I saw this tweet the other day and started thinking of my second Covid-19 vaccination as my "Sequel Injection" (to a geek, it's funny. You'll have to take my word for it.) Whatever you call it, this morning I went and got it.
It was in the same place I got my initial injection—my left arm! No, okay, it was at the Clifton College Prep School. I didn't take any photos of the event itself; the NHS production line is so efficient you barely have time to do anything else, even if the privacy of other patients wasn't a factor.
Along the way I mused at all the road resurfacing going on in Clifton, and also discovered a secret (okay, not-well-known and possibly slightly trespassey) way into Canynge Square, and on the way back I knocked off a few streets from my "leftovers list" of north-east Clifton. I've got much of Clifton done now, with the only obvious "to dos" on the east side of Whiteladies Road...
It was quite a long walk, and I'm feeling pretty tired now, though that might be the effects of the jab too, I suppose. Anyway. Tomorrow and Monday I'm walking outside Bristol, I think, and I imagine my feet will need some recovery time on Sunday, so it might be a while before I post another Wander.
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom Clifton Village Clifton Clifton Suspension Bridge CHIS
Auto-Tags: Road surface Font Circle Public utility Concrete Number Metal Tar
Text Recognition Tags: CLIPTON& OWELLS The cty w k el rt n t of h Cie of Han Waler al. The L The Wall Charitahle Tr, We Baclays Ba yte CoopenLynd Engise Wloyen Wees A ichand DiC Ne Tou, Bde 4& Fatne L. Sion Brook ag Mr Ms J el & Mes Wia . MrA M ks d Nr.& M Jebhe Lydda. Mr. & M Crig Begg M. M Sephen Mactelne. MA Me. Per hem Mr. A M Pip Gray. Alder Me leis ac M MA Mn ay Tn, DEA Ms Montp b M. & Ms. las Fatkaer. Mdrk M Mche Pc De. Cone Ma Kenedy Dr. Mn. Setan Cebrwic The RL wia Waga MP.Pocia Cimacs a Adrian oes Anhiect, Mr.A Ms Smon Poller. M Roh tgec, Min. Py Ka lan Tharton lag. Mr & drs. David Mler, Mr. Mn Joho Chies M Mis. Caria C Mr. a Mes. Ssepben Thoas, Me. Mes Cesnlell Jenes. Mr. Me. Rager Sy. M Las anbey the Hewer Family, Mr. & M. Rusell Cun. M &. Cha Nanon, Mr. uba Ces Mis Geraldine Squise, the puis of Cios Colleg ad Ches He So and other meibers of the Clin coomity she generoly c foda di insaces. theie n la CH were gres in oemry of Gertrude Herses OBE. RA. Mz. & Ms. BertildA Labrie. Ms. Enid Dury Ms. Paytia Hsclanan The eatire projeci was coondinated bw Sobs Ressell & Mary Birch 1994 CLIPTON& OWELLS The cty w k el rt n t of h Cie of Han Waler al. The L The Wall Charitahle Tr, We Baclays Ba yte CoopenLynd Engise Wloyen Wees A ichand DiC Ne Tou, Bde 4& Fatne L. Sion Brook ag Mr Ms J el & Mes Wia . MrA M ks d Nr.& M Jebhe Lydda. Mr. & M Crig Begg M. M Sephen Mactelne. MA Me. Per hem Mr. A M Pip Gray. Alder Me leis ac M MA Mn ay Tn, DEA Ms Montp b M. & Ms. las Fatkaer. Mdrk M Mche Pc De. Cone Ma Kenedy Dr. Mn. Setan Cebrwic The RL wia Waga MP.Pocia Cimacs a Adrian oes Anhiect, Mr.A Ms Smon Poller. M Roh tgec, Min. Py Ka lan Tharton lag. Mr & drs. David Mler, Mr. Mn Joho Chies M Mis. Caria C Mr. a Mes. Ssepben Thoas, Me. Mes Cesnlell Jenes. Mr. Me. Rager Sy. M Las anbey the Hewer Family, Mr. & M. Rusell Cun. M &. Cha Nanon, Mr. uba Ces Mis Geraldine Squise, the puis of Cios Colleg ad Ches He So and other meibers of the Clin coomity she generoly c foda di insaces. theie n la CH were gres in oemry of Gertrude Herses OBE. RA. Mz. & Ms. BertildA Labrie. Ms. Enid Dury Ms. Paytia Hsclanan The eatire projeci was coondinated bw Sobs Ressell & Mary Birch 1994
I just nipped up to Clifton Village to get a coffee, though I did manage to walk down a little alleyway I'd not really noticed before. Or perhaps I had noticed it and it looked private, but today I felt like wandering up its twenty or so feet anyway... The reflections in the shop windows on Boyce's Avenue gave me the idea to take a few snaps of them, so that's the majority of my small amount of snapping today.
It's good bread.
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom Clifton Village shop window Clifton Boyce's Avenue King's Road
Auto-Tags: Food Building Shelf Shelving Eyewear Display case Retail Baked goods Display window Tableware Cuisine Baking Sweetness Collection Room
Another dash to Greville Smyth Park for a coffee from Rich at Hopper, but at least this time I managed to divert a bit and knock off a small section of Cumberland Road I'd managed to miss on previous excursions. Along the way I muse on a strange residence in between a warehouse and a tannery, and wonder if the Mayor might be deliberately letting the Cumberland Road Flyover area go to seed...
I composed a few photos to get the full length of wall in here. The whole of the Cumberland Road Flyover System is covered in tagging and graff at the moment; either it's really burst into life as pastime for bored youth since Covid or the council have given up on cleaning it up.
I suspect the latter—the more clapped-out and unattractive this bit of Hotwells is made to look, the more the Mayor can point at his pet Western Harbour project as an improvement.
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom Hotwells Cumberland Basin Flyover System plimsoll bridge
Auto-Tags: Handwriting Font Graffiti Gas Brickwork Writing Facade Tints and shades Brick Street art Building material Metal Fixture Signage Art
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom Bedminster Greville Smyth Park memorial Jade's Garden
Auto-Tags: Wood Motor vehicle Font Material property Gas Wood stain Signage Landscape Pattern Hardwood Design Sign Paint Rectangle Advertising
Text Recognition Tags: Jade's Memoriel Garden Please enjoy but respect this garden that is dedicated to Jide since her death in 2019 laes Marotal Garden Jade died in 2019 d ths earden is to honour tie e wildlife and nature Vepue sn d ng E Jade's Memoriel Garden Please enjoy but respect this garden that is dedicated to Jide since her death in 2019 laes Marotal Garden Jade died in 2019 d ths earden is to honour tie e wildlife and nature Vepue sn d ng E
I met my friends Sarah and Vik at Riverside Garden Centre today; I needed to buy some compost for repotting my wildly-overgrowing aloe vera, and I went a little bit out of my way to knock off a stretch of Ashton Road. It was a pleasant enough walk in the surprisingly warm (and surprising-not-tipping-it-down-on-a-Bank-Holiday-weekend) weather.
There's an arguably better snap of it on an earlier wander, but at least you get a glimpse of the cool street art on the end of Baynton Road with this one. I still need to walk down Baynton Road, so perhaps I'll save talking about that piece for later...
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom pub Bedminster
Auto-Tags: Sky Cloud Car Window Vehicle Infrastructure Building Residential area Real estate Plant Facade City Road Vehicle registration plate Motor vehicle
I managed to knock off a reasonable chunk of the roads I had left to walk around the University at the north-eastern extremity of my mile on this nice sunny walk. As well as being impressed by the number of big townhouses now occupied by various departments, I took some time on my way there to check out a war memorial, and some time on the way back to do a little extra wandering of Berkeley Square.
The Theosophical Society also lets its lodge be used by a variety of other organisations, including the Bristol Dowsers; a branch of Carlos Castaneda's Tensegrity folk (some of the videos of Tensegrity are quite something); a meditation group; and the local branch of the White Eagle Lodge, founded by a medium who received various teachings from the eponymous founder.
Given that those are the groups who openly practise there, I can only imagine the list of occult factions who use the rooms on other days...
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom Clifton Bristol Theosophical Lodge Theosophical Lodge theosophy
Auto-Tags: Rectangle Font Wood Commemorative plaque Landscape Symmetry History Memorial Public utility Circle Interior design
Text Recognition Tags: १८का Noy The Bristol Ihe Sprit at a Teabe ptia Theosophical Lodge ianer hatties becs vanale Sengtihe fesot-mt evkettee d prerd the rall Maten a Me mh Ihe bshng pewerthe id- det trdil d werk Taagrity orul adaat ind 14 Terudals Pukd. C. ri BS Y In kiry of lepale sad be January - March 2020 Public Meetings Mign e h Coesces catag -ke ptaette te Fe Ai d Wtheeg de l Acher Mad Adeiheld wel o Alke ley There are lectures or discuesionsaery Tday evening 70- 9:00 pm almisioe is te hit collectuns takem The libwary is open on Temdays Irom457m and after the lectune until about io pm. Mar un Te ed m thto Tee Tube tut Hes Oetinindan N enttigr t g kat he atda fne Prsident (OL17) 9047n5 www.beisthedodge ang Hei Hanon Webshe १८का Noy The Bristol Ihe Sprit at a Teabe ptia Theosophical Lodge ianer hatties becs vanale Sengtihe fesot-mt evkettee d prerd the rall Maten a Me mh Ihe bshng pewerthe id- det trdil d werk Taagrity orul adaat ind 14 Terudals Pukd. C. ri BS Y In kiry of lepale sad be January - March 2020 Public Meetings Mign e h Coesces catag -ke ptaette te Fe Ai d Wtheeg de l Acher Mad Adeiheld wel o Alke ley There are lectures or discuesionsaery Tday evening 70- 9:00 pm almisioe is te hit collectuns takem The libwary is open on Temdays Irom457m and after the lectune until about io pm. Mar un Te ed m thto Tee Tube tut Hes Oetinindan N enttigr t g kat he atda fne Prsident (OL17) 9047n5 www.beisthedodge ang Hei Hanon Webshe
The track on the map doesn't tell the whole story of this walk with Lisa around and about Clifton, Berkeley Square, Brandon Hill and the harbourside, because the batteries on my GPS ran out while we were on the roof of Trenchard Street car park, it seems. Oh well. I think I did most of the area I was interested in finishing off around the University; there were only a few new bits around Brandon Hill that won't be on the track, and I can easily do them again.
Still, technology woes aside it was a nice walk, albeit a bit warm for climbing all those hills, and sat on the harbourside watching the world go by for a while, too. It was good to see the Bristol Ferry Boats carrying people around again, especially.
...and on the same lamppost, some Kill The Bill literature. That's me: bringing you the social history that Google Street View can't.
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom Clifton Kill the Bill
Auto-Tags: Font Cylinder Trunk Gas Tints and shades Tree Building Plant Bottle Automotive tire Art Drink Glass bottle Wine bottle Wood
Text Recognition Tags: ythat thouna of peaple heve ived fr hndedso yan eglta enhePelce Erme ond Senterong Kill The Bill hotesting or wbthe O lbeing otest u nel srotestr veo the ho at the airadypowerfu nol the Gypsy Roma & Traveller Community recetication agat.c peo. beal Greater Risk of Arres w or nn Sest You could e bran Already Oppressive System woently s Hode Dan y The ou d Mas paot ma sane Santencing for Property Damage En aofrac e t wws.an amsang mom aon colege Green, Saturday May Ist SOCIAL DISTANCE WEAR A MASK SPM-Fne food and chat SPM - March and Demonstration ythat thouna of peaple heve ived fr hndedso yan eglta enhePelce Erme ond Senterong Kill The Bill hotesting or wbthe O lbeing otest u nel srotestr veo the ho at the airadypowerfu nol the Gypsy Roma & Traveller Community recetication agat.c peo. beal Greater Risk of Arres w or nn Sest You could e bran Already Oppressive System woently s Hode Dan y The ou d Mas paot ma sane Santencing for Property Damage En aofrac e t wws.an amsang mom aon colege Green, Saturday May Ist SOCIAL DISTANCE WEAR A MASK SPM-Fne food and chat SPM - March and Demonstration
I was headed into town to return RA Gilbert's biography of AE Waite to the library and along the way I noticed that Dreadnought had finished their refurbishment, but wouldn't be open until midday. That left me some time to kill, so I bimbled around the old St Augustine's/Gaunt's area for a while, then headed up Park Street for a coffee and a snack to eat on Brandon Hill before heading home the way I'd came so I could pop in and buy a pamphlet on the Hot Well I'd been interested in for a while.
Interesting logo. Apparenlty milk and honey feature prominently in their menu. Not one for the vegans, I'm guessing.
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom cafe Park Street City Centre
Auto-Tags: Building Window Neighbourhood Road surface Facade Real estate Door City Bench Sidewalk Mixed-use House Road Street Retail
At the end of July I went to have a look around some of the private gardens opened up by the annual Green Squares and Secret Gardens event. Sadly it was compressed into a single day this year, for various Covid-related reasons, it seems, so I didn't get to poke around too many places. I went to:
And snapped a few things in between, too. It was a lovely day—a bit too hot, if anything—and it was interesting to get into a few places I'd only ever seen from the outside, especially The Paragon and Cornwallis gardens, which are the least visible to passing strangers of all of them.
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom Clifton Village Clifton Royal York Crescent Garden Clifton Open Garden Squares Green Squares and Secret Gardens open day Royal York Gardens
Auto-Tags: Leaf Wood Font Biome Poster Display board Tree Bulletin board Signage Post-it note Landscape Advertising Facade Plant Art
Text Recognition Tags: anfun Royal York Crescee Candene Gaideliees ROYAL YORK CRESCENT ET P g d wYCvG Wall Cargaign GARDENS HOUThe SAFETY NOTICE Be awe there euenurtace some steps nd tree rests in the DOOK D nd Thi adens l demidring ICYCLES.m, dng ding Peese take sare waieg thegh the MAILING LNE d KO SCAN ME Citun OPEN GARDEN SOUAREc anfun Royal York Crescee Candene Gaideliees ROYAL YORK CRESCENT ET P g d wYCvG Wall Cargaign GARDENS HOUThe SAFETY NOTICE Be awe there euenurtace some steps nd tree rests in the DOOK D nd Thi adens l demidring ICYCLES.m, dng ding Peese take sare waieg thegh the MAILING LNE d KO SCAN ME Citun OPEN GARDEN SOUAREc
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom Clifton Village Clifton Cornwallis Crescent Garden Clifton Open Garden Squares Green Squares and Secret Gardens open day Cornwallis Crescent garden
Auto-Tags: Font Grass Wood Terrestrial plant Groundcover Grass family Plant Paper Commemorative plaque Rectangle Landscape Paper product Document Publication History
Text Recognition Tags: Cornwallis Crescent (West) G5SG - 31.07.2021 Welome-ease teel tree to wander round the garden and woodland Comwal Crescnta home to wel er 150 u. ng in 85 h holds cangng fromente huse to mesty sin oor tats-a larcry fron the originaly olanned 31 households Itnot at the demugraphi prute whch has changed, there na cane forsuggesting that the Crescent sureetly enjoyru a perod efunerecedemad ke, cae and attention fm the pret generation of reutents, Read o. The ongnal plan pronatly by AIta Pay as tor a mplete shullew cresmtol 4hes Work begat a1791, buc akeady the gret spetidative bukdng boo of the perkidwas beginnirg e colapie resaurs become scar, lons had to ome by as finwnciers and buiders were edered boninatnd the debide wan completed wiiti the decteration of war wth France in Bding work vtopped with i tal houne in vanous states of complenn The area inust have arpeaet etroordinary to ute hom this ommentaryof R07 1do noe ecalect mone melhoy oectace westem enros of ms citwamot avofuts are so none than a wok oea d dou t gh tre sent and folng nouses n andesd Theraher meal, with loass on unfinished hauses stit beng gramed an l The Cressent then proably enjoved a hart heydaythough Alan yder's briet testory shows that many f the houses had fong untannted periods dne thied of the houses in the wntern taif atood empty at the time of the I51 census for instance, and the stuation is itle better ty L89L with fiet of the twenty three houses untenarted ind a further thres inhabited only by cartaken The problem of coure was tht many of the buidings were owned hy sentee lindhordi-some of whom tad itle interest in mntaiing them let alone imeroving propress was pite them Nan goes on to show tw y the early twmtleth contury undatian hod beyan to rake to Ang with much of ctor the Cescnt was to beame by the middle of the cntury an anw d cheap maaned odgings reachng eadr in 136 tem he oty cdund proposed to demalah itin prer to bda block of huh-e Datir Comwalh Crescont survtaed-and gadualya nee gonration of residents mode the finsl uarter of the twentieth century perkod of rapid change and runewis for the Crescent. The widespread derekction so evident in the earker part of the oury was gradualy reversed an, house by house Hat ly fat the procs of restoration and renovation changed the Crescent boch inside and mut The Garden Hdden tehind the Crestent's buidings and thigh boundary wal, the gurden is aw a surpriee to wstars. it's the best part of an acre, faces dje south and is shettered from the north-making tideal for terder plants and sun warshippers alte It consists of three laur, two of witsch used to be terns courts and the woods whih slope steeply soun to the bundary wal on Polypon Lane. Our longmt-standing resident. Myrtle Way ememten ter beng played in the tne 1950, though less famaly, one imagines, than in 1906 when the Comwalts Tenni Clit wa fanned Cornwallis Crescent (West) G5SG - 31.07.2021 Welome-ease teel tree to wander round the garden and woodland Comwal Crescnta home to wel er 150 u. ng in 85 h holds cangng fromente huse to mesty sin oor tats-a larcry fron the originaly olanned 31 households Itnot at the demugraphi prute whch has changed, there na cane forsuggesting that the Crescent sureetly enjoyru a perod efunerecedemad ke, cae and attention fm the pret generation of reutents, Read o. The ongnal plan pronatly by AIta Pay as tor a mplete shullew cresmtol 4hes Work begat a1791, buc akeady the gret spetidative bukdng boo of the perkidwas beginnirg e colapie resaurs become scar, lons had to ome by as finwnciers and buiders were edered boninatnd the debide wan completed wiiti the decteration of war wth France in Bding work vtopped with i tal houne in vanous states of complenn The area inust have arpeaet etroordinary to ute hom this ommentaryof R07 1do noe ecalect mone melhoy oectace westem enros of ms citwamot avofuts are so none than a wok oea d dou t gh tre sent and folng nouses n andesd Theraher meal, with loass on unfinished hauses stit beng gramed an l The Cressent then proably enjoved a hart heydaythough Alan yder's briet testory shows that many f the houses had fong untannted periods dne thied of the houses in the wntern taif atood empty at the time of the I51 census for instance, and the stuation is itle better ty L89L with fiet of the twenty three houses untenarted ind a further thres inhabited only by cartaken The problem of coure was tht many of the buidings were owned hy sentee lindhordi-some of whom tad itle interest in mntaiing them let alone imeroving propress was pite them Nan goes on to show tw y the early twmtleth contury undatian hod beyan to rake to Ang with much of ctor the Cescnt was to beame by the middle of the cntury an anw d cheap maaned odgings reachng eadr in 136 tem he oty cdund proposed to demalah itin prer to bda block of huh-e Datir Comwalh Crescont survtaed-and gadualya nee gonration of residents mode the finsl uarter of the twentieth century perkod of rapid change and runewis for the Crescent. The widespread derekction so evident in the earker part of the oury was gradualy reversed an, house by house Hat ly fat the procs of restoration and renovation changed the Crescent boch inside and mut The Garden Hdden tehind the Crestent's buidings and thigh boundary wal, the gurden is aw a surpriee to wstars. it's the best part of an acre, faces dje south and is shettered from the north-making tideal for terder plants and sun warshippers alte It consists of three laur, two of witsch used to be terns courts and the woods whih slope steeply soun to the bundary wal on Polypon Lane. Our longmt-standing resident. Myrtle Way ememten ter beng played in the tne 1950, though less famaly, one imagines, than in 1906 when the Comwalts Tenni Clit wa fanned
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom Clifton Village Clifton Cornwallis Crescent Garden Clifton Open Garden Squares Green Squares and Secret Gardens open day Cornwallis Crescent garden
Auto-Tags: Plant Grass Wood Font Rectangle Groundcover Terrestrial plant Grass family Commemorative plaque Paper Paper product Landscape Publication Document Pattern
Text Recognition Tags: Alhe ongeat Besdents Asooatten w n tact an Ownery Asoction n uy otheresidents sarvants and tnantamply datn'tcourt,ifwe are to jutge buan the Minuts of the eaure Ground Commttue whch in 1904 voted that taretoes and mer faes be et permitted to ae he plrae ground The ervants were dearly a problem, and in 12 e evatad alwng of Mers in the gendens s ogin droughta that he delinguents the ernt ot No2and t waireoked at the on Secnetany should wite to Mr. Esery ponting ut the e of actithe Canmitee eulbe forct to nahe reted the einquit n Ais aniceIta ey to beas ur predeeos but through the laboun of anore ar less ful-ine gadener e per wkin 18 they worted hard at cresting and mantaning the ganden we njny tody. Over the pears the Minutes book refers constantly to payments for eeh and shut, andtor the paths the lopping oftand the manteriance of the was-al of whah remainstnie ti day with the tres being partieular thefore he Camtt The gardemer tate tio epee It clear that toth heuses and gandes uffered dre eet setwthe as and for the folkowng 20 ywars Then in 1963 a Residents Aocutun was farmed whech emtraed the sgir af the age led by anewneration of owner aupies.and spitad tenantsa deteined attempe as made to mole etryane in the care of their haned anironmant The fact that eerol taf serp undanter rub ws of the state to which the prdns had deckned. There are stl a couple of ndents iing hers who took part in that massive dea e Weowe them agrst e We try to contue that self ep echos today, in the bellef that z fosters a samn of community All ptup residents er fleer paare tomatkally memters of the RA all havenght of acs to the garden Reponshlky for geting things done rests with everoe. The firat Sunda of she month is a'gandening elorning and we takein tus to mange the rkforce and alleate tasks. Keen gardeners are free moved d from the gardets is exidence enough s as much as they ke. Becently we haive been trying te manage he ganden to make mare wlfe frendly. We no Inngor spray the gravel path and we leave areasf the lawn unmwn to amcurage inects Some bird boons have teen pi u on the trees and Soses and badgers ane regar viston the latter not slwy welcome as they dig up the lan for wonms and gns dandeningrt, the grounds anea perfact plavaruund for chiidren and aduts ae de foctie, an anal bonfenight sctacule treasure hunts and bithday partiem, outdonr Shakeprare, carol singing sit doun meaand dancing in ourmarquee Lockdown in 2020 led to Cuckinghan Palace and the intraduction ofs fock of splenddy productive rescue hers, and this ar we started to plane truit ree aey The parden seemi to survive everything we thew t it, se far Alhe ongeat Besdents Asooatten w n tact an Ownery Asoction n uy otheresidents sarvants and tnantamply datn'tcourt,ifwe are to jutge buan the Minuts of the eaure Ground Commttue whch in 1904 voted that taretoes and mer faes be et permitted to ae he plrae ground The ervants were dearly a problem, and in 12 e evatad alwng of Mers in the gendens s ogin droughta that he delinguents the ernt ot No2and t waireoked at the on Secnetany should wite to Mr. Esery ponting ut the e of actithe Canmitee eulbe forct to nahe reted the einquit n Ais aniceIta ey to beas ur predeeos but through the laboun of anore ar less ful-ine gadener e per wkin 18 they worted hard at cresting and mantaning the ganden we njny tody. Over the pears the Minutes book refers constantly to payments for eeh and shut, andtor the paths the lopping oftand the manteriance of the was-al of whah remainstnie ti day with the tres being partieular thefore he Camtt The gardemer tate tio epee It clear that toth heuses and gandes uffered dre eet setwthe as and for the folkowng 20 ywars Then in 1963 a Residents Aocutun was farmed whech emtraed the sgir af the age led by anewneration of owner aupies.and spitad tenantsa deteined attempe as made to mole etryane in the care of their haned anironmant The fact that eerol taf serp undanter rub ws of the state to which the prdns had deckned. There are stl a couple of ndents iing hers who took part in that massive dea e Weowe them agrst e We try to contue that self ep echos today, in the bellef that z fosters a samn of community All ptup residents er fleer paare tomatkally memters of the RA all havenght of acs to the garden Reponshlky for geting things done rests with everoe. The firat Sunda of she month is a'gandening elorning and we takein tus to mange the rkforce and alleate tasks. Keen gardeners are free moved d from the gardets is exidence enough s as much as they ke. Becently we haive been trying te manage he ganden to make mare wlfe frendly. We no Inngor spray the gravel path and we leave areasf the lawn unmwn to amcurage inects Some bird boons have teen pi u on the trees and Soses and badgers ane regar viston the latter not slwy welcome as they dig up the lan for wonms and gns dandeningrt, the grounds anea perfact plavaruund for chiidren and aduts ae de foctie, an anal bonfenight sctacule treasure hunts and bithday partiem, outdonr Shakeprare, carol singing sit doun meaand dancing in ourmarquee Lockdown in 2020 led to Cuckinghan Palace and the intraduction ofs fock of splenddy productive rescue hers, and this ar we started to plane truit ree aey The parden seemi to survive everything we thew t it, se far
I needed to pop to the library, as they'd kindly dug a book out of the reserve store at the B Bond warehouse for me and emailed me to let me know it was ready. So, I took a little trip to town, straight down the Hotwell Road, and spent a few hours reading before stretching my legs with a walk to a new cafe in the actual castle (or remnants thereof, anyway) of Castle Park, before heading back home down the other side of the harbour. As well as books and coffee, I bumped into a remote-controlled pirate ship, which isn't something you see every day, even in Bristol.
The chambers were apparently once the entrance to the castle's great hall. Historic England has this section of the castle at 13-14th century
I was interested to see it, but a little underwhelmed, if I'm honest. A fairly bland interior and a perfectly adequate flat white—not much "wow" factor.
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom City Centre Castle Park Castle Vaulted Chambers Cafe
Auto-Tags: Building Window Tree Road surface Architecture Urban design Neighbourhood Outdoor furniture Road City Brickwork Brick Sidewalk Leisure Facade
I'm afraid that this is a bit of a badly-curated wander, where I mostly just popped out to find out a little of the history of Underfall Yard and poke around the various open workshops, and, in hindsight, really didn't take pictures in any kind of coherent order. So there's a lot of pictures, but they don't really tell the story that, in hindsight, I seem to have been trying to tell, of the unusual electrical substation in Avon Crescent, the Bristol Electricity that predates the National Grid but is still in use, the history of the hydraulic power house... It's a bit of a mess.
But I suppose sometimes these wanders—always chronologically presented in the order I walked and took photos—simply will sometimes be a bit of a mess. Let's hope you still get something out of it, anyway...
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom Hotwells Underfall Yard Spike Island Docks Heritage Weekend
Auto-Tags: Font Material property Event Pattern Mesh Memorial Wood Signage History Commemorative plaque Metal Transport Paper
Text Recognition Tags: Bristal City Cup aping Masbina Made by Hde and Cengany of Mabeeter, the 1880/90 a A versatle acbine whih is witel nalaly te the prouction af vrge pe of w Shaping asbin ar reative of the planing maina e tr tararta Day han reelprocating toel. The naphine la tort long vera sd a halt en frem e shafting tbrg fu g puley at the ieft hand vod The langth af vtroke can be variel by thn takng of tw large wa on the drive trie The ram is fed siung the machine ty s esd sorew whiut can be rotatad wtber by hand u A pew and ratchet mechanin rlvn by the sam att w prs the rem mehastan The ram reciprocating speed an be variet tn 10 d 30 vtroke pe ita The foothrake which is operatel fron the right hand end of the saibine was t ly the Port of Bristul Autherity to stop noveent qickty. Without the trsks De sautios 'ne o codd be for uo to balf minute which wan nnint and a tengtatian for the operatar to ne dangeraun metos to adieres sker stas Bristal City Cup aping Masbina Made by Hde and Cengany of Mabeeter, the 1880/90 a A versatle acbine whih is witel nalaly te the prouction af vrge pe of w Shaping asbin ar reative of the planing maina e tr tararta Day han reelprocating toel. The naphine la tort long vera sd a halt en frem e shafting tbrg fu g puley at the ieft hand vod The langth af vtroke can be variel by thn takng of tw large wa on the drive trie The ram is fed siung the machine ty s esd sorew whiut can be rotatad wtber by hand u A pew and ratchet mechanin rlvn by the sam att w prs the rem mehastan The ram reciprocating speed an be variet tn 10 d 30 vtroke pe ita The foothrake which is operatel fron the right hand end of the saibine was t ly the Port of Bristul Autherity to stop noveent qickty. Without the trsks De sautios 'ne o codd be for uo to balf minute which wan nnint and a tengtatian for the operatar to ne dangeraun metos to adieres sker stas
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom Hotwells Underfall Yard Spike Island Docks Heritage Weekend
Auto-Tags: Font Event Room Public event Carmine Magenta Signage Audio equipment
Text Recognition Tags: B oty Dea wwerth Pa Mae Ud y fer wa g sinegate nd L ham f ri and rerent it at ty it w md to sake the tre for m L wng BriA Table wee ar we y 14tG ang te m anraga te y pw niste nd se e dte werk a to Gft ia arenates The toe ers th rael pard or d traver aro te werkl g satana te the tale prled ky e efa ad ar Thie sere s dis un A tentert spare thread of in TM shege of aetion l rretation l an ya tatie ve calada t striker w the iv at freN e er to anather The lengn uf str et ty the a wster w ihe se of sto pd t f the vrktak The s odataastre veriates of 10 e k B oty Dea wwerth Pa Mae Ud y fer wa g sinegate nd L ham f ri and rerent it at ty it w md to sake the tre for m L wng BriA Table wee ar we y 14tG ang te m anraga te y pw niste nd se e dte werk a to Gft ia arenates The toe ers th rael pard or d traver aro te werkl g satana te the tale prled ky e efa ad ar Thie sere s dis un A tentert spare thread of in TM shege of aetion l rretation l an ya tatie ve calada t striker w the iv at freN e er to anather The lengn uf str et ty the a wster w ihe se of sto pd t f the vrktak The s odataastre veriates of 10 e k