCOME SPACE We are currently looking for people to help us deliver safety education to children via our enginteractive village based in central Bristol www50 Hotwells & Cliftonwood Community Association 500 CLUB RESULTS 2023 1 mn m Hot drinks Relax GAMES CRAFTING Films CHAT Wellbeing Newspapers Study KAPHY TABLE TENNIS Hasting which includes opening and sing talk with the c sporting teachers re The 100 Challe Join us for a tester heut Wednesday 12th April is the next scheduled taster hour please contact the email below for more information and to book your place OLLYW4 Hvat e ang pag Apt Now swight Robert C con Nowhe CIP ad NC Nowe Man No for 2 yr y dece ww OXO AUTY New THANK YOU TO ALL OF THE YOUR 300C SUCTIONS A HANG POSLE POES THAT HELPO THE LOCALE EVERY MONTH WE HAVE UNCLAIMED PRIZE HONEY THAT COULD YOUR CLUB FOR THE CHANCE TO BE YOU NAM NAD OF NO WINNER OWN AND SUPPORT THE WORK OF YOUR LOCAL COMMUNITY SCAN ME bile PR COURE Ap C Te qu 700 Emetas T Com You to t You fost d Shpaloaph we would love to make oef regularly vegade ba ne Beinart Art & Art haling p A you missing making an DEMENTIA SAFEGUARDING SCHEMEL www.beinartotive.c 4 Ben sad fin BEWARE PROSITY Criminals are adapting ! there are many where you ca weket M -Tudo que fa thoshwade - pada poleg oniks and li MA ART whick - server creaty PCRIME and the deving the vers If you're not sure , research more ! www Having a baby ? - PRACTICAL and EMOTIONAL support is available for you in the cala in pomancy , birth and pomnically Sear Roma Helen Whit ANME PROCITY O
More notices, including a couple of newcomers to the local businesses: Hopewell, an estate agency, has opened up just down Hopechapel Hill in the place of The Landmark Practice (an environmental consultancy firm that seem to have moved out to Long Ashton) and HappyBack, who I'd noticed appearing down on the Hotwell Road a month or two ago.
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom Clifton Village Hotwells Clifton
Auto-Tags: Poster Font Gas Signage Advertising Facade Display board Billboard Town City Machine Transport
Text Recognition Tags: SAVE JACOBS WELLS your We W ty WS Na à Order w a gratyf Lauan ya wld worldcat HERE THE PETI Cale wwwwww CHBUEC C www d Dabe 17 TANTO F www. 0-100 Your journey is our journey and we are here to help you every step of the way Wend fpwith vir Ourica apteert papper mating nything t neces or Sc ng vs Shack and petere p FM 2 yan unteers Needed 0/0 70-23 DAN HappyBack Find Ho D Highly experienced Physiotherapy. Osteopathy and H® Massage specialists, helping you to get your happy back! W Lifeskills Lifeskills Learning for Living Py Acad Marg back. people to join our amazing toomer volunteers Oxime ww We are your new neighbours! pelare a prsity independent state aguny tinging together every best o ort, medium Alongtam ss and mes for sale across the city ravis A NEW Ma # HOPEWELL Come and say hello at our new offic orated at Hope Chcel House Hone Chapel Hill BSB IND 0117 911 8663 CERED ww are acest (10-only) og for new SANT FREE PEER SUPPORT GROUP TUESDAYS ONLINE 6.30-8.30pm 24ury Facilitated by LGBTQIA people Safe, nonjudgemental, confidential space to discuss mental wellbeing with other LGSTOLA+people Trinity Lunch Club Thursdays 10am-3:30pm Morning Coffee Armchair Excises 3 Course Home Cooked Lunch CET ARTIN Quiz Activities Tea & Biscuits For more information Call 07458 300 210 or email tes@holytrinityhotwells.org Holy Trinity Church serving the communities of Hotwells, Cliftonwood, Saike Island, Harboursie holytrinityhotwells.org Alexander May Having a baby? 42- AU You and your birth partner weinstela Calm Births Hypnobirthing FREE TASTER SESSION, online with Dolanan Monday th September OXO 7.30pm P By placeb www.dealbws.com We are devastated by the fire at the Underfall Yard. fre The fee has destroyed the heart of the Yard where most of the boat building activity takes place and tenant's businesses and boats have. been ruined. Thankfully no one was killed and no on was injured, but a lot of people in the Underfall Yard community have been impacted our staff, our tenants, our volunteers and our neighbours on Avon Crescent and Nova Scotia Place. Our hearts are with them and we are supporting our tenants as best we can. P DARO l HIER UNDERFALL YARD TRUST The Underfall Yard Trust was formed i the 1990's to bring the Underfall Yard out of dereliction, to look after the historio buildings, to shine a light on Bristoll's engineering harbour heritage and to promote traditional marine skills. In light of the devastation at the Yard, those aims remain as relevant now as they were then, SE We absolutely are committed to rebuilding the Underfall Yard and continuing the charity's work, If you would like to support the Trust, please see our JustGiving page, scan the QR code or alternatively, there is a donation box located on the Café till. https://www.justgiving.com/theunderfallyardtrust SAVE JACOBS WELLS your We W ty WS Na à Order w a gratyf Lauan ya wld worldcat HERE THE PETI Cale wwwwww CHBUEC C www d Dabe 17 TANTO F www . 0-100 Your journey is our journey and we are here to help you every step of the way Wend fpwith vir Ourica apteert papper mating nything t neces or Sc ng vs Shack and petere p FM 2 yan unteers Needed 0/0 70-23 DAN HappyBack Find Ho D Highly experienced Physiotherapy . Osteopathy and H® Massage specialists , helping you to get your happy back ! W Lifeskills Lifeskills Learning for Living Py Acad Marg back . people to join our amazing toomer volunteers Oxime ww We are your new neighbours ! pelare a prsity independent state aguny tinging together every best o ort , medium Alongtam ss and mes for sale across the city ravis A NEW Ma # HOPEWELL Come and say hello at our new offic orated at Hope Chcel House Hone Chapel Hill BSB IND 0117 911 8663 CERED ww are acest ( 10 - only ) og for new SANT FREE PEER SUPPORT GROUP TUESDAYS ONLINE 6.30-8.30pm 24ury Facilitated by LGBTQIA people Safe , nonjudgemental , confidential space to discuss mental wellbeing with other LGSTOLA + people Trinity Lunch Club Thursdays 10 am-3:30pm Morning Coffee Armchair Excises 3 Course Home Cooked Lunch CET ARTIN Quiz Activities Tea & Biscuits For more information Call 07458 300 210 or email tes@holytrinityhotwells.org Holy Trinity Church serving the communities of Hotwells , Cliftonwood , Saike Island , Harboursie holytrinityhotwells.org Alexander May Having a baby ? 42 AU You and your birth partner weinstela Calm Births Hypnobirthing FREE TASTER SESSION , online with Dolanan Monday th September OXO 7.30pm P By placeb www.dealbws.com We are devastated by the fire at the Underfall Yard . fre The fee has destroyed the heart of the Yard where most of the boat building activity takes place and tenant's businesses and boats have . been ruined . Thankfully no one was killed and no on was injured , but a lot of people in the Underfall Yard community have been impacted our staff , our tenants , our volunteers and our neighbours on Avon Crescent and Nova Scotia Place . Our hearts are with them and we are supporting our tenants as best we can . P DARO l HIER UNDERFALL YARD TRUST The Underfall Yard Trust was formed i the 1990's to bring the Underfall Yard out of dereliction , to look after the historio buildings , to shine a light on Bristoll's engineering harbour heritage and to promote traditional marine skills . In light of the devastation at the Yard , those aims remain as relevant now as they were then , SE We absolutely are committed to rebuilding the Underfall Yard and continuing the charity's work , If you would like to support the Trust , please see our JustGiving page , scan the QR code or alternatively , there is a donation box located on the Café till . https://www.justgiving.com/theunderfallyardtrust