14 Jul 2021
As it turned out, I didn't manage to get a coffee on my lunchtime coffee trip, as Imagine That were briefly shut down by a Covid-19 exposure notification (false alarm, it seems.) On the plus side, my trip was made worthwhile by spotting a couple of people from the University of Bath Mechanical Engineering Department testing an autonomous body-finding catamaran, which isn't a phrase I was ever expecting to write...
...developing a robot boat that hunts for bodies!
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom boat harbourside floating harbour Spike Island University of Bath autonomous autonomous vehicle research robot search
Auto-Tags: Wall Font Commemorative plaque Road surface Public utility Wood Signage Tar Asphalt Sign Flooring Concrete Pattern Headstone Memorial
Text Recognition Tags: UNIVERSITY OF BATH RESEARCH IN PROGRESS Thank you for your interest in our project, you may have questions. We are from the Mechanical Engineering Department at Bath University We are developing an autonomous vessel for searching bodies in canals/harbours/etc The vessel uses sonar hardware similar to those used for fishing to generate an underwater map Our test target is a mannequin. The clothes are for a more realistic sonar echo. He does not require CPR UNIVERSITY OF BATH RESEARCH IN PROGRESS Thank you for your interest in our project, you may have questions. We are from the Mechanical Engineering Department at Bath University We are developing an autonomous vessel for searching bodies in canals/harbours/etc The vessel uses sonar hardware similar to those used for fishing to generate an underwater map Our test target is a mannequin. The clothes are for a more realistic sonar echo. He does not require CPR
All the way to the marina, but my destination had disappeared! Lucy and Dan were fine and I saw the Imagine That horsebox back here and working the following morning.
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom cafe harbourside covid-19 floating harbour Spike Island Imagine That marina
Auto-Tags: Font Wood Brick Rectangle Brickwork Display device Signage Poster Hardwood Advertising Commemorative plaque Wood stain
Text Recognition Tags: The CAFE Dear customer, The OP We have had to close as a precautionary measure due to a potential exposure to the virus. We have both had negative lateral flow tests and are currently teeling wel but are wating on PCR test results before we can returm to work. All being well well hopefuly see you in a few days. You can check aur social media pages for updutes in the meantime: Serving Coffee r bites.♡ IND US @. IMAGINETHAT BRISTOL a CMAGINETHATBRISTOL M@MAGINE THATBRIS Instagram: eimaginethatbristal Facebook facebook.com/imaginethatbristol ... Lucy and Dan We THU: 8 -3 FRI : 8 - 3 SAT 9- 4 SUN 9-4 WWW. IMAGINETHATBRISTOL. COM The CAFE Dear customer, The OP We have had to close as a precautionary measure due to a potential exposure to the virus. We have both had negative lateral flow tests and are currently teeling wel but are wating on PCR test results before we can returm to work. All being well well hopefuly see you in a few days. You can check aur social media pages for updutes in the meantime: Serving Coffee r bites.♡ IND US @. IMAGINETHAT BRISTOL a CMAGINETHATBRISTOL M@MAGINE THATBRIS Instagram: eimaginethatbristal Facebook facebook.com/imaginethatbristol ... Lucy and Dan We THU: 8 -3 FRI : 8 - 3 SAT 9- 4 SUN 9-4 WWW. IMAGINETHATBRISTOL. COM
25 Jul 2021
The far east of the intersection of my one-mile radius and Bedminster, anyway. I was feeling a bit tired this morning, so I motivated myself to get out of the door by imagining one of Mokoko's almond croissants. That got me on my way, and I wandered across to Bedminster, through Greville Smyth Park, along most of the length of North Street (looking out for new Upfest 75-pieces-in-75-days artwork as I went) and then onto some new roads at the far end.
I only wanted to knock a few streets off my "to do" list, but by the time I'd diverted here and there to check out various bits of graffiti and other attractions and come back via the aforementioned purveyors of Bristol's finest croissants, I'd walked 7.4km. Not bad for someone who woke up tired, and at least I've done something with my day. I'm very glad the weather broke (we had tremendous thunderstorms yesterday), even if some of the pictures might've looked better with a blue sky. I was getting fed up with walking around in 29°C heat...
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom Bedminster graffiti street art
Auto-Tags: Window Sky Building Art Neighbourhood City Facade Metropolitan area Road Font Commercial building Urban area Human settlement Paint Graffiti
Text Recognition Tags: NORTH STREET WE Lebara st Drl AFTA NORTH STREET WE Lebara st Drl AFTA
31 Jul 2021
At the end of July I went to have a look around some of the private gardens opened up by the annual Green Squares and Secret Gardens event. Sadly it was compressed into a single day this year, for various Covid-related reasons, it seems, so I didn't get to poke around too many places. I went to:
And snapped a few things in between, too. It was a lovely day—a bit too hot, if anything—and it was interesting to get into a few places I'd only ever seen from the outside, especially The Paragon and Cornwallis gardens, which are the least visible to passing strangers of all of them.
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom Clifton Village Clifton Cornwallis Crescent Garden Clifton Open Garden Squares Green Squares and Secret Gardens open day Cornwallis Crescent garden
Auto-Tags: Plant Grass Wood Font Rectangle Groundcover Terrestrial plant Grass family Commemorative plaque Paper Paper product Landscape Publication Document Pattern
Text Recognition Tags: Alhe ongeat Besdents Asooatten w n tact an Ownery Asoction n uy otheresidents sarvants and tnantamply datn'tcourt,ifwe are to jutge buan the Minuts of the eaure Ground Commttue whch in 1904 voted that taretoes and mer faes be et permitted to ae he plrae ground The ervants were dearly a problem, and in 12 e evatad alwng of Mers in the gendens s ogin droughta that he delinguents the ernt ot No2and t waireoked at the on Secnetany should wite to Mr. Esery ponting ut the e of actithe Canmitee eulbe forct to nahe reted the einquit n Ais aniceIta ey to beas ur predeeos but through the laboun of anore ar less ful-ine gadener e per wkin 18 they worted hard at cresting and mantaning the ganden we njny tody. Over the pears the Minutes book refers constantly to payments for eeh and shut, andtor the paths the lopping oftand the manteriance of the was-al of whah remainstnie ti day with the tres being partieular thefore he Camtt The gardemer tate tio epee It clear that toth heuses and gandes uffered dre eet setwthe as and for the folkowng 20 ywars Then in 1963 a Residents Aocutun was farmed whech emtraed the sgir af the age led by anewneration of owner aupies.and spitad tenantsa deteined attempe as made to mole etryane in the care of their haned anironmant The fact that eerol taf serp undanter rub ws of the state to which the prdns had deckned. There are stl a couple of ndents iing hers who took part in that massive dea e Weowe them agrst e We try to contue that self ep echos today, in the bellef that z fosters a samn of community All ptup residents er fleer paare tomatkally memters of the RA all havenght of acs to the garden Reponshlky for geting things done rests with everoe. The firat Sunda of she month is a'gandening elorning and we takein tus to mange the rkforce and alleate tasks. Keen gardeners are free moved d from the gardets is exidence enough s as much as they ke. Becently we haive been trying te manage he ganden to make mare wlfe frendly. We no Inngor spray the gravel path and we leave areasf the lawn unmwn to amcurage inects Some bird boons have teen pi u on the trees and Soses and badgers ane regar viston the latter not slwy welcome as they dig up the lan for wonms and gns dandeningrt, the grounds anea perfact plavaruund for chiidren and aduts ae de foctie, an anal bonfenight sctacule treasure hunts and bithday partiem, outdonr Shakeprare, carol singing sit doun meaand dancing in ourmarquee Lockdown in 2020 led to Cuckinghan Palace and the intraduction ofs fock of splenddy productive rescue hers, and this ar we started to plane truit ree aey The parden seemi to survive everything we thew t it, se far Alhe ongeat Besdents Asooatten w n tact an Ownery Asoction n uy otheresidents sarvants and tnantamply datn'tcourt,ifwe are to jutge buan the Minuts of the eaure Ground Commttue whch in 1904 voted that taretoes and mer faes be et permitted to ae he plrae ground The ervants were dearly a problem, and in 12 e evatad alwng of Mers in the gendens s ogin droughta that he delinguents the ernt ot No2and t waireoked at the on Secnetany should wite to Mr. Esery ponting ut the e of actithe Canmitee eulbe forct to nahe reted the einquit n Ais aniceIta ey to beas ur predeeos but through the laboun of anore ar less ful-ine gadener e per wkin 18 they worted hard at cresting and mantaning the ganden we njny tody. Over the pears the Minutes book refers constantly to payments for eeh and shut, andtor the paths the lopping oftand the manteriance of the was-al of whah remainstnie ti day with the tres being partieular thefore he Camtt The gardemer tate tio epee It clear that toth heuses and gandes uffered dre eet setwthe as and for the folkowng 20 ywars Then in 1963 a Residents Aocutun was farmed whech emtraed the sgir af the age led by anewneration of owner aupies.and spitad tenantsa deteined attempe as made to mole etryane in the care of their haned anironmant The fact that eerol taf serp undanter rub ws of the state to which the prdns had deckned. There are stl a couple of ndents iing hers who took part in that massive dea e Weowe them agrst e We try to contue that self ep echos today, in the bellef that z fosters a samn of community All ptup residents er fleer paare tomatkally memters of the RA all havenght of acs to the garden Reponshlky for geting things done rests with everoe. The firat Sunda of she month is a'gandening elorning and we takein tus to mange the rkforce and alleate tasks. Keen gardeners are free moved d from the gardets is exidence enough s as much as they ke. Becently we haive been trying te manage he ganden to make mare wlfe frendly. We no Inngor spray the gravel path and we leave areasf the lawn unmwn to amcurage inects Some bird boons have teen pi u on the trees and Soses and badgers ane regar viston the latter not slwy welcome as they dig up the lan for wonms and gns dandeningrt, the grounds anea perfact plavaruund for chiidren and aduts ae de foctie, an anal bonfenight sctacule treasure hunts and bithday partiem, outdonr Shakeprare, carol singing sit doun meaand dancing in ourmarquee Lockdown in 2020 led to Cuckinghan Palace and the intraduction ofs fock of splenddy productive rescue hers, and this ar we started to plane truit ree aey The parden seemi to survive everything we thew t it, se far
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom Clifton Village Clifton Garden Clifton Open Garden Squares Green Squares and Secret Gardens open day The Polygon garden the polygon
Auto-Tags: Leaf Natural environment Plant Botany Vegetation Font Grass Terrestrial plant Wood Groundcover Landscape Signage Nature reserve Natural material Natural landscape
Text Recognition Tags: The Polygon communal garden- an update Welcome! Regular visitors and passers-by wili notice three big changes in the Polvgon communai garden this year. 1. The cherry tree at the west side has been felied (to give neighbours more light) and replaced with a slow growing Frosted Thorn. This should bear berries and provide good autumn colour. We have been busy planting perennials around the tree, although soil depth is stil limited by roots. To that end, we are mulching with compost and putting in smaller plants that we hope wil establish and grow well. 2. We are trying out a 'no mow policy in parts of the garden so we can see what plants arrive. You wil see that we have cut paths round the beds, and up to the sitting and compost areas for ease of access. So far, the most notable arrivals have been yamow, ragwort (which supports the cinnabar moth caterpiliar), red campion, yelow rattie, cranesbill and corn cockle. 3. We also took the plunge and established a pond where the oid firepit was situated up by the sitting area The pond has a population of frogs and water snails and we have spotted one dragon By so far but are hoping for more We have put in a solar powered aerator to keep the water ovygenated. Wildflower seeds around the pend took well and we have had a great crop of poppies. We weicome wildife: tawny owis, poistrelle bats, many butterflies, honey and bumble bees and a wide variety of birds goldfinch, dunnock, great spatted woodpecker. Plus foxes and the occasional badger. We hope you enjoy our garden. Apologies for the leck of refreshments, but many people are away so we are not up to speed. Next year, we hope to be back in full swing with refreshments, including Polvgon elderfiower cordial and home baked cakes. The Polygon communal garden- an update Welcome! Regular visitors and passers-by wili notice three big changes in the Polvgon communai garden this year. 1. The cherry tree at the west side has been felied (to give neighbours more light) and replaced with a slow growing Frosted Thorn. This should bear berries and provide good autumn colour. We have been busy planting perennials around the tree, although soil depth is stil limited by roots. To that end, we are mulching with compost and putting in smaller plants that we hope wil establish and grow well. 2. We are trying out a 'no mow policy in parts of the garden so we can see what plants arrive. You wil see that we have cut paths round the beds, and up to the sitting and compost areas for ease of access. So far, the most notable arrivals have been yamow, ragwort (which supports the cinnabar moth caterpiliar), red campion, yelow rattie, cranesbill and corn cockle. 3. We also took the plunge and established a pond where the oid firepit was situated up by the sitting area The pond has a population of frogs and water snails and we have spotted one dragon By so far but are hoping for more We have put in a solar powered aerator to keep the water ovygenated. Wildflower seeds around the pend took well and we have had a great crop of poppies. We weicome wildife: tawny owis, poistrelle bats, many butterflies, honey and bumble bees and a wide variety of birds goldfinch, dunnock, great spatted woodpecker. Plus foxes and the occasional badger. We hope you enjoy our garden. Apologies for the leck of refreshments, but many people are away so we are not up to speed. Next year, we hope to be back in full swing with refreshments, including Polvgon elderfiower cordial and home baked cakes.
25 Sep 2021
I needed to pop to the library, as they'd kindly dug a book out of the reserve store at the B Bond warehouse for me and emailed me to let me know it was ready. So, I took a little trip to town, straight down the Hotwell Road, and spent a few hours reading before stretching my legs with a walk to a new cafe in the actual castle (or remnants thereof, anyway) of Castle Park, before heading back home down the other side of the harbour. As well as books and coffee, I bumped into a remote-controlled pirate ship, which isn't something you see every day, even in Bristol.
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom City Centre Castle Park Castle Vaulted Chambers Cafe
Auto-Tags: Handwriting Plant Tree Building Font Grass Chalk Summer Landmark Landscape Road surface Recreation Signage City Sign
Text Recognition Tags: Vaulled Chambers BRAND NEW! we are Come in ared Specialty Coyee locally Sarad Cakes *Marshpieldo lce Cream Vaulled Chambers BRAND NEW! we are Come in ared Specialty Coyee locally Sarad Cakes *Marshpieldo lce Cream
I recently indulged myself by buying a little piece of history. I've mentioned Samuel Loxton and featured and linked to his drawings before, often in the eminently browsable Loxton Collection albums that Bristol Libraries has on Flickr. So when I saw a Loxton drawing of Hotwells pop up on eBay, I decided to get myself a little treat.
I don't think there's any Loxton drawing that features the road I actually live in—it's not very visible from anywhere else, not being one of these Clifton terraces that's perched at the top of a hill, or anything like that, and it's invisible in most views of the area. However, this Loxton drawing, Hotwells, Looking across the river from near the Clifton Bridge station, is probably the closest near-miss I've seen.
I decided to wander out one morning and see if I could reproduce the picture, and also take a photo or two of what's now become of the Clifton Bridge Station, which is still just about discernible in places.
(Then on an even stranger whim I decided to check out a possible little cut-through from Cumberland Road to the harbourside I'd been eyeing up on my commute to work, so walked to Wapping Wharf for a croissant via this potential new route, but that bit's not quite as interesting...)
I don't actually know what "we cap £" means. I do know that it always seemed irritating that the Metrobus worked by having to buy a ticket in advance at fiddly little machines next to the stops, and that being able to just buy a ticket by tapping a card once you were on the bus would seem wildly futuristic if I hadn't had a Oyster card decades ago in London...
Having just tried to read the 2,500-ish word explanation of Tap & Cap, I'm still not sure exactly how to use it, but hopefully it at least means that Bristol bus drivers will no longer swear at you if you don't happen to have exactly the right change sorted out in advance...
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom metrobus
Auto-Tags: Property Building Plant Fixture Window Font Facade Brick Gas Brickwork Rectangle Signage Poster House Advertising
Text Recognition Tags: YouTap ) We Cap £ now on metrobus simply tap your contactless device onboard as you get on the bus, no ticket needed. find out more at metrobusbritolcouk Frst rite metrobus m Bank 0000 0006 L95 HEZ R CARHOLDER YouTap ) We Cap £ now on metrobus simply tap your contactless device onboard as you get on the bus, no ticket needed. find out more at metrobusbritolcouk Frst rite metrobus m Bank 0000 0006 L95 HEZ R CARHOLDER
I'm afraid that this is a bit of a badly-curated wander, where I mostly just popped out to find out a little of the history of Underfall Yard and poke around the various open workshops, and, in hindsight, really didn't take pictures in any kind of coherent order. So there's a lot of pictures, but they don't really tell the story that, in hindsight, I seem to have been trying to tell, of the unusual electrical substation in Avon Crescent, the Bristol Electricity that predates the National Grid but is still in use, the history of the hydraulic power house... It's a bit of a mess.
But I suppose sometimes these wanders—always chronologically presented in the order I walked and took photos—simply will sometimes be a bit of a mess. Let's hope you still get something out of it, anyway...
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom Hotwells Underfall Yard Spike Island Docks Heritage Weekend
Auto-Tags: Font Event Room Public event Carmine Magenta Signage Audio equipment
Text Recognition Tags: B oty Dea wwerth Pa Mae Ud y fer wa g sinegate nd L ham f ri and rerent it at ty it w md to sake the tre for m L wng BriA Table wee ar we y 14tG ang te m anraga te y pw niste nd se e dte werk a to Gft ia arenates The toe ers th rael pard or d traver aro te werkl g satana te the tale prled ky e efa ad ar Thie sere s dis un A tentert spare thread of in TM shege of aetion l rretation l an ya tatie ve calada t striker w the iv at freN e er to anather The lengn uf str et ty the a wster w ihe se of sto pd t f the vrktak The s odataastre veriates of 10 e k B oty Dea wwerth Pa Mae Ud y fer wa g sinegate nd L ham f ri and rerent it at ty it w md to sake the tre for m L wng BriA Table wee ar we y 14tG ang te m anraga te y pw niste nd se e dte werk a to Gft ia arenates The toe ers th rael pard or d traver aro te werkl g satana te the tale prled ky e efa ad ar Thie sere s dis un A tentert spare thread of in TM shege of aetion l rretation l an ya tatie ve calada t striker w the iv at freN e er to anather The lengn uf str et ty the a wster w ihe se of sto pd t f the vrktak The s odataastre veriates of 10 e k
The more I research it, the more I find that Hotwells had far better transport links back in Victorian and Edwardian times than it has today. Along with buses that went to more useful places than the City Centre, there were trams, the funicular up to Clifton, the landing stage for paddle steamer services and two railway stations all within easy walking distance of me.
Today I took a day off work as preparation for doing the bookkeeping for my tax return1, and took a wander along to the site of what would have been my nearest station, Hotwells (or Clifton, as it started out in life), nestled in the shadow of the suspension bridge, the Bristol terminus of the Bristol Port Railway and Pier.
From there I wandered down the Portway, following the original line, until I got to the area around Sneyd Park Junction, where the tunnel from the slightly later Clifton Extension Railway joined up with this originally-isolated BPR line. Then I headed up to Clifton through the "goat gully" at Walcombe Slade, seeing the few above-ground bits of evidence of the tunnel (which is still in regular use) along the way.
It was a lovely day, and a good walk, and it was interesting to daydream of the times when I could have walked a few minutes from my flat down to Dowry Parade, caught a short tram ride to Hotwells Stations, and then headed from there to Avonmouth, perhaps even to board a transatlantic passenger service. The completion of the Clifton Extension Railway that linked the Avonmouth station with Temple Meads made relatively direct transatlantic travel from London via Bristol possible, with passengers travelling up from Paddington to Temple Meads, on to Avonmouth on the Clifton Extension Railway and Port Railway and Pier line, then perhaps catching a Cambpell's paddle steamer—which sometimes acted as tenders for large steamers—to a larger ship that was headed out for Canada, say.
1 I've learned that the best approach is to take two days off and deliberately do something that's not my bookkeeping on the first day, as otherwise I just inevitably end up procrastinating and feeling guilty on the first day no matter what. I have an odd brain, but at least I'm learning strategies for dealing with its strange ways as I get older...
2 Information mostly gleaned from Colin Maggs' The Bristol Port Railway & Pier and the Clifton Extension Railway, The Oakwood Press, 1975.
From The Bristol Hotwell, by Vincent Waite, ISSN 1362 7759, Bristol Branch of the Historical Association, 2002 reprint.
...in 1867 the new Pump Room was in turn demolished so that Hotwell Point could be removed and river navigation made safer. Thus the spring was lost after a long and eventful history. After much public agitation and complaining in the local press the spring was enclosed and piped to a small grotto hollowed out in the rock. Here a pump was set up in 1877 and an attendant provided by the Bristol Docks committee. In 1880 Dr. Griffin wrote a warning letter to the newspapers claiming that his analysis of this pump water proved that it was not from the original spring which in any case was too far away to retain its correct temperature. Yet up to 1913 the pump was still in use, and sometimes supplied as many as 350 persons a day. Then the long-threatened pollution of the water by the river became too obvious to be ignored and the pump was closed. The entrance, blocked up by a small wooden door, can still be seen in Hotwells Road near the Suspension Bridge.
The wooden door is no longer here, but this is definitely the place.
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom Avon Gorge hotwell road clifton rocks railway Hot Well spring ali baba's cave
Auto-Tags: Handwriting Azure Graffiti Architecture Font Fixture Plant Paint Tints and shades Brickwork Facade Brick Mural Gas Urban area
Text Recognition Tags: We STEN CALI BABA We STEN CALI BABA
26 Feb 2022
I needed to buy new walking shoes—my old ones were squeaking and it was driving me up the wall—so I ordered some for collection from Taunton Leisure on East Street in Bedminster, and decided to make picking them up an official wander.
I didn't cover any new ground within my mile, but I did take advantage of the trip to take in a few interesting things just outside my normal radius, mostly New Gaol-related. Along the way there are a couple of sanitation-related diversions, including a visit to a rare manhole cover. You can hardly wait, I can tell!
The blurb for The Cuckoo Cage sounds fun:
In this unique experiment, twelve authors have been tasked with resurrecting that tradition: to spawn a new generation of present-day British superheroes, willing to bring the fight back to British shores and to more progressive causes.
But I'd probably take issue with the experiment's claimed uniqueness, given that it sounds virtually the same concept as 1991's Temps. Still, I'll be interested to read it and I snapped this to remind myself that I might want to get a ticket for the launch.
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom Wapping Wharf Spike Island
Auto-Tags: Font Handwriting City Road surface Building Human settlement Advertising Signage Event Door Billboard Street Sidewalk Banner Facade
18 Apr 2022
I didn't really set out with a theme of flowers and gardens in mind for this walk. I just fancied heading up to Clifton Village to get lunch. As it turned out, though, Spring was springing, so a minor theme emerged as I started off with the graveyard flowers of Hope Chapel and wandered up to see the beginnings of the new wildflower garden at Clifton Hill Meadow.
Tags: Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom Clifton Village Clifton Clifton Hill Clifton Hill Bank Clifton Hill Meadow
Auto-Tags: Plant community Ecoregion Plant Green Natural landscape Natural environment Botany Organism Terrestrial plant Vegetation Land lot Grass Font Biome Line
Text Recognition Tags: Welcome to Clifton Hill Meadow and Wildflower Lawn We to add which grobe Theate h how to w 2001. The c wakenya March 2002. Over t 0 flow and fy ata of t What will happen on the site Clifton Hill is changing We're working with the council to transform this slope www into a wildflower meadow and wildflower floral law. betrie Espress but we will soon stat The week and the grap prothesof 2011 Feyete the C when we propawower made the becomes to fe of powiad of coa tour, de dona pm the cap sed my led to help on the gord They are w Swach the So that owner, and the ம து போட்ட விலொ That the be wh Apinating w the to the we Do you want mor wildflowers? DVD WEST BRISTOL CLIMATE Welcome to Clifton Hill Meadow and Wildflower Lawn We to add which grobe Theate h how to w 2001. The c wakenya March 2002 . Over t 0 flow and fy ata of t What will happen on the site Clifton Hill is changing We're working with the council to transform this slope www into a wildflower meadow and wildflower floral law . betrie Espress but we will soon stat The week and the grap prothesof 2011 Feyete the C when we propawower made the becomes to fe of powiad of coa tour , de dona pm the cap sed my led to help on the gord They are w Swach the So that owner , and the ம து போட்ட விலொ That the be wh Apinating w the to the we Do you want mor wildflowers ? DVD WEST BRISTOL CLIMATE
03 Jun 2022
I managed to go for a wander a while ago that was meant to finish off a little tangle of paths in Leigh Woods, or at the very least finish off my wandering of the Purple Path there. And I managed to miss doing either of those things through some kind of navigational incompetence.
Today I woke up with a bit of a headache, feeling a bit knackered as soon as I dragged myself out of bed, but at least with the energy to realise that I'd be better off (a) going for a walk in what looked likely to be the last of the Jubilee weekend sunshine than (b) moping around the flat until it started raining, at which point I could mope more thoroughly.
I had a look at my map, considered going to Ashton Court, but remembered that there was a music festival there today, and instead found these little leftovers of Leigh Woods and decided to have one more try at walking them.
Tags: Ashton Court Estate Bristol Places UK onemilematt united kingdom ashton court conservation skylark
Auto-Tags: Bird Plant community Vertebrate Ecoregion Nature Beak Mammal Grass Adaptation Grassland Grass family Terrestrial plant Groundcover Feather Plant
Text Recognition Tags: SKYLARK PROTECTION AREA Ashton Court Estate is home to breeding Skylarks, which nest on the ground across the plateau area. They are easily disturbed by both humans and dogs. All nesting birds are legally protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended) The numbers of Skylarks have dropped in Britain by at least 60% in the last 40 years Your co-operation will help with their recovery In this area you must: + Keep your dog on a short lead Stay on the mown and marked paths. ignoring the guidelines will lead to their further decline and potential prosecution. Ashton Court Estate is a Site of Special Scientific interest and we all have a duty to protect it and its wildlife. For further information vit www.bristol.gov.ukychtoncourtestate SKYLARK PROTECTION AREA Ashton Court Estate is home to breeding Skylarks , which nest on the ground across the plateau area . They are easily disturbed by both humans and dogs . All nesting birds are legally protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 ( as amended ) The numbers of Skylarks have dropped in Britain by at least 60 % in the last 40 years Your co - operation will help with their recovery In this area you must : + Keep your dog on a short lead Stay on the mown and marked paths . ignoring the guidelines will lead to their further decline and potential prosecution . Ashton Court Estate is a Site of Special Scientific interest and we all have a duty to protect it and its wildlife . For further information vit www.bristol.gov.ukychtoncourtestate